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mazingerz88's avatar

Is this a victory for Trump’s fascism over American free press?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29393points) October 26th, 2024 from iPhone

Both the owners of the LA Times and the Washington Post directed their paper not to endorse any Presidential candidate in this coming 2024 election. Which led to some resignations by their journalist employees.

There is speculation that these owners did this in anticipation of a potential Trump victory and neither one wants their businesses to be the target of political retribution.

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41 Answers

jca2's avatar

It’s kind of a victory and it’s definitely sad.

mazingerz88's avatar

^^I think the WP paper has the words “Democracy Dies in Darkness” on its front page. Seems it is Bezos himself who also turned off one of the lights.

janbb's avatar

Sure seems to be.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Scary times.

canidmajor's avatar

The good news is that this is a major story in and of itself, which helps negate the acts.

chyna's avatar

Seems to be.

Blackwater_Park's avatar

Papers should not be endorsing candidates. If they do, they’re not reliable news sources anymore. I’m under no illusion that they were anyway though.

janbb's avatar

@Blackwater_Park Newspapers have two distinct functions. One is news and the other is opinion.

Blackwater_Park's avatar

I’m of the opinion that “opinion” pieces simply advertise what political spin the paper puts on the regular news.

mazingerz88's avatar

^^Are all political editorial opinions just political spin to you?

canidmajor's avatar

Gosh, isn’t it a good thing that you are not held down and forced to read opinions you may get nt share! <eyeroll>

Blackwater_Park's avatar

@mazingerz88 No, not all, just the bulk of them. They always seem to be politically charged but it does depend on the subject. If you want to reveal the bias of a news outlet, read the opinion columns.

Blackwater_Park's avatar

@canidmajor Sometimes I do share the opinions.

mazingerz88's avatar

^^Spin. Politically charged. Bias. The bulk but not all of them yes?

What if the LA Times and the WP editorial opinions do not fall in those categories, would you agree that their owners are wrong and their papers should endorse? Also that it
is troubling the reason behind their decisions?

Blackwater_Park's avatar

@mazingerz88 I’m not sure what you’re asking

mazingerz88's avatar

^^You said papers should not be endorsing candidates. Does that also apply to editorial endorsements that are not included in that bulk of spin editorials you mentioned?

MrGrimm888's avatar

It is more a sign of the times.
Most of the world, is bracing for a possible 2nd Trump presidency.

Blackwater_Park's avatar

@mazingerz88 More of a grey area IMO, but in poor taste for sure.

seawulf575's avatar

Gee, it could be. OR it could be that all the lying media is finally waking up to the fact that the American public is wise to their b.s. They realize Kamala isn’t gaining any ground no matter how much propaganda they spew for her because the people no longer trust the media. When the public no longer believes the media, they need to do a course correction or they end up losing so much income that they cannot survive.

The media is supposed to report the news with facts, not throw out opinion presented as facts. They are not supposed to lie, selectively edit to change meaning or content, take stuff out of context, etc. The propagandist media has done all these things for so long that their favorability and trust factor is less than that of Congress. And that is a sad statement.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Any paper can express opinions and endorae candidates except non-profits. Its freedom of speech and press.
If the owners have chose not to so they likely see it as a possible loss of revenue to endorse.
I doubt Trump cares, he’s used to being trashed by the media. Shrug.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Wulfie you like your hero keep saying the lying,crooked media, when asked to prove it you only bring up the same kid that won his case, but your beloved Fox had to pay hundreds of millions in fines, your hero says lie after lie and the media barely says a peep, like children getting sex change operations in school ,or immigrants eating peoples pets,if a Democrat said those things it would be on the news non stop, I believe the media over sensationalize a lot of stories,but out right lie like you fright wingers believe not so much if true they would be sued as much as your beloved Fox.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 Rather like your CBC Tv which is perceived as the most biased national news media by t0% of Canadians overall. And happens to lean Left. Haha!

You really put yourself out here casting stones from a glass house. Maybe give The News Forum a try! :)

seawulf575's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 I’ve given example after example after example on thread after thread. The problem is you don’t want to admit it is true. Because if you admitted it was true you’d have to accept you’ve bought into the propaganda lies. And if you did that you’d have to admit your entire belief system is likely flawed, not to mention your gullibility would be for shit. I’ve brought up Sandmann as a perfect example. Hunter’s Laptop is a perfect example. The Charlottesville Lie is a perfect example. Russia Collusion is a perfect example. Last week’s 60 minutes interview with Kamala is a perfect example. In all of these cases the media failed to do any investigation and just pushed whatever story helped the Dems the most. And they repeated it over and over and over again. Even their Trump lie count is a lie. The Washington Post started keeping track of all of Trump’s lies. Every time he denied having anything to do with Russia during the 2016 election, they called it a lie. How do they know it was a lie? Because that is the Dem narrative that was to be pushed. So they counted thousands of lies just on that. Ditto that on all the other issues I just mentioned. If Trump denied them they counted it as a lie. They got upwards of 31,000 lies. Yet most of those were completely wrong. They just never took them off the list of lies. Because that would show how biased they were if that number had to go from 31000 down to some significantly lower number. And it would be admitting that they were just working for the Dems.

