General Question

chyna's avatar

Have you voted early?

Asked by chyna (51559points) 20 hours ago from iPhone

I’m in line now to vote early and there are 70 people in front of me!

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23 Answers

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Voted last Friday after lunch, it took 30 minutes from getting line to walking out.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Last Saturday morning. No line whatsoever.

janbb's avatar

Voted by mail and drop box 3 weeks ago.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

I voted by mail last week.

filmfann's avatar

Yes. Last week, by mail.

smudges's avatar

Last week in a drop box.

JLeslie's avatar

Handed in my mail-in ballot at an early voting center yesterday. There was a line of about 15 people (11:30am) for early voting, but my husband and I walked right in, no line, to put our mail-in ballots into the box.

Friends where I live are saying they have hit 45 minute lines at some voting centers, usually in the morning, which is typical the first few days of early voting. Afternoon is usually better, and then 5:00pm it can get busy again, people getting out of work.

I assume next week will have shorter lines all times of the day.

Trump has been telling his supporters to vote early and Dems tend to be paranoid they won’t be able to vote so they go the first day they can, so there is a lot of early voting happening.

jca2's avatar

I’m going to vote within the next week. Will report back.

Lines on Election Day might be too long plus if it happens to be cold and/or rainy, which is a possibility, I’ll wish i did it sooner.

chyna's avatar

@jca2 My thoughts, too.

JLeslie's avatar

@jca2 I still can’t believe NYS didn’t have early voting until recently.

Forever_Free's avatar

I will be doing early voting next week.

jonsblond's avatar

I voted absentee a couple weeks ago.

canidmajor's avatar

I’ll vote on election day because girl scouts sell cookies at our polls.

zenvelo's avatar

I voted by mail a week ago, since I will be out of the country the first half of November.

chyna's avatar

^Probably a good thing.

LifeQuestioner's avatar

I used to go vote early, as soon as that started being an option. But now I just dropped my ballot in the ballot box. So much easier, especially since with some of my health issues, standing in line for a long time is not the easiest thing.

LifeQuestioner's avatar

@JLeslie I was actually surprised that Trump did that this year, where he encouraged his followers to vote early. Does he somehow think that he’s going to end up with more votes by telling them that because that’s what happened last presidential election with the Democrats because so many of them voted early? Also, if he’s told them to vote early, then that totally destroys the argument that he made last time, where he said Democrats were cheating by voting early. It might make the race a little less skewed from early results, although some states, if I remember correctly don’t start telling the mail in ballots until after the election day results.

JLeslie's avatar

@LifeQuestioner Most of the extremely red states have early voting, their big attack is on mail-in voting. Although, some Republicans 4 years ago did make a point to say they are Election Day voters. I don’t remember if Trump was saying negative things about early voting, except that like you are saying now he was saying early counting on Election Day was favoring him and then “suddenly” he was losing and so there must be corruption.

It makes sense to encourage early voting. If you get sick or lazy on election day and don’t vote, that’s it, no time to make it up.

LifeQuestioner's avatar

^^I definitely think it makes sense! There has to be an election day because we have to say that if you haven’t voted by a certain date, it’s too late. Even mail in ballots have to be postmarked by election day if I’m not mistaken. But who wants to take the risk of it being a really rainy, nasty day on election day and then you know it’s going to be harder to motivate yourself to get out. In certain parts of the country it could already be snowing for that matter. And yes, you’re right. I forgot that the main attack was against mail-in voting.

Kardamom's avatar

I voted by mail 2 days after I got my ballot. My ballot was received, and counted on 10/11/2024

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

No, I don’t dare, I’m in Wisconsin.

In 2020 Republicans came within 1 WI Supreme Court vote of throwing out all the early/mail votes ONLY from Milwaukee and Dane counties, the 2 biggest and least-Republican counties in the state.

Since then I always vote in person. Wisconsin polls will be open
Tuesday, November 5, 2024 7.00 AM – 8.00 PM

JLeslie's avatar

@LifeQuestioner My state the mail-in ballot has to be received by Election Day, post mark doesn’t matter.

Brian1946's avatar

I’m going to put my ballot in a drop box on Oct 26.

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