Social Question

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

What's your little joy?

Asked by Hawaii_Jake (37824points) October 30th, 2024

What little thing are you enthralled with?

I renewed my passport, and I got the passport card along with the regular book. I’m totally gaga. It’s completely out of proportion to the event of receiving them. I’ve studied the book and looked at all the blank pages. I got out my magnifying glass to study the minutiae of the card. I peered into all the tiny security details. I’m obsessed.

What mundane thing has you going nuts?

I’m labeling this question as No Politics Please. (Something that was discussed in the Meta Section some weeks ago.) Any political posts will be flagged.

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36 Answers

Forever_Free's avatar

New Photography Classes at Cornell. Somewhat mundane, but taking my lifelong hobby to another level already.

Blackwater_Park's avatar

I just upgraded the stylus on my turntable to a microlinear. Never thought the difference would be so huge. I’m going back and listening to my albums and hearing detail I never knew was there. Mind = Blown.

canidmajor's avatar

The seasonal switch over of critters in my little suburban neighborhood. Some have flown south, some are preparing for long naps, some are coming into their own. The cardinals are more evident and chatty, the raccoons are sluggish.

Watching them go about their natural business in the autumn is kind of soothing.

I always kinda miss Alan, my underdeck marmot in the winter, though.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Taking a shower and surviving!

jca2's avatar

The return of really nice weather. It’s going to be close to 80 tomorrow (Halloween). This weather is enabling me to spend time outside, enjoying the autumn splendor. When it gets cold, i tend to stay inside, under the blankets. I’m dreading that, but it’s postponed, at least for the next few days.

janbb's avatar

My hanging fuschia baskets are still blooming!

mazingerz88's avatar

Turkish coffee. Served in a pretty tiny cup and saucer with a small powdery Turkish delight on the side.

Zaku's avatar

My little cat!

Brian1946's avatar

My little joy is pictured in my avatar.

Her nicknames have generated some strong, but easily memorized passwords for me. ;-p

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

I just had a perfectly ripe banana.

LifeQuestioner's avatar

I don’t know how many of these things are mundane. But…

1) snow falling from the sky and gradually turning the world into a crisp, clean scenario, even if it won’t last.
2) cracking a new book open that I’ve been wanting to read for a while.
3) finally finding a really good TV show or movie that I want to watch among all the crap that is out there today
4) Friday nights, when the whole potential of the weekend is ahead of me.

@Dutchess_III is that one in the same thing? You have a dangerous shower or something? Or is it two separate things, I hope!

ragingloli's avatar

A big fat kebap with halloumi cheese.

mazingerz88's avatar

@LifeQuestioner Have you seen The Taste of Things?

Forever_Free's avatar

Ask me this time next week :)

Dutchess_III's avatar

Just getting my feetless feet to organized enough to get in the shower without killing myself @LifeQuestioner.
And now we’re looking at severe weather and tornadoes tonight.

kruger_d's avatar

After three years, my potted lemon tree has a lemon!

chyna's avatar

My burning bush is brighter and redder than it ever has been. It makes me smile every time I drive up to my yard.

YARNLADY's avatar

Hearing one of my family members laughing at something they saw on their computer

JLeslie's avatar

I remember when my husband received the newer style of passport, he got his before me, I still had the old style. I loved it. More colorful and pictures and famous quotes. I also studied it closely and was very pleased with the improvement.

Just being comfortable makes me so happy. Warm and a comfy chair or my bed.

I appreciate so much when I don’t have to do anything I don’t feel like doing. I lie to myself and pretend for a while I don’t have anything to do and enjoy the bliss at least momentarily.

MrGrimm888's avatar

I play guitar, and it’s extremely therapeutic. I have withdrawal, if I can’t play.

Blackwater_Park's avatar

@MrGrimm888 Pinched nerve is keeping me from playing at the moment. I can’t even headbang properly.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Once in a while I have Planters Sweet and Salty trail mix.

In a 170gram or 6oz bag.

Kardamom's avatar

My neighbor’s dog’s nose. It’s so kissable.

Seeing the flickering “candle” lights up and down my street interspersed with the skeletons, witches, and spiderwebs for Halloween.

Graham crackers.

LifeQuestioner's avatar

@mazingerz88 no, I haven’t. Please share more detail.

@Dutchess_III oh, I’m so sorry. And please be safe with the bad weather. The worst we’ve had to worry about lately is 27 days with no rain. I really hope we get something soon.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Nuttin happened, as usual.

mazingerz88's avatar

@LifeQuestioner I believe this movie isn’t one of the many crap movies out there.

gondwanalon's avatar

Outrigger canoe paddling, my 3 cats and eating popcorn.

LifeQuestioner's avatar

@mazingerz88 thanks! I put it on my watch list!

MrGrimm888's avatar

@Blackwater_Park I couldn’t play while I was in liver failure, and my hands shake so bad, I didn’t think I’d ever play again.
About a month post-op, I got a cheap parlor guitar, and was very disappointed that I couldn’t really play at all.
I have big hands and fingers, so the smaller guitar would have been challenging anyway, but I thought the smaller fret board/frets would help me focus on accuracy.
For weeks, I just sat around with it in my lap, trying to get my violently shaking hands to do what I told them to.
One day, it was like a switch just flipped and I could play again.
It wasn’t good, but to me it was a positive thing.
I bought the smashed up Hummingbird I was talking about having strings actually tighten up on in a thread I started.
About 4 months ago, I bought a nicer guitar, and I play typically about an hour or three per day.

I’m admittedly not as fast as I was, when I was younger.
I have turned to focusing on string bending and slowing down my playing. Sort of like Steve Perry (Aerosmith.)

I can still play most of Metallica’s stuff, just without the Hammet style solos. Not sure if I’ll ever get to that point, but the therapeutic aspect of playing is back.
I can’t describe how much it meant to me, to be able to play at all again.

Good luck, with the pinched nerve.

JLeslie's avatar

Yesterday I was thinking of my answer on this Q. Wednesday to Thursday I had to wear a 24 hour blood pressure cuff. It was terrible. It felt like I was allergic to the cuff material. Very itchy. Also, the nurse set it up way too tight, it was making my arm numb and it was painful. I told her, but she did not adjust it well. I had to have my husband adjust it. I could not have adjusted it myself, because of the type of cuff it was.

The machine that records the pressure was about 3”x5”x2” and surprisingly heavy, and she told me to keep it in a pocket. It would have ruined my pants, and wouldn’t fit in most pockets. I figured out I could put it in a lightweight purse across my body to be able to walk around.

It took my pressure every half an hour during the day and every hour at night. I think I woke up every time or almost every time, plus general discomfort from it making me itch.

Once I turned it in, came home, showered, pajamas, and comfy on my sofa watching TV I was so happy to be able to enjoy being comfortable again.

flutherother's avatar

Listening to Celtic harp music on Youtube is good for the soul.

Brian1946's avatar


Are those woven beings your creations?

Am I accurate in seeing a certain ferocity emanating from the center one?

Mimishu1995's avatar

@Brian1946 Yes, I created them all!

I made the center one some weeks ago. I actually brought it to work a couple of time. Because it was close to Halloween, people thought that I made it for Halloween. A coworker did say it looked scary. I don’t know if it really gives off that feeling or it’s just because I made it during Halloween :)

janbb's avatar

@Mimishu1995 They’re wonderful!

Dutchess_III's avatar

Getting some small portion of my house clean and organized.

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