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filmfann's avatar

Any suggestions on purchasing a new Honda CR-V?

Asked by filmfann (52621points) October 27th, 2024 from iPhone

We nearly bought one today, but decided to make sure no one has bad experiences with them.

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13 Answers

jca2's avatar

I have a 2015 one 220k miles in it, no major issues yet. My next car will be the same, because it’s such a great car.

canidmajor's avatar

I’m on my second one (only because someone hit my previous 11 year old CRV in a parking lot and bent the frame). This one, like @jca2,’s is a 2015, but much lower mileage. My daughter has the same year/model much higher mileage than mine, never a problem. Tire replacement (normal), battery replacement (also normal) and that’s it. I can’t recommend highly enough.

If I get another car, it will be a CRV hybrid.

gorillapaws's avatar

I’m just curious why it’s important to get a new one and not one that’s a couple of years old? My understanding is that Hondas are very reliable (my wife loved her 4-door Civic), so it would make a lot of sense financially to get one that’s much less expensive but is still basically “new.”

Ultimately, I’d be looking at a used EV SUV. There are some amazing deals and incentives available if you can find one under $25k. My wife and I both have EVs now and it’s an amazing feeling never having to get oil changes and only having to worry about the current price of gas when I need to run the power washer or the heavy duty leaf blower. I net about $2,000 in savings per year as a result.

elbanditoroso's avatar

My sister has had a couple – she drives them until they get tired of it, then get the latest model.

It’s a good car.

zenvelo's avatar

I have a 2021 Hybrid CRV, and love it! Comfy, good visibility, holds a lot, drives well, has plenty of pep.

The argument for a newer model is all the added features like sensors.

I had a 1999 CRV that lasted 21 years. I drove that one hard, taught both kids how to drive in it, and had a few accidents in it. It was a great car.

My girlfriend has a 2024 RAV 4 hybrid, and I have driven it on some long road trips. It too is a great car, but just a few small things make me like my CRV a little bit more.

jca2's avatar

My car before the CRV was a regular compact car (Honda Civic). When I got the CRV, I remember someone at work asked me how I liked driving in it. I said “it feels like I’m flying.” When my daughter first drove it, she said it felt like she was in a space ship. I said it is a space ship lol.

JLeslie's avatar

I’ve never had a CRV, but I loved every Honda I have had, no problems. I had an Acura once also, it was great.

chyna's avatar

That will be my next vehicle, but probably not until next year.

canidmajor's avatar

@chyna You’ll love it!

jca2's avatar

@chyna When I bought mine, at that time it was the most popular SUV in the country (by sales).

MrGrimm888's avatar

I think the Honda brand, is very well reputed, and rightfully so.

I assume that things will get shittier/cheaper as we go forward, so some parts may eventually lead to overall quality issues, but historically it’s a great brand.

If you are a minimum maintenance person, Hondas are great for that.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

If you are going to buy used, look up Carfax on the vehicle.

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