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seawulf575's avatar

What will Kamala do if she loses this election?

Asked by seawulf575 (17306points) October 30th, 2024

I’m not asking if she will accept the loss or not. I asking what she will do with her life. Is her career in politics shot? Would she have a chance at a job on some news outlet like MSNBC? Or would she just fade into obscurity?

Please note this is in the General section. I’m not looking for deflection to Trump.

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51 Answers

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

I guess that she can be an attorney again. Nothing stopping her from running for office 4 years from now.

canidmajor's avatar

She has a profession that she has practiced very successfully for decades, she could return to that.

Blackwater_Park's avatar

Same thing other would-be presidents have done. Something else. I could care less whatever it is. I assume a good majority sigh a breath of relief.

chyna's avatar

She won’t be leading an insurrection in January.

filmfann's avatar

I see her starting a PAC.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

I know she won’t cry about for months claiming she was robbed.
She won’t cry the election was rigged.

Caravanfan's avatar

She will finish out her term as Vice President and do all the duties as required by the Contitution. After that she will probably go on the lecture circuit and maintain politically active. I don’t see her running for office again.

Jeruba's avatar

@Caravanfan, “all the duties”...including certifying the election, on January 6th.

That could be a tense moment either way.

JLeslie's avatar

I agree with @Caravanfan that she will likely do the lecture circuit. Maybe she would teach a course at a university eventually. I think there is a chance she might consider running for president again. Most likely she would do polling to see if she had a strong chance in the primaries. I have no guess if the Democrats would choose her in the end if she ran again. It would depend on who else is put forward I guess.

A possibility is she might start a charity organization of some sort. She talks about while practicing law she helped help women (and people in general) who had been taken advantage of or significantly harmed in some way, so maybe something along those lines. Or, if not her own charity, align with one that does that type of work to give it more visibility.

jca2's avatar

I think she’d do what others have done before her, lectures, write a book. Probably take some time off since she hasn’t had any time off in the past three months.

She would be VP until Jan 20th so there’s that.

I don’t know how any politician campaigns with their crazy schedule. It must be very exhausting.

seawulf575's avatar

I don’t know what she will do. Her performance on this campaign raises serious questions in my mind. I can’t picture her going into a law practice, I’m not sure any of them would hire her. She could write a book, but really…who would read it? She might be able to do lectures but again, I’m not sure who would bring her in and how many people would really pay to see her. It seems to me that she will fade into obscurity much the way Pence did.

Blackwater_Park's avatar

@Jeruba That’s an interesting thought. Seems to be a flaw in our election process

flutherother's avatar

I don’t worry about Kamela’s future should she lose the election but I am a bit concerned for the other 300 million citizens.

jca2's avatar

She may fade into obscurity. I’m sure she’s financially well off enough that she won’t have to worry about taking a job if she doesn’t want to. She’s also old enough that she might choose to not work and just enjoy life, like an early retirement kind of thing, yet she’s still young enough that she’s healthy and can do some things like travel.

Only time will tell. I’m sure she’ll choose what’s best for her and her family. Maybe being out of politics will be somewhat of a relief, if she chooses to go that way.

Dutchess_III's avatar

She was a prosecuter for many year so picture again @seawulf. She wouldn’t need to tho.

seawulf575's avatar

@Dutchess_III Yes, she was a prosecutor for many years. To an elected position. Now that people have seen her in action, would they really vote for her? Not to mention there are many things she did in the past that would come back to haunt her. She wouldn’t be able to selectively campaign on what she wanted from her past and tell everyone to not be burdened by what is past for the bad stuff. And really, with her ego, do you believe she would want a prosecutors job after being VP?

The alternative would be to hire into a law firm. Again, after seeing her unscripted, would any of them really want to hire her?

Dutchess_III's avatar

Blathering with no proof is just blathering,nothing more @seawulf575

gorillapaws's avatar

Lobbying. The establishment will reward her handsomely for her part in keeping a bonafide progressive out of the White House.

zenvelo's avatar

She would most likely end up like Dan Quayle, except she wouldn’t need spellcheck like he did.

JLeslie's avatar

She could just disappear from public view. ^^Dan Quayle came to mind when I was initially thinking about this Q, and also Al Gore. Gore actually was in the “final two” like Harris.

jca2's avatar

Maybe she can head up the NAACP or other advocacy.

smudges's avatar

Maybe she’ll do a tv show similar to trump’s where she can lord it over everyone and choose who gets fired to boost her own ego.

Sorry @seawulf575, you can’t have it both ways – you dissing Kamela and we’re not supposed to say a word about trump. That’s called flame bait. Fair is fair. If this gets deleted, so be it.

seawulf575's avatar

@Dutchess_III Blathering and discussing seem to be a haze area for you. But you are right, when you blather, it is just noise.

seawulf575's avatar

@smudges asking what will happen with her if she loses is not dissing her.

chyna's avatar

^But you used this thread to diss and disrespect her.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Not to mention there are many things she did in the past that would come back to haunt her.
Like what @seawulf?

