Social Question

chyna's avatar

Is anyone else experiencing anxiety over the election tomorrow?

Asked by chyna (51730points) November 4th, 2024

And if so, is it making you anxious over other things in your life?
I am feeling anxious knowing how important tomorrow’s election will affect the lives of all Americans and it is causing me to be anxious in other areas of my life. Hopefully, after tomorrow, I can relax.
Is anyone else feeling like this?

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56 Answers

Dutchess_III's avatar

Little bit.

LifeQuestioner's avatar

A little bit, but I’m pretty sure tomorrow will go well for the left. I won’t feel totally relaxed though until after Kamala is sworn in. I got a lot of things done today on my day off, but I think it was as much because I was trying to create distractions for myself as anything.

However, I did forget to pay my rent on the 1st, which I never do. It’s okay because you have until the 5th to be late so I remembered today and paid it. Then, I laid down for a brief nap before dinner, and my one cat who I’m more recently got and who has to go in her room when I’m sleeping or at work, well, I forgot to shut the door to her room. So as I’m waking up before dinner, imagine my alarm when all the sudden she’s in my room meowing at me, lol! First I thought you figured out how to get the door open but I think I probably just forgot to close it. So I’m not aware of being anxious consciously, but I think it is affecting some of the things I do.

gondwanalon's avatar

Welcome to my world. I’ve always been nervous about most things in life. My doctor wants me to take Lorazepam for my “anxiety problem” but I refuse to take it. Physical activity helps a lot.

Go to the gym. Go jogging. Canoe paddling. Go for a walk in the park.

Perhaps most importantly stay off fb and lay off caffeine beverages, alcohol and other recreational drugs.

Good health! Stay strong.

YARNLADY's avatar

I just drank an entire bottle of wine. I’m scared

cookieman's avatar

Yes a yes. Twice over.

Thankfully, Tufts (where I teach on Tuesdays) cancelled classes to encourage voting. So, I get to stay home and stay busy doing laundry and such while waiting it out.

janbb's avatar

I don’t know why but I’m feeling more hopeful at the moment.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Yeah, and I can’t vote in your election, but if the Don Father is elected, I fear a great deal of hell will be unleashed upon the world.
What blows me away is so many cling to his lies,he is already claiming fraud in the election.
You know it has to say something when 200 something die hard republicans are voting democrat this go round,saying they don’t agree with the democrat policies , but Trump is dangerous .

Zaku's avatar

Yeah, a bit. It’s been building up for me today in particular. I am very hopeful things will go well for the non-insane side tomorrow, but the insane side is so insane, and the potential stakes so high, that I’m becoming more anxious than I usually am.

Mimishu1995's avatar

Here hoping you Americans will have a good result. I’m not American so I can’t do anything to help. I can only offer emotional support.

Dutchess_III's avatar

“More than 100 pre-election lawsuits have already been filed, including challenges to voter eligibility and voter roll management, by Republicans.”
They’re worried

MrGrimm888's avatar

^Yeah. Predictions I hear, are that Trump will proclaim an early, large victory. Regardless of the results, of course.

Then, it will give his base the illusion that it was locked up, until it was “stolen” again.

It’s a big reason why so many still think 2020, was stolen.
FOX News, spread the false information Trump had won, only to have to tell people he didn’t.

Apparently, there are only two possible outcomes; a massive Trump victory, or massive voter fraud…

MrGrimm888's avatar

I do expect some if Trump’s supporters, to take his potential loss VERY badly.

Trump attracted a LOT of unhinged people.
It’s impossible to guess how they may all handle his defeat.

Then, there are all of the proceedings that would have to lead up to Harris being sworn in.
Most importantly, Trump’s legal issues will hit him almost immediately, if he doesn’t win.

As Trump goes through his various trials, each step of that process may result in a conservative upheaval at any point. Trump, and a symphony of conservative Podcasters and radio hosts, will attempt to stir violence for the foreseeable future.

Given that there have been 2 attempts on Trump’s life, it’s certainly possible that there would be some leftwing violence. However. There is unlikely to be organized or large-scale violence from the left.
Lone wolves, are always a possibility, but if Trump wins, most people who opposed him will simply move on with their lives.

It’s possible that Trump would be impeached again.

Hopefully, nothing will happen on either front.

JLeslie's avatar

I’m in semi-denial and semi fantasy land, so I am doing ok. I keep saying to my husband things like:

“Maybe Kamala will win and Trump will just congratulate her, and let it go.”

“Maybe Florida will deliver a surprise and go for Harris and then Pennsylvania doesn’t matter.”

