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RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Is it normal, to have anxiety from socializing?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (24859points) 4 hours ago

I watched a YouTube video on introversion, and thay made that claim.

Could it be normal for me to have anxiety from simply socializing?

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3 Answers

smudges's avatar

Sure. I know I do, and other people I know do also. I can’t socialize more than 2–3 hours before I need a break to get my energy back. Socializing and the resulting anxiety wears me out. There have been times, even recently, where I haven’t left home for weeks because it was just too anxiety-producing.

jca2's avatar

Yes, it’s common.

elbanditoroso's avatar

There are also degrees of anxiety. For example, I’m not anxious or nervous in the social situation, but I don’t particularly enjoy it. A psychologist might ask if I don’t enjoy it because I’m anxious. But I’m not sure that’s it

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