General Question

janbb's avatar

What can I do for a pinched nerve?

Asked by janbb (63186points) 1 day ago

I thought I just had a stiff neck but it’s persisted amd I believe it’s a pinched nerve between my neck and a shoulder. Taking some Motrin and applying heat. Anything else?

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15 Answers

Dutchess_III's avatar

Just moving as little as possible. When did it start?

janbb's avatar

@Dutch. About 5 days ago.

jca2's avatar

I know that not everybody believes in chiropractors, but a few years ago I had a neck problem where I couldn’t look over my right shoulder. If I had to look to the right, I had to turn my whole body. I went to a chiropractor once a week for about three or four months and it was totally better. He put heat on it, he cracked my neck, he massaged it (which felt really good). He did this after taking a few xrays of me standing and he talked to me also about my posture and how I sleep. I changed my sleeping habits – I no longer sleep on my stomach, which was what I used to do. He said when you sleep on your stomach, you’re twisting your spine. The chiropractor worked for me. I know some people think it’s quackery. Maybe some of them are.

canidmajor's avatar

Aw, ouch! I had good experience also with a chiropractor and that exact scenario a few years ago. My ulnar nerve was affected, and a couple of gentle adjustments corrected it.

janbb's avatar

I just messaged a “faith healer” I know to see if she does therapeutic massage/

Dutchess_III's avatar

My kids swear by chiropractors.

Blackwater_Park's avatar

@janbb I feel for you. Been dealing with it for months and finally had an x-ray that shows it. MRI next and probably physical therapy. Just don’t go to a chiropractor. They’re just as likely to make your condition worse. I’ll let you know how things turn out but in addition to what you are doing, I’m finding relief through stretching.

Pandora's avatar

I wouldn’t try heat. A pinched nerve is caused by inflammation, and heat doesn’t bring the inflammation down. However, I will point out that sometimes it doesn’t originate from where you think it is. I had horrible pain in my right arm, and it even felt like it was on fire and being broken out of the blue. Doc had my neck X-rayed, and sure enough, it was inflammation on a nerve on my neck. I didn’t feel the pain there but its a major nerve that shoots down your arm. All I could do was take motrin 800 for weeks to relieve the inflammation. The pain subsided in one day, but I had no feeling in my hand for weeks and no arm strength.
I say see a doctor to be sure you are treating the right place. In the meantime a nice soak or two in a warm bath with Epsom salt should help.

janbb's avatar

@Pandora I have a regular appointment with my Doc for Friday.

cookieman's avatar

I’ve had really good results from acupuncture in treating pinched nerves in my neck and shoulders.

snowberry's avatar

When searching for somebody to help me with a particular problem with my body, I always go with the least invasive first. So if the chiropractor didn’t work out, then I would choose a surgeon.

Zaku's avatar

Avoid re-pinching and wait for it to recover.

Feldenkrais is great help for such situations because you learn to move in ways that won’t re-stress strained body parts.

JLeslie's avatar

Rolled up towel behind your neck and lie on your back. It should be comfortable. Not flat on your back, you can be propped up with pillows.

Even sitting up, be in a high back sofa or chair, and have the towel behind your neck, but I recommend being reclined.

Holding your head up you are using muscles you don’t even realize, you need to let them relax.

The ibuprofen is good too.

You can use the towel if you sleep on your side too. It should be comfortable, not too big or two small.

I wouldn’t do heat or cold.

janbb's avatar

I’ve got an appointment for a therapeutic massage on Tuesday with the holistic healer I know. I’m thinking it may just be tightness rather than a pinched nerves but it sure hurts.

seawulf575's avatar

I’ve always found massage therapy to work wonders for me with things like that.

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