Who do you feel is going to win the U.S. election?
Asked by
Mama_Cakes (
November 5th, 2024
from iPhone
To be honest, I haven’t been following it all that much.
Canadian here, dating an American. My partner switched sides and she’s voting for Trump. She voted for Biden and Clinton the last two elections.
She feels as though Trump will win by a landslide.
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57 Answers
This morning one poll said 49% for Harris and 47 % for Trump.
Can’t find which poll it was.
I feel Harris will win but whiners for trump will have hissy fit.
Harris will win handily. It will be clear today.
I have a hunch Trump will win the popular vote but Harris will win by the electoral vote. You can’t trust polls, their margin of error is larger than they report and it’s too close for polls to register a winner. We’re below the data noise floor here.
I’m confident that Harris is going to win.
@Mama_Cakes (I’d be curious to hear why any American who voted for Biden and Clinton would switch to Trump in 2024.)
I have been thinking about it for the past few days and I am guessing Trump 55%, Harris 45%. I would love to say I feel differently, and I would love for the outcome to be different, and it’s not worth arguing over because it’s just an opinion and we’ll hopefully have the real answer in a few days, but Harris is the underdog and has been.
I think if Harris loses, the Dem party has themselves to blame and the shit with letting Biden run until three months ago was a big mistake. Friends told me they can’t stop him, which, apparently they could stop him but they should have stopped him sooner. People also told me “he’s sharp as a tack” when I was saying he wasn’t, and apparently other politicians felt like he wasn’t, either, because they finally and thankfully pressured him to step down.
Trump for the win hopefully.
I think Kamala wins by a landslide! I think we may very well know late tonight.
I also love how Christians love Trump despite him being a master at all 7 deadly sins
I have no idea who will win but I will say that none of my gay friends or allies have voted for Trump.
Trump has violated most of the Ten Commandments too.
@Caravanfan I’m Christian and I can tell you that there are plenty of us that do not love Trump. In fact, we are mad at what he has done to besmirch the name of Christianity.
Harris is too far behind now… At least according to some random live result I found on Google.
We dont have to love him to vote for him. I think you overestimate the religious component personally.
Trump has been marginally ahead in polls in most of the swing states for months, and his polling has historically been underestimated.
He’s been a favourite with bookmakers for a long while, ever since Harris’s honeymoon period ended.
Harris has been comfortably ahead in general polling, so she’ll probably win the popular vote and still lose the election.
Anyone who thinks Harris has this, can put their money where their mouth is and get a very good 14 to 1 price on her becoming the next President of the USA.
Yeah, it’s joever.
Trump is overall performing much better this time than in 2020. I don’t see a Harris win at this point, but could always be surprised…
He said if he wins Pennsylvania, he wins the whole thing, and I think that’s probably true.
You all are forgetting about the red mirage. Also, it wasn’t until 4 days after the election that some states switched to Biden last time.
Imagine if the DNC hadn’t fucked over Bernie 2020 to install a senile scumbag into office…
Imagine if they picked the most popular candidates with robust and fair primaries instead of trying to ram through neoliberals that the rust belt hates, they might be able to defeat a former president with the lowest approval ratings in history who raped and beat a 13 year old girl, was convicted of 34 felonies, shits his pants regularly, is an incompetent businessman and apparently likes to read Hitler speeches before bed…
One can only hope that Democratic voters start to look to their party and the corruption that has infested it’s leaders.
^I’d be lying if I said I wouldn’t be satisfied to see the Dems eat shit after courting neocons and defending genocide for a year. Whatever happens, they will learn nothing.
I must admit to being really surprised that Kamala Harris has done so badly and is now practically certain of losing.
Having watched her speeches and rallies, I’d have imagined the endless platitudes and empty feel-good phrases, and the inauthentic grin and mindless laughing at things that aren’t actually funny, would be sure-fire vote winners that would definitely have impressed people.
Other than supporting the mass-murder of Palestinian women and children by shrapnel, bullet, and fire, I’m still not sure what she actually stands for.
Maybe the cretins at the DNC will pause for thought and consider that their life-choices and career options would have better served the world had they picked licking toilets clean for a living, because that’s about the extent of their aptitude and talent—instead of politics that affects people’s lives and the world at large. Of course not, they’ll take no lessons from this at all.
As a pessimist, I am certain Trump will “win.”
Whoever wins, I’m afraid we lose; but I’m still rooting for Kamala, despite not liking the way she has campaigned.