“Even if Trump wins in Florida and Texas hopefully down ticket they vote for the Democratic senators.”

The first one he practically gets angry and responds, “that’s not going to happen, stop it.” The rest he is just mildly annoyed with my hopefulness.

A friend in Italy said to me, “the whole world is anxiously waiting to see what happens in the US.” That’s true from what I can tell. My friends in Scotland, Canada, Australia, I have reporters in Europe and Africa, just to name a few, have asked what do I think will happen or posts on Facebook or messages to me saying they are watching what happens.

The one thing that kind of has me stressed or sad that I can’t shake easily is will there be lunatics in the streets causing violence and vandalism? Do we need to stay in our homes tonight for safety as results come in? That is totally depressing to me to think the United States of America might have to worry about rioting or a lone idiot who might hurt other citizens in our country because of an election. It really is third world stuff, and it will be too many times unseemly or violent acts have happened due to an election to call it a one off.

I am pissed off some states don’t start counting mail-in ballots as they come in; they wait for Election Day. Those states could very well contribute (again) to chaos and uncertainty.

canidmajor's avatar

Oooh, me! Me! I am rendered almost catatonic by anxiety over this. Those Girl Scouts better be at the polls, I plan to self soothe with cookies and silly movies all day.

seawulf575's avatar

Not really. I have a bit of a different way of dealing with things like this. I’ve voted. That’s all I can do. I can’t change the outcome from here on. I see no sense in worrying endlessly about it since I can’t do anything to control it. What will be, will be.

Blackwater_Park's avatar

I’m not anxious, just sad. None of us win tonight.

jca2's avatar

I’m a little anxious, although I tend to soothe myself by thinking I can only do my part and vote, and beyond that, just have to roll with the punches.

I heard we won’t hear the results until maybe Thursday or Friday because of mail in votes.

If Harris wins, I heard already there are 200 Republican challenges to it. That’s the shit I dread – not that Republicans will challenge it but that there will be fighting and chaos about it. I remember the Bush v. Gore and how that crap dragged on.

JLeslie's avatar

I was thinking we won’t hear tonight because of the counting policies of PA, WI, and other states, but a friend of mine just wrote me saying he thinks we will know early. He feels it won’t be close.

jca2's avatar

Some political guru was on TV the other night saying Thursday or Friday. Maybe they say that so people don’t get their hopes up, I don’t know. I remember with Clinton v Trump, I went to sleep thinking it was going to be Clinton, around midnight, and woke up at 4 a.m. and it was Trump, and it was all over.

I know if Harris loses, she will concede and be gracious about it. If Trump loses, he’ll cry and call out the Flying Monkeys and say it was stolen and a fraud.

chyna's avatar

I did the same with Clinton and Trump.

JLeslie's avatar

Keep in mind some states have automatic recount provisions if the count is close.

canidmajor's avatar

I have voted and acquired my Girl Scout cookies. I am minimally and temporarily soothed.

jca2's avatar

@canidmajor I wish we lived closer. I have GS cookies that I would gladly give you, because I want to get rid of them. I don’t have my daughter sell them, I just order a bunch and give them to people I know.

Dutchess_III's avatar

The thing about MAGA IDIOTS they let their hatred and rage and stupidity spur them vote.
I bet they don’t normally vote because Stupid.

canidmajor's avatar

I chatted with a couple of our old lady volunteer poll workers while I was there, she said that they were given a talk and some literature from the police about how to handle threats. She’s been doing this for 15 years, and was disheartened by the necessity. We live in a quiet blue town, but still.

chyna's avatar

So @canidmajor, which GS cookies did you get?

canidmajor's avatar

Do si dos, Samoas (for my kiddo), Tagalongs, and Lemon Ups. Damn, I loves me those cookies! :-)

jca2's avatar

I live in a place where my address is a town in a different county, but the school district where my school taxes go is a different town, different county. I am in a senior group in the town that my school district is in (as we’re all more associated with that town than the town where our mailing address is) and the ladies asked me to be a poll worker. I said hell no. They’ll be putting my address on the internet and accusing me of stealing – not the poll ladies, but the flying monkeys who are going to fight the winner, if it’s Harris.

raum's avatar

Woke up with a knot in my stomach. Watching CNN and Fox News probably isn’t helping.

Demosthenes's avatar

Let’s just say: I’m not looking forward to the fact that today may only be the beginning of the election, knowing all the griping that will occur when the result is inevitably not accepted. Election seasons already drag on far too long, now they last beyond the election. 2000 really was a premonition of a grim future. I long for the return of landslide elections, when the result was all but known before that first Tuesday in November.

