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gorillapaws's avatar

What did you think of Israelism, the film?

Asked by gorillapaws (30783points) 11 hours ago

Israelism is a film made before 10/7 and was released with much controversy in 2023 for screenings at various film festivals. There have been protests and accusations that the film is, itself anti-semitic.

Al Jazeera has apparently acquired the rights to host the film for free on its YouTube channel as it’s featured documentary. What did you think of the film? Was it anti-Semitic in your view? Were you surprised by anything in the film?

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5 Answers

gondwanalon's avatar

Propaganda mostly.

Israel has a right to its self defense against aggression towards them by terrorist groups in Palestine and elsewhere.

Israel doesn’t target innocent civilians (like the Islamic, Muslim terrorist group Hamas does) but Israel does get very tough against those who seek to do harm (such as kill innocent people, rape and torture innocent people, take hostages etc).

War is crazy. Bad things happen on both sides of this current conflict (that Israel did not start).

gorillapaws's avatar

@gondwanalon Did you watch the film? It’s about Jewish activists and takes place before the current war started.

gondwanalon's avatar

^Many years of terrorists attacks occurred before the current war.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

Israel doesn’t target innocent civilians


The 40,000+ Gazans killed by Israel (so far) were not 40,000 combatants.

Proportionality is a measure of “justifiable” or “legitimate” war. By any reasonable measure Israel is engaging in a massacre of civilians at the least.

Reasonable people, including millions of Jews inside and outside Israel, are rightly disgusted, ashamed and horrified at the Israeli government’s slaughter. It is indefensible.

gorillapaws's avatar

Let’s keep the conversation about the film. The film doesn’t mention the war in Gaza.

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