We’ve had Trump in the news every single damn day for years, even out of office. This has to have taken a toll on our collective sanity.
Wow, @Mama_Cakes why did she switch?
Looks like Trump won. MSNBC still hasn’t called it yet, but a lot of outlets are.
@Jeruba I think the Democrats have to stop with the daily attacks on Trump and overt plan to impeach him daily. It’s like crying wolf. Stop with the sex with a por star stuff. The country and world will suffer, but this added constant barrage of attacks that don’t work is tiresome.
@gorillapaws I thought Biden won in several rust belt states.
I think the Catholic vote is the real swing vote in America, and Biden appealed to them probably.
We can’t know what would happen if Bernie had been the candidate or the president. I do agree the party “manipulates” things though. Bothers me too. I feel they manipulated against Hillary in 2008 and it really pissed me off.
President Elect Trump as of 6 a.m. Eastern time.
Now the finger pointing begins. News says people are going to blame Biden, that Harris was associated with an unpopular incumbent.
@jca2 The Democrats were blind to Harris doing badly in Interviews. Deer in the headlights too often.
They were clueless about the Latin American vote, and only started to clue in the last two weeks.
They are blaming all sorts of things like economy, inflation, prices, she’s a woman. I’m not hearing much about immigration, which I think played a bigger role than they think. Even trans issues, because it’s a child and women’s issue I bet moved some people over to Trump. Israel and Gaza also. People didn’t vote or voted for Trump. Crazy to think he will be better for the Palestinians. Did they forget he moved the US embassy to Jerusalem and he is in bed with Evangelicals who strongly support Israel.
They’re saying more blacks and Hispanics voted for Trump this time. I think NBC said 1 out of every 3 blacks voted for him. I think that Hispanics here are pissed about the immigration issue, and that was big for Trump. Blacks too. I’ve heard both groups say they’re upset that migrants are given everything, things that Hispanics that are here haven’t gotten (free housing, health care, etc.) and blacks are thinking “what about us?”
@JLeslie “I thought Biden won in several rust belt states.”
But for Covid and Trump’s ineptitude, Biden would have surely lost in 2020.
The party seems to think they don’t need the midwest and can keep courting Republican soccer moms with Liz Cheny and promises of Republicans in the administration.
I always said Trump would’ve won in 2020 if not for the pandemic. I still believe that to be true, even if it can never be proven.
Kamala represented more of the same. Clearly most Americans did not want that. Kamala trotted out the Cheneys, and perhaps some swing voters who went for Biden in 2020 saw that as a sign to cut and run.
When the Dems lost in 2016, there was a big “we have to look inward and make some big changes.” Well, now we have four years to look inward and make some big changes, 2024.
Maybe we can stop blaming the Democrats for a few minutes. Some of you want the party to go fully left, some want it more right. If you were all so astute, you’d be on TV. The fact is that most of the country want a fascistic narcissistic “strongman” for their leader for some reason and we have to blame the idiocracy. “The Fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars but in ourselves that we are underlings.” I’m sure if you look at all the wonderful progressive candidates who ran, most have been defeated.
Can we just pause and grieve for a time?
Some interesting results from states, though. Missouri voted to overturn their abortion ban and Kentucky rejected public funds for private schools by a wide margin. Those are key conservative issues in conservative states. A vote for Trump doesn’t always correspond to 100% support for right-wing policies. This is part of why I’m more likely to blame the Democratic party than the American people, @janbb.
Additionally, California voted to enshrine same-sex marriage in its constitution. Not that I thought we would go any other way, but it’s a reassuring result, given the threat to SSM from the conservative SCOTUS. If I ever get married, it will likely be in California.
@janbb “If you were all so astute, you’d be on TV.”
You assume that the people who are on TV are there because they’re astute and good at communicating the truth. I think most of them are there because they’re willing to go along with the corporate game plan.
Manufacturing Consent
@janbb The astute people are kept off TV.
People are blaming the Democrats because they’re entirely at fault.
I still recall the smug arrogance after Obama won a second term, and there was some commentary that the Republicans might not be able to win another election ever because of shifting demographics.
The delusion, arrogance and ineptitude of the liberal political class is really a marvel to behold. It’s not just in the US. They always blame voters for not being as rational as they are whenever they lose, and expect people to be really inspired by endless platitudes and the most pathetically milquetoast reformist politics for fear of looking too radical and alienating the “moderates”.
