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jonsblond's avatar

I’m finding myself falling into a deep depression and I don’t know what to do. Can you help?

Asked by jonsblond (44447points) October 27th, 2024 from iPhone

I suffer from anxiety and depression and usually have it under control. I think my current depression is mostly situational.

I lost my job due to an injury and I was the one in the family with health insurance, so at this moment we are uninsured. I’ve been dealing with several health issues and now have to cancel appointments. I’m depressed about taking the job and leaving my old employer. I was miserable at my new job. I wish I had never left my previous employer.

We are in a moderate drought where I live. I’ve never seen so many warm, sunny days while living in Wisconsin. I love it here because we usually get weather! Clouds, rain, fog, mist. I miss it all so much. If I wanted to live in a desert climate I’d move back to Vegas. This dry weather has gotten me very depressed.

I live in a swing state so we are being bombarded by disgusting attack ads from the Republicans that are full of disinformation and fear mongering. October is my favorite month so I usually have scary movies or shows on the television. Every commercial is Trump or Hovde making false claims about the trans community. On top of this all I just learned that these attack ads are helping! People actually like the hateful speech coming from the Trump campaign.

I have so much negativity coming at me at once and I don’t know how to get out of it, and I can’t see my doctor for help.

Do you have any suggestions for me? Anything at all, even a suggestion for a light hearted movie would be appreciated.

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