In this country, the press is supposed to be impartial. That is what makes them the watchdogs of our government. When they are playing along with one major party, that is no longer true and they begin the process of building a Fascist dictatorship with themselves positioned to be the propaganda wing.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Or how you totally believed the 5 million dollar bribe that Joe and Hunter were so guilty of to oh wait a minute was totally fabricated!
That sort of thing?
Or there was over a dozen indictments on the collusion thing but yup no collusion here might as well go home.
I know nothing of redoing an interview, so can’t comment.
As for the Lap Top, MGT posted a home made porn movie that was on it, if there was more damning stuff on it she is wacky enough to make it public ,she would have had no problem posting it as well.
HOW COME she didn’t??

SQUEEKY2's avatar

I will agree with you on one thing, news sources are supposed to be unbiased and that most of them swing left or right is wrong.

LifeQuestioner's avatar

I don’t think it’s a positive thing that has just happened, but how many of us actually decide how to vote based on a newspaper? Maybe that’s not a fair question because I never was much of a newspaper reader. Something about the tactile feel and the newsprint that was constantly coming off on your fingers that I couldn’t stand. But then I’ve never been one to let other people form my opinions for me.

Interestingly enough, I learned yesterday that Disney never endorses a presidential candidate, and yet you don’t see people boycotting them, except maybe Ron DeSantis. It’s kind of funny though that he got married there back when.

MrGrimm888's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 Conservatives don’t care that FOX “News” lies.

They are clearly hypocrites.
It’s amazing reading Wulf’s opinion that he thinks the media should be more truthful. As he is a FOX advocate.

Wulf is very concerned about people’s false realities being brought down by the truth, but should be VERY careful with this concept. This is the source, of the conservatives’ anger.
Fear that liberal policies will rightfully seperate church and state forever. Mainly through keeping prayer from being mandatory, and teaching science, rather than the Christian mythology.
The conservatives have already seen the severe damage higher education has, on their religion.
Yes. There is an interesting link between the informed, and the one’s whose parents can keep them brainwashed.

Once the conservatives lose the advantage of Chris indoctrination in public schools for good, the religion will die even faster in America.

Eventually, educated people won’t even vote, for a theist.
When a religion loses the massive advantage of having representation in a nation’s government, it will have to find new victims.

That cannot happen.

These idiots, think their “God” saved Trump?

However the connection was made, in their heads, to be anti-Trump, is to be anti-Christian.

Truth, is a real problem for conservatives. It means they have wasted their lives, believing in an imaginary being, that is the result of a scam to control people. THAT is such an unpleasant idea, that it is deemed best to do whatever possible to stop that seed of doubt in their minds from growing any further.

Conservatives NEED lies, no different from a really bad drug addict. Without lies, their whole lives fall apart.

Trump supporters, are cowards.
Afraid to face the harsh facts of reality. Trump helps them keep stay blissfully ignorant.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

A 1000 GA’s @MrGrimm888 .

seawulf575's avatar

@MrGrimm888 GA! Oh wait….not. You once again make an assumption, assign it to me so that the rest of your diatribe makes sense. I don’t watch Fox News. I’ve said this a number of times before, but it always pokes holes in bullshit claims like you make, so you all just ignore it. And I have certainly never said conservative outlets don’t skew things or lie about them. I’ve seen it on the large and small outlets. But since there are so many more lefty outlets, they tend to get a lot more heat. But it is interesting to me that you call me a hypocrite. Where is the condemnation of the left wing outlets that lie endlessly? Oh yeah, that’s right. They don’t lie in your mind. You believe every single thing they put out, no matter how outrageous. You don’t even bother to look up facts since you believe anything they say is a fact. You are indeed pitiful.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

But Wulfie you seem to agree with the fright wing lies like the 5million dollar bribe that turned out to be a total LIE,but it fit in with your hate for the democrats.
Or like a dog with a bone that evil lap top but the only thing that came out of it was a home made porn movie.
You say the left spout nothing but lies, but barely a peep over the people eating pets, if Biden had said that they would be reporting it non stop.
Your hate for the democrats is getting old.
You have said you don’t like your hero’s hateful rhetoric but you seldom call it out.

