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jca2's avatar

What was your favorite Halloween costume of all time, that you wore?

Asked by jca2 (17165points) October 31st, 2024

As an adult or as a child, or if you want to name one you wore as a child that was your favorite and one you wore as an adult that was your favorite, feel free.

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9 Answers

Jeruba's avatar

I was of prime trick-or-treat age when “The Adventures of Robin Hood” starring Richard Greene was a highly popular weekly TV series—Monday nights at 7:30. I was keen to dress as Robin Hood. We may have bought a costume, including a green hat with a feather, or my mother may have put it together for me. My father carved a wooden dagger (very dull) for me that I still have.

When I was in my teens, the youth group I attended held a Halloween costume party. I came up with a long white robe, and I used a lot of aluminum foil to fashion a sharply segmented headpiece, a tablet, and a torch containing a flashlight; and I was the Statue of Liberty.

smudges's avatar

The main one I remember was me wearing one of Mom’s skirts that went down to the ground, a white blouse, a bonnet and a doll swaddled up in my arms. My brother wore his cowboy costume including gun, hat and boots. He pulled a wagon behind us that my dad had rigged with a sheet and dowels so it looked like a covered wagon. It was a large neighborhood and parents really liked it. Last time we went trick or treating together! We both disliked it because we had to be nice to each other, but I have to admit it was pretty clever.

Zaku's avatar

Home-made jawa costume with glowing eyes and a Ghost Gun.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

I went as Casey Jones. As a tween.

Jeruba's avatar

Oh, and a few years back, maybe 15 or so, I went to a writers’ club literary costume party as the White Rabbit, with white face paint, black whiskers, and a pink nose, all-white attire under a red jacket, and even fuzzy white slippers. I carried a giant alarm clock on a chain, and I announced, “I’m late! I’m late!”

I thought I’d win the “best character” prize, for sure, but nope. Edie wore a Mad Hatter’s hat (“10/6”) that she’d bought ready-made, and she won the prize.

seawulf575's avatar

Quite a ways back I had a devil mask that covered only the upper part of my face. It was mainly red with a lot of black “wrinkle lines” on it. Of course if you put it on, the bottom of your face is normal. So I took some red stage make-up and covered my face and neck. I then took a black make-up pencil and, after looking at the mask, put a bunch of “wrinkle lines” on my face. When I put the mask on, the black lines I had drawn lined up perfectly with the ones on the mask. I then put on a cloak and voila! I was a devil. My wife looked at it and initially told me I did really good. But as I was talking to her, she started slowly looking away. She finally told me she couldn’t look at me because even when I was talking it all just looked too real. I was happy. I then went out onto the porch to give away candy to the kids. A girl I worked with came by with her family and initially told me how great the outfit looked. But again, as I was talking to her, she started to look away and finally told me she couldn’t look at me. It looked to real and was freaking her out when I talked.

I did have another costume that I had to throw away this year. It was a clown costume that had elastic at the wrists and ankles and neck and a little fan under the arm. When the fan was running the suit would inflate, making me look ridiculously fat, but I could move normally. As I moved a little air would escape but the fan would blow it right back up again. Put on angry clown face and it was a terror to women, children, and even dogs.

jca2's avatar

When I was little, my mom made several of my costumes. I remember a white bunny with a fluffy cotton tail (and the plastic bunny mask, of the type of mask that was popular in the 60s and early 70s), a black cat with a long black tail that I swung, and in 4th grade, the Little House on the Prairie dress with apron and bonnet. I still have the dress, not sure where the bonnet is or the apron. I wish my mom saved the black cat and bunny costumes, but she gave them to charity when I was a teen.

I was Boy George at a costume party when I was about 17. He was very popular at the time. Men’s hat, big coat, pajamas, hair in braids, red lips.

RocketGuy's avatar

A family friend and I got lightsabers one Christmas so the following Halloween we made Jedi costumes and became Jedi escorts for our kids to go trick or treating.

JLeslie's avatar

I didn’t like Halloween very much as a kid, and only started coming around the last several years.

My mom used to make my costumes and I was jealous of kids who had store bought costumes. I look back on that and think how ridiculous I was for thinking that, and surprised how much creativity and effort my mom put into my costumes. I think my favorite was being a butterfly as a young child. I don’t even remember all of the costumes I wore.

The last 20 years I usually am a cat. I just put on black clothes, black cat ears, and paint whiskers on my face. Or, a 70’s look. Otherwise, I just wear Halloween patterned yoga capris and a t-shirt.

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