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RedDeerGuy1's avatar

What are some tips on waking up in the morning?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25193points) October 29th, 2024

To being happy to wake up?

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25 Answers

LifeQuestioner's avatar

Sleeping as late as you want? Otherwise, I don’t know. Unless you have some work from home type job, you’re probably going to have to get up earlier than you want to. I struggle to get out of bed, but once I’m up and getting dressed and then having breakfast, I seem to be okay. It’s just that initial rolling out of bed. But obviously, getting to bed at a decent hour helps because then you’re better rested. Unfortunately, that is one of my biggest struggles because I’m a night owl.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I’m never happy about getting up!

zenvelo's avatar

Getting to bed early. Then getting up when you are rested.

Having a coffee maker that brews at a set time every morning takes about four instances of frustration out of every morning.

Oh, and make sure your room is dark, no lights from devices charging or any screens on. No blue or green or red lights.

snowberry's avatar

It’s all about how much sleep you get, Deprive yourself of what your body needs, and you will pay the price by not being able to wake up in the morning. So….

Go to bed early enough that you’ll have had 8 hours to sleep. Do it consistently. Avoid caffeinated drinks 10 hours before bedtime. (Caffeine stays in the system for up to 10 hours.) develop a bedtime routine, so your body and mind will recognize that it’s time for bed. Avoid computer and phone use before bedtime.

Make sure your Vitamin D level, is right, that you have adequate Magnesium, B vitamins, etc.

LuckyGuy's avatar

Two things:
1) Before I go to bed I decide what I will have for breakfast. Sometimes I write myself a note as a reminder. It gives me something to look forward to.

2) I set my coffee make to turn on automatically a few minutes before I plan to get up.
In the morning I hear the coffee maker hissing and I think of that nice warm mug waiting for me.

Blackwater_Park's avatar

Go to be earlier so you get enough sleep and can wake up naturally. Everything else is a gimmick.

Bill1939's avatar

As much as is reasonable, go to bed every night and wake up every morning at the same time. Your body knows how much sleep you need, usually between seven and nine hours. It is prepared to fall asleep quickly and awake without a ringing alarm.

I have a morning routine that lasts about an hour or so. After dressing, I turn on the coffee pot that was prepared the night before, pour a cup of coffee from yesterday’s brew waiting in the carafe, and place it in the microwave. Next, prepared for the weather, I go onto my front porch with my coffee and sitting comfortably watch the sky gradually brighten.

Slowly breathing deeply I allow thoughts to flow into my consciousness. Sometimes they are about the day before or about the day ahead. Other times, they embrace the wonders of the universe and the oneness of all forms of life here on our planet racing with the solar system on the edge of one of our galaxy’s long arms spinning around an immense black hole.

Thirty or so minutes pass while I slowly empty my cup. Finished I continue the morning’s ritual preparation for the day’s activities.

Forever_Free's avatar

Waking up happy is all relative to how happy you are and do you have purpose to get up.
Purpose in your life means so much.

elbanditoroso's avatar

I have always been a quick (and early) waker – there’s nothing unwelcome or traumatic for me about getting up. Morning coffee starts my day.

Note: this is the opposite of my younger daughter, who, if given the chance, would sleep past noon every day.

jca2's avatar

I think everyone has a sleep cycle that works for them, and if you don’t have to wake up early and you don’t need to wake up early, don’t stress yourself about waking up early. Go to sleep at a time that’s good for you and wake up when you feel rested. If you feel that you’re sleeping too much or are feeling too lazy, then make an adjustment but otherwise, try not to stress over it.

Dutchess_III's avatar

As a bit of an aside, for the first time in 22 years I’m able to sleep according to my preference. Door shut, no lights. I’m sleeping better at long last.

gorillapaws's avatar

Not sure if it increases your happiness (likely the opposite) but THIS will get you out of bed reliably every morning.

mazingerz88's avatar

To being happy to wake up? The closest I can get to something resembling being happy is opening my eyes and immediately realizing that I indeed woke up and is still alive.

kruger_d's avatar

After a bout of plantar fasciitis I got in the habit of stretching my feet/legs before getting out of bed. That seems to help get my brain moving, too.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Go to bed 8 hours before you need to get up, have a loud alarm clock ! !

You can’t stay up until 3 AM and get up at 7 AM !

smudges's avatar

That’s 2 different questions. Being happy waking up means being pretty happy with your life.

Tips for waking up, well, it would be best to go to sleep before midnight. As I remember you’re usually in bed but stay on your phone/computer until 3 or 4 am, then don’t get up until afternoon.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@smudges Ok thanks. I will go to bed from 11pm – 8am. My leases quiet hours.

snowberry's avatar

And stay off of electronics for 2 hours before bedtime.

mazingerz88's avatar

^^Impossible. For me.

jca2's avatar

Some people are morning people and some people are night owls. if you’re a night owl, don’t stress to try to make yourself a morning person. If you have to, then yes, of course, like if you got a job and you had to get up early, then you’d need to adjust. But if you don’t have to, don’t stress over it.

mazingerz88's avatar

^^Are there owls who are day owls?

jca2's avatar

Early birds and night owls hahaha.

Dutchess_III's avatar

We saw some baby day owls in our back yard one morning. They were playing in a mud puddle.

mazingerz88's avatar

^^Babies. They haven’t been taught yet that they’re nocturnal creatures.

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