LifeQuestioner's avatar

We will disagree of course, but Christianity is not going anywhere. But I do agree that it shouldn’t be part of the government.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Wulf. You keep trying to seperate yourself from conservative extremes, yet you parrot their every word.

I am going to keep “assigning” assumptions about you.
Especially since you galvanize them, at your every convenience.

If YOU want credit, for creating the stupid lies the right tries to spread, I can’t give it to you.
I’ll award you a “spreading misinformation” trophy.

You are apparently incapable, of accepting facts. You certainly cannot help Trump, by trying to say that the media is why he’s always caught saying or doing something really bad.

As I’ve said, you’re a victim of Trump’s. You display all of symptoms, of a victim of a cult.
I offer you support, in these trying times.

seawulf575's avatar

@MrGrimm888 Of course I share views with other conservatives! It would be weird if I didn’t. I wouldn’t be a conservative. But here’s your problem: you state a claim about me (I am a FOX news advocate, e.g.). You then use that claim, which is false, as a basis to make other claims about me (I don’t care that FOX lies e.g.). You then take all that, that you have built up and none of which is vaguely true, and then make other assumption. The entire thing ends up being one long narrative that stretches on for paragraphs, all built upon false assumptions and lies. That is who you have become. PLEASE, take this thread to your therapist to let them see exactly how deranged you are becoming. You need help.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^You have built your own reputation, in regards to political biases. You have clearly defined your ideologies, and have left little room for assumptions.

seawulf575's avatar

^Apparently I haven’t. You continually try to rewrite my views to fit what you want them to be. You, on the other hand, have shown your ideologies quite clearly.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^I have simply been reactionary.
Often quoting you, before I respond.

I would hope my ideologies are clear. But you continue to call me a Democrat, because I don’t want a career criminal in the Whitehouse.
You called Obama my “hero,” recently. Interestingly, I didn’t vote for him, but you claim YOU did.
Is that what fuels your irrational anger? Are you mad, at yourself for “ruining the country?”

seawulf575's avatar

^Your ideologies are clear. TDS is a big part of it. You push Trump into just about every thread. Every single thing reminds you of him, apparently. Combine that with you having a really hard time admitting to the criminal things being done by Democrats and total adherence to whatever the MSM spews at you paints a pretty clear picture of your political leanings. Someone with that much angst, irrational hatred, and bias cannot be anything but a Democrat. Your own words attest to your ideology.

As for Obama, yes, I did vote for him…once. I really didn’t like McCain. Obama made me nervous because of how quickly he rose from rabble rouser in Chicago to running for POTUS and because I detected duplicity in his speeches. But the unknown was, to me, less wrong than the known weirdness of McCain. It’s interesting that you think that would bring me to irrational anger. I can readily explain my thinking on the issue. I learned from my mistake. I don’t hold a God complex that would make me think mine was the sole vote that put him into office. But here’s a thought for you: I claim to be an Independent. I voted for a Democrat and I’ve voted for Republicans (and 3rd party candidates). So let me ask you, what Republicans have you ever voted for?

MrGrimm888's avatar

^I’ve never voted, and likely never will.
A BIG reason, why you shouldn’t care what I think.

I don’t know WHAT causes, your irrational anger. I was just trying to guess. Because, you clearly have a LOT of irrational things making you angry.

Your “duplicity” and “weirdness” meters, may need repair.

Either your reading, or comprehension skills need work too. As you repeatedly link me to dems, despite my opinion that all of DC could burn for all I care.

Sorry Wulf. Believe it or not, some people just hate Trump because they don’t want a career criminal driving the US into bankruptcy, to line his own pockets, or a criminal using his political office solely to enrich himself and feed his pathetic ego.

I’ve hated ALL kinds of politicians Wulf, and with valid reasons.

So let me ask you, what Trump crime (including the ones on tape,) have you ever wanted him held accountable for? Mr. Independent…

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Sorry @MrGrimm888 Wulfie thinks all of Trumps crimes are trumped<sorry for the pun .up by the democrats ,like the document case is no more serious than an over due library book, or the real-estate fraud everyone does it the dems are just trying to get to the don father.
He even had an excuse for the Georgia case I just can’t remember what that was .

seawulf575's avatar

@MrGrimm888 Okay, you don’t vote. So why are you so upset about Trump all the time? You aren’t willing to even make the effort to vote but you are completely unhinged about him. That sounds really weird to me. Either you don’t care or you do care. What you are doing is whining. Don’t like the question of what Republicans have you ever voted for? Okay, what Republicans have you ever thought were good candidates? I can imagine a few that have been completely disowned by the Republican party, but I’d love to hear your views.