I don’t see this current situation (one side believing the other can only win through massive fraud, electoral college allowing a presidential win without the popular vote, every election being a 50/50 coin toss coming down to a handful of votes in a handful of states) lasting much longer. Something is going to give.

Blackwater_Park's avatar

@Demosthenes “Something is going to give.” That “something” should be a candidate we all actually want. When is the last time that happened.

raum's avatar

I need to stop watching the news.

JLeslie's avatar

Feels a little like Y2K today.

LifeQuestioner's avatar

@canidmajor no Thin Mints? Those are the best ones!

@raum I’m not putting any news channel on tonight before 8:00 or 9:00 p.m. Even then they won’t know much. I don’t mind watching when the results start coming in, but I very quickly tire of hearing all the news people talking endlessly about possibilities, etc.

I am excited to watch tonight. I think it’s actually going to be pretty decisive tonight once the votes start coming in. But then of course, as others have said, we have all the other procedures to get through. I’m hoping for a landslide so any talk of cheating or fraud or whatever is just moot. It’s moot anyway because it’s not happening, but a landslide victory will further support that.

janbb's avatar

^^ I’m with you.

canidmajor's avatar

The Thin Mints are cookie crack. I can take down a whole box before lunch. They frighten me.

Blackwater_Park's avatar

@canidmajor I was a little worried you may be anti-thin mint. It’s samoas for me. I can destroy a whole box so I have to tread lightly there.

canidmajor's avatar

I figure each sleeve of Thin Mints is a serving size.

jca2's avatar

Especially since the boxes are tinier and tinier every year.

longgone's avatar

I’m extra-anxious. Found out I’ve been grinding my teeth in my sleep again.

I really wish the US could have some less exciting elections for a change. It’s like that curse “May you live in interesting times” – “May you have enthralling elections.”

I’m most scared for minorities (including women), the environment, and international relations. And it’s very frustrating to me that a country like the US, rich and full of innovative thinkers, seems to have such trouble counting the results. I’ve never heard a good explanation for that, and I think it contributes to the general restlessness. Why does it take so long?

flutherother's avatar

I look on it as a contest between Trump and the United States of America so I am somewhat worried about the situation. But to hell with worry, let’s enjoy this election, it may be the last.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well, I’m exhausted.

canidmajor's avatar

I once had to wait 10 days on a potential cancer diagnosis, this feels like that. That time, it was cancer. Let’s hope this time it’s not.

raum's avatar


MrGrimm888's avatar

GA @Blackwater_Park .
The state of our country, combined with the world in a bad place, and having to have the military involved tells me we’ve already ALL lost.
One reason I’m not voting, is because neither candidate seemed like a good candidate (to me.) Maybe if Harris had more time to campaign, I would have gotten to know her better, and possibly supported her.

Trump is mainly running, to stay out of federal proson…

Since I first heard the phrase “make American great again,” it has gotten steadily worse.
I don’t blame Trump. It’s my fellow Americans, that have disappointed me beyond articulation.

Maybe it wouldn’t be SO bad, if I wasn’t educated and taught that America is a free and great democracy, founded by men of high character and integrity.

I’m not as worried about things here stateside, as I am worried for the world.

Hopefully Trump will prove Wulf correct, and not help Russia, or at least not destroy the democracy as he said he would, when he said that people won’t have to vote anymore…

gondwanalon's avatar

Not anymore. Stock market is soaring. Glad it’s over.

Dutchess_III's avatar

That’s a chicken shit excuse for @just being lazy MrGrimm888. Hope you’re happy with the outcome.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@canidmajor that must have been scary as he’ll. Scarier than a trump presidency.
So glad every thing came out OK!

jonsblond's avatar

I’m depressed, my BP is high, and my trans son feels defeated and will be getting a hefty supply of testosterone from his doctor soon since Trump will likely make life hell for the trans community.

MrGrimm888's avatar

I forgive your misdirected anger Dutch.

canidmajor's avatar

Actually, @Dutchess_III, as scary as it was, it only really affected a few people, and wouldn’t have put so many people in danger. This is scarier.
Thanks for the well wishes, I am relieved to have been able to raise my child! :-)

Brian1946's avatar


“We live in a quiet blue town, but still.”

Do you live in a blue state?

I do, and it provides some comfort, but I’m going to get a reverse mortgage on my house, because I’m not sure what’s going to happen to my social security payments starting next January.

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