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Mimishu1995's avatar

Does calligraphy really relax your mind?

Asked by Mimishu1995 (23766points) 3 hours ago

I recently took up Japanese calligraphy. I have heard a lot said about it being an art that purify the mind and things like that. But so far I don’t feel relaxed much. I agonize over mistakes I make. I’m worried whether I’m writing in the right way, whether I have the right amount of ink. I haven’t seen the relaxing effect of it yet. I’m confused where the relaxing thing comes from.

If you have experience with calligraphy (any type of calligraphy, not just the type I’m doing), can you help me understand?

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3 Answers

LifeQuestioner's avatar

I’ve never done calligraphy, sorry, but my friends have always told me I should take it up because, back then at least, I had a very steady and neat handwriting. That’s changed somewhat as I’ve gotten older. But I always thought that I would be too nervous and stressed while trying to do it because I would want it to look perfect. So even though I have not had any actual experience, I kind of get where you’re coming from.

smudges's avatar

I’m guessing it’s like anything you want to do well – practice. Once you become proficient at it, that’s probably when it becomes relaxing. I can imagine that it would be.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

I learned some things about Japanese calligraphy when I lived there. Like many things in Japan, it’s meant to be meditative.

Start by relaxing. When you’re doing each motion to prepare the ink and paper, be attentive only to the motions precisely while doing them. That’s key. Be attentive to exactly what motion you’re making.

When you’re actually writing, think about the stroke you are making. Don’t think ahead. Concentrate on just that stroke.

Like most things, it’s hard in the beginning. I think relaxation comes with practice. I wouldn’t worry too much that it doesn’t feel relaxing now. Keep practicing, and it will come.

Most of all, enjoy.

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