Social Question

chyna's avatar

Less than 2 weeks until official voting. We've all made up our minds. Is there anything your candidate can say or do to change your vote?

Asked by chyna (51559points) 11 hours ago

I think if my candidate had killed someone, or said things that I believe would put Americans in the way of harm (and I HAVE to believe it) I would change my mind. Anyone else here that would change your mind? What would be the issue?

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7 Answers

LifeQuestioner's avatar

Well, first of all my changing my mind would not do me any good since I’ve already voted. But since I don’t think Kamala whatever do anything even come in close to the things that Trump has done, I would say no. And at this point, if some outrageous story came out about her, I would only suspect that the magas had somehow contrived a fake story.

elbanditoroso's avatar

No. Because I already voted.

But let’s say, hypothetically, that Trump denounced everything he has stood for, and began to sound like a liberal, thinking person. That he recanted his hatred of immigrants, that he disavows MAGA, that he is pro-abortion rights – let’s say that he completely changes his tune.

Who would believe him?

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

My official ballot arrives by mail for every election. I officially voted last week.

janbb's avatar

Nope. I voted already.

Dutchess_III's avatar

If she became a trump supporter.

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