As for your assessment of Trump, the one I particularly love is the “lining his own pockets” argument. You do realize he didn’t take a salary his first time around, right? You realize that unlike most politicians in our government he ended up coming out of office worse off financially than when he went in? You realize that all the lawfare the Dems pushed was just to drain his bank accounts, right? And you realize that you are supporting a political party persecuting their political rivals, right? You know…threatening Democracy?

MrGrimm888's avatar

^I’ve been over this.
I WILL vote, if a candidate deserves my vote.
My vote, doesn’t go to the lesser of two evils. It NEVER will.

Sorry to rain on your parade, but American “democracy” is similar to organized religion.
It’s purpose, is to control people.

By giving Americans one candidate to represent the two largest political parties, they actually are forcing you to sign off on one or the other. IF you vote.

The wealthy have long controlled America. No different, than in any other country, in that regard.

George Washington was/is the only US president, ever elected by the people. (People/white men who could vote.)

Even 500 years before Christianity, when democracy was first evolving in ancient Greece, “the politician” was already around.

It is my opinion, that politicians, ruin politics. People who have no talent or strength to aid them in society, try to get by by using others.

The entire purpose of either an organized religion (with it’s own laws,) or a government, is to control large amounts of people.
Sure. There are other reasons, but those are the primary reasons for each.

People are unpredictable, dangerous, and impossible to keep content.
Religion, (typically) provides an intangible promise of an ideal afterlife, for a life of service.
Great scam.

In America, we have a “democratic republic.”
Really, it’s not that, it’s many types of governments and concepts from many types of governments.
But. The one “right,” each American really has, is their vote. If this were a democracy.

George Washington, was an actual democratically elected president. The only one, as it was solely people’s understanding of his commitment, leadership, and courage. No campaigns. No negative ads. No October photos of Washington with a young slave girl. No politics…

The two parties that developed out of the Civil War, and happenstance, are of course the Democrats and Republicans.

While two parties, are unquestionably better than one, that’s about where the benefits of those two ends.

I’ve said it before; I think that if someone has risen to the point that they are being considered for the presidential office, they undoubtedly committed any number of crimes to get there.
Some, are worse than others, but they ALL abuse our trust and ALL line their own pockets.

I believe that the wealthiest Americans position several people (people who will play ball,) to run for POTUS.
Eventually, they work down to just one person to represent each party.
The wealthy, (as evidenced by Trump donating to Harris,) are trying to play both sides.
But really, the wealthy are going to be represented and taken care of, by ANY president.
Some wealthy corporations will lose and gain, with each election, but none will sink.

I once thought Obama, was the closest thing to someone I would ever vote for.
As he was taking over for GWB, Obama (like ALL recent dem presidents) inherited an economy in terrible shape.
The Wallstreet giants, whom were “too big to fail,” were not only failing, they were going to ruin some very wealthy Americans.
It gave me great amusement, at the time, that so many wealthy people, would suddenly be almost middle class. A fate, worse than death, for the wealthy.
Obama, was/is a great man.
I believe that he was the best POTUS, in decades.
However. Obama came from Chicago, and rose quickly in that environment.
All politicians are essentially owned, by one or more wealthy people/corporations.
Obama knew how “things are,” from his Chicago days. Maybe sooner.
When the big banks were failing (solely because of their greed,) Obama followed orders that every POTUS would have had to.
The wealthy people pulled their strings, until they pulled Obama’s. Make no mistake Wulf, Trump has some of the same masters.

I’m no stranger, to a pawn shop.
I haven’t been in one in years, but at the same time Obama bailed those big banks out, I had to pawn things if I couldn’t make ends meet.
Wealthy people, don’t have to ever really worry, about not being wealthy.

The wealthy elite control things, and our politicians are just leeches or whores…

It’s a big scam, to keep them perpetually in power.
“They” give Americans two people, that they think they own.
If you don’t vote for one of the two major party representatives, you may as well not have voted.

So. They wager, and they’re correct, that people will pick the most appealing/least agonizing of the two and vote for one of them.
When everything is fucked up, they can point to our election and say “you had a choice.”

By voting, one is under the impression, that they control their lives.
The illusion of control, is necessary, for keeping the people from revolting.

Your take, that the dems, are the ones threatening democracy is quite expected.
Your take, that I am supporting any political party, just shows me what I already know about your reading and comprehension…

I’m still curious about which crimes of Trump’s, you believe that he should be held accountable for?
Mr. Independent.

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