“She wouldn’t be able to selectively campaign on what she wanted from her past and tell everyone to not be burdened by what is past for the bad stuff.” what “bad stuff”
“Again, after seeing her unscripted, would any of them really want to hire her?” give an example of unscripted stuff. Is it anything Ike “They’re killing the dogs…the cats…the pets.”

smudges's avatar

Whatever she does, I’m sure it will be respectable and something she can be proud of.

Demosthenes's avatar

She’ll climb back up the coconut tree she fell out of?

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Maybe she will go the same route of Sarah Palin? Just a more Democrat path?

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Or she can go back to slaying dragons, ie. criminal billionaires? Though the courts of course.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Sarah Palin @reddeerguy?? There is not one bit of comparison! Sara P was the laughing stock of the political community!

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@Dutchess_III Just being tongue in cheek.

smudges's avatar

@Dutchess_III Laughing stock of everybody!

LifeQuestioner's avatar

@seawulf575 what will happen? Oh, only your worst nightmare! She will lead the American people in a revolution and they will overthrow Trump! Then she will hunt you down personally and throw you in jail forever!

(I don’t know if there’s some kind of magic way to indicate sarcasm when giving an answer on this site, so you’ll just have to understand I’m being sarcastic.)

seawulf575's avatar

@Dutchess_III What stuff from her past would come back to haunt her?

The case of Jamal Trulove, an actor that got falsely accused and convicted of murder. That eventually led to him getting knifed (but not killed) in prison. He eventually got cleared and sued the city and county of San Francisco for civil rights violations. He won $13M. Who was the DA? Kamala Harris.

The case of Teresa Sheehan, a schizophrenic woman who got pepper sprayed and shot by cops. Teresa lived in a group home for mentally challenged people. She supposedly was giving a worker at the home a hard time and said she had a knife. The worker ended up calling the police who knocked on her locked door and, when she didn’t respond, had the worker unlock the door. Teresa grabbed a knife and supposedly threatened the cops. They retreated and then went back into the room and one of them pepper sprayed her. When she didn’t immediately drop the knife, the second cop shot her several times and then the first cop also shot her. She lived and went to court on charges Kamala Harris wanted to bring. She was acquitted of the charge or making threats and the charge for assault ended in a hung jury with 11 of the 12 pushing for acquittal. She later sued the city for $1M and won.

The famous one of her keeping low threat prisoners in jail because they were cheap labor in fighting wildfires. In an effort to reduce the overcrowding of the prisons, a federal judicial panel ordered the release of a lot of minimum security prisoners that had participated in rehabilitation programs. As state AG, Kamala Harris’ office said in a filing “Extending 2-for-1 credits to all minimum custody inmates at this time would severely impact fire camp participation — a dangerous outcome while California is in the middle of a difficult fire season and severe drought,” The judicial panel was not amused and considered contempt charges for her as this was not the only time she dismissed their orders. The only saving grace for her was that the panel thought that contempt charges would further delay the release of the prisoners and slow the easing of the overcrowding.

There are more, these are just some examples. But we aren’t supposed to talk about those things because she wants us “unburdened by what has been”. And again, this isn’t dissing her, it is discussing why I have the view I have. If you want my opinion, after watching her flip-flop on so many issues, blatantly copying the oppositions proposals, and giving canned non-answers to direct questions over and over again, if I were hiring for a position, I wouldn’t want that person on my team. It’s just not a good look.

snowberry's avatar

Apparently Kamala has quite a history. Here’s one not mentioned. Kamala had a black single mother arrested for truancy because her child had sickle cell anemia and missed too much school because she spent so much time in the hospital. The media had a hay-day.

CHEREE PEOPLES: Look, I am not a political person, but I want people to know what Kamala Harris did to me. if she did it to me, she will abuse anyone if you give her the power.

My message to all Americans, especially black Americans: do not trust Kamala Harris.

gorillapaws's avatar

I agree that Kamala is a monster for her prosecutorial record. It’s inexcusable. But she did pick a decent person as her running mate. Trump raped and beat a 13-year old girl. That’s just fucking sick.

jca2's avatar

It’s funny, when Hillary ran, many said she’s a monster. Many said Bill Clinton was a monster.
Many say Harris is a monster. Many say Trump is a monster. You can dig up dirt on almost anyone, some more than others. Pick your poison.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Trump IS a monster.

jca2's avatar

I’m not saying he’s not @Dutchess_III

seawulf575's avatar

@jca2 The other interesting one is that every Republican that has run for the past 70 years or so has been called a Nazi by the Dems.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@Dutchess_III You know he won’t, because it was on a “fright wing” website !

He likes to talk trash and will not support !

Dutchess_III's avatar

I do know. Sigh.

smudges's avatar

Both of those are opinions on conservative sites. And btw, if the shoe fits…

SnipSnip's avatar

Doing anything is not really her thing.

Cupcake's avatar

@seawulf575 No one has ever called Mitt Romney a Nazi.

Cupcake's avatar

Harris will probably do something to support Israel in their right to genocide defend themselves if she loses the election.

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