When the politics is nothing but attaining power for its own sake and to manage the status quo, don’t be shocked when enough people get rather tired and frustrated and don’t vote your way.
Demosthenes Very astute comment. I always thought Americans see abortion as a compromise as most of us believe in freedom to choose at least in 3 percent of exception cases. Now we know that even red states want them accessible, its interesting.
If something is surprising, there’s nothing wrong with some introspection and analysis. It’s inevitable.
Can’t remember if I wrote this already. Florida didn’t vote in favor of putting abortion rights back to viability. We needed 60% and I think it ended up 57%. I think it had to do with the language on the amendment, and very specifically the ads against emphasized there wouldn’t be parental notification. I knew that was very smart. They played that ad morning noon and might. I heard some Republicans in discussion groups I go to believing it gave abortion through the 9th month, which it didn’t say at all, but people don’t read.
@gorillapaws Biden is from Pennsylvania and I think his language spoke to Catholics and union workers, so rust belt was willing to give him a try.
Did the rust belt states vote for Bernie? I honestly don’t remember.
@JLeslie “Did the rust belt states vote for Bernie?”
Yes, overwhelmingly in 2016. The 2020 primary isn’t exactly a valid assessment because of the DNC fuckery and the early Covid stuff.
This is Tim Walz chatting with Trump voters in PA. This is Bernie Sanders at a FOX NEWS townhall in PA. That’s the way forward for the DNC, or this is going to keep happening (and not necessarily those particular people, but the policies they ACTUALLY fighting for, not just pretending to fight for and then giving up on because they’re taking money from people who want it to fail).
At this point, I’m regretting wasting my vote on Kamala and not Cornel West.
It’s interesting how Tim Walz came out swinging with the “weird” stuff and then he just faded into the background. I’ve seen talk from Democrats on Reddit asking how the campaign defanged him. I wasn’t paying enough attention to Kamala’s campaign to know if that’s true, but it did seem like we suddenly stopped hearing from him. Did that happen before or after Vance kinda won that VP debate?
I thought Walz was great. Was he out there less, or just reported on less so we were less aware it was happening?
Kamala was a terrible candidate. Hearing her talk was like eating a plain rice cake. There was no believable substance whatsoever. It was like the DNC just carried around a cardboard cutout of a candidate and expected people to fall in line and vote because of the alternative.
Does nobody care that not all the votes have been counted yet? Is no one suspicious at the discrepancies in the numbers?
I guess America is not ready for a woman President.
@Tropical_Willie there are something like 15 million votes on accounted for. It needs to be investigated.
Obviously this little secret that he and Mike Johnson had was some way of them beating the system.
That is not how it works. . . ir is not a popularity vote; it is by Electoral votes.
Did you read the Al Jazeera article attached to my post @LifeQuestioner ? ? ?
I don’t suspect any fowl play, in the election process…
It was SHOCKING, when Trump won the first time.
I know America better, now.
It’s a shameful place…
@LifeQuestioner If one of them obtained 270 electoral votes, then they win. Trump got his 270+, Harris did not.
^Yep. Fat ladies (Trump fans,) are singing…
@RocketGuy Just not that woman president. It was the same for Hillary. Neither are very likable. They’re both grating in their own way.
You prefer someone more matronly? Margaret Thatcher-like?
@RocketGuy No, to be blunt, someone articulate, intelligent, relatable, and humble. Like the female manager who seems to be able to direct everyone flawlessly and bring out their best work as if by magic. A matriarch who commands respect by getting people on her side because she delivers results elegantly. Not the narcissistic mother-in-law or disengaged diversity hire. I’m talking about the lady who has been through shit, perseveres, respects herself, and will fiercely defend those who she has respect for. A woman with grit. I have met many of these and I don’t see those attributes in Kamala or Hillary.
^It’s fascinating that more people don’t hold Trump accountable for his behavior.
I’m living I’m a world where the new POTUS, recently simulated oral sex on a microphone stand…
Was there such a moment, for Harris?
@MrGrimm888 and Trump has had extramarital affairs and nobody blinks an eye, yet they point fingers at Harris for her one year long relationship with the older married guy, whatever his name was.
Let’s face it, half the voters want a Hitler 2.0 !
Just remember, Trump was for sure going to win until July. There was only “hope” for a few months.
I was reading an article in the NY Times and they said it’s going to be Biden’s legacy that he didn’t step down from running until 3 months before Election Day, which played a big contribution for the Dems not being able to properly choose and campaign for a candidate.
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