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jonsblond's avatar

I’m finding myself falling into a deep depression and I don’t know what to do. Can you help?

Asked by jonsblond (44177points) 2 hours ago from iPhone

I suffer from anxiety and depression and usually have it under control. I think my current depression is mostly situational.

I lost my job due to an injury and I was the one in the family with health insurance, so at this moment we are uninsured. I’ve been dealing with several health issues and now have to cancel appointments. I’m depressed about taking the job and leaving my old employer. I was miserable at my new job. I wish I had never left my previous employer.

We are in a moderate drought where I live. I’ve never seen so many warm, sunny days while living in Wisconsin. I love it here because we usually get weather! Clouds, rain, fog, mist. I miss it all so much. If I wanted to live in a desert climate I’d move back to Vegas. This dry weather has gotten me very depressed.

I live in a swing state so we are being bombarded by disgusting attack ads from the Republicans that are full of disinformation and fear mongering. October is my favorite month so I usually have scary movies or shows on the television. Every commercial is Trump or Hovde making false claims about the trans community. On top of this all I just learned that these attack ads are helping! People actually like the hateful speech coming from the Trump campaign.

I have so much negativity coming at me at once and I don’t know how to get out of it, and I can’t see my doctor for help.

Do you have any suggestions for me? Anything at all, even a suggestion for a light hearted movie would be appreciated.

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17 Answers

Tropical_Willie's avatar

To make an appointment, call 608–265-4972 option 2.

jonsblond's avatar

Thank you for doing the research!

chyna's avatar

Two Weeks Notice with Sandra Bullock and Hugh Grant always makes me laugh.
I’m very sorry you are going through this. Is there any way to get your old job back? I do know you have already thought of that. I’m just wanting to help and don’t know how. I’m hoping after the election things will quiet down, but we all know trump can’t shut up whether he wins or loses. Take care of yourself, first and foremost. Don’t forget to eat.

janbb's avatar

So sorry to hear this. No great advice at the moment but sending a hug.

longgone's avatar

It depends on how depressed you are, but if it’s enough to make daily functioning difficult: K. C. Davies has an audio book about getting through those very difficult times. It’s called “How to Keep House While Drowning”, and you can get it for free by doing a thirty day trial with Spotify or, for example, this website.

The title is misleading, it is not primarily about housework. Rather, it has practical ideas for surviving very difficult days by being kind to yourself.

Also, you are not alone. It can help to know that. Any chance there’s free group therapy in your area? Universities offer that sometimes, or there might be mental health organizations who can give you some info.

I’m sorry. It’s so difficult. For some lighthearted fun – when I was really depressed, the only show that would still sometimes make me laugh was the British version of Taskmaster. It’s very British, so not everybody’s cup of tea. Quite silly, but also smart. Nothing truly bad ever happens in the world of Taskmaster, everyone is only interested in games, riddles, and pranks.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

I understand depression intimately. I’m sorry it’s dire for you right now. It just sucks bad. I’ve been there.

I watched Looney Tunes on YouTube. Those lifted me every single time.

Cooking helped. I would surround myself with cooking odors. Absolutely anything cooking is therapeutic. I love the smell of cinnamon, so something simple like oatmeal with cinnamon was good to smell.

I hope cold weather comes for you soon.

jonsblond's avatar

Thank you so much. All of you! <3

janbb's avatar

Oh – longgone just reminded me. The Great British Baking Show on Netflix got me through the pandemic and a new series is on now. Nothing really bad happens in the tent and the people are really nice to each other. There are several seasons you can watch.

jonsblond's avatar

At this point I’m ready to give up on Halloween and watch Christmas movies.

JLeslie's avatar

You’ve identified some of the things causing your anxiety and depression, I think do your best to avoid them. There is light at the end of the tunnel, the election is over Nov 5th, so the commercials will go away.

Can you record Halloween movies so you can fast forward the commercials? Or, borrow DVD’s from the library if you have a DVD player? What about a streaming service for 30 day free trial with no commercials?

I promise the weather will change and you will get some of the fall weather, and soon after it will turn into winter.

I can understand why the job thing has you down. My husband and I both have been through big disappointments and frustrations at times with jobs, careers, work, and it was really hard on us as individuals and as a couple. I wasn’t great at dealing with it.

It’s Christmas hire season, I think you can find a job at a retailer if you walk into several stores. It might wind up only being through the Christmas season, but sometimes it turns into a permanent job. If you don’t like it you can just leave in January saying you only expected to work for Christmas. It can be just part-time if you don’t want to work a lot, but it will put some cash in your pocket. Only negative is working Black Friday and some weekend days and probably Christmas Eve day.

Did you try going through the ACA marketplace for health insurance? Did you ask the doctors how much self pay is before you cancelled appointments?

If you think talking to a counselor will help pursue it, but if you have been through the routine before you probably can get through it without. You’re legitimately dealing with a lot of negative things at once right now.

jonsblond's avatar

^The good news is my husband found a new job the beginning of September. He’s the fabrication lead of a new start up company. It pays fairly well. Since it’s a small company they don’t offer insurance but they will reimburse us once we find something. We can get by with me finding part time work, plus part time gives me time to help my father.

JLeslie's avatar

@jonsblond That does sound good.

Open enrollment for ACA starts November 1st I think if you missed the window to get insurance when you left your job.

Also, you live in a place that is overall similar to your politics and supportive of your family. I’m assuming it still feels that way to you there. Does your youngest still live with you? Did he graduate already?

jonsblond's avatar

^Our youngest is still living with us. He’s almost 21 and working full time. He’s made a great supportive circle of friends here and is doing well. He’s saving money so he can move in with some friends next year. Thank you for asking. <3

JLeslie's avatar

^^That’s wonderful. Wow, time flies. I can’t believe he’s 21 now.

Maybe give yourself a mental break regarding the politics and the trans issues. Your son is doing well, an adult, and overall he is safe.

jonsblond's avatar

^Thank you. My son is safe but there are many who aren’t. You aren’t privy to the horror stories I hear from other parents. Many are not able to just up and move how my family did.

JLeslie's avatar

@jonsblond I don’t doubt it, but you can take a break from it sometimes and then go back to helping when you are feeling better. You’re important too.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@jonsblond Promise me you will call 608–265–4972 option 2. on Monday ?

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