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gondwanalon's avatar

Should Biden step down now so that Kamala Harris can be President?

Asked by gondwanalon (23272points) 2 months ago

That way Harris can become the first female black President of the U.S.A.. Also Harris could pardon Biden’s son Hunter (Biden said he would not pardon Hunter) and also pardon Trump.

This might help to unite the country.

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19 Answers

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JeSuisRickSpringfield's avatar

It’s not a bad idea. As unpopular of a take as it might be, I do think that Biden (or Harris) should pardon Trump before he takes office. If nothing else, it protects the country from the otherwise inevitable damage to democratic norms and the fights that will ensue. We already know that Trump isn’t going to face prosecution now that he has been reelected, so we might as well get out of the situation gracefully.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Absolutely NOTHING Trump has in mind, will EVER “unite the country.” Only further unite the right.

Demosthenes's avatar

Biden dying and making Kamala the lamest lame duck president there ever was is the funniest possible outcome. I don’t think it’s going to happen, though.

jca2's avatar

I heard this idea on the radio yesterday. It’s certainly interesting!

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Trump just say “told you so.” it would “prove” his lie that Biden is not competent.

“This might help to unite the country.” Trump will not let the country unite, he needs the fear and tension by his followers against. critical thinkers. Trump will actively cause turmoil.

seawulf575's avatar

I wouldn’t put it past the Dems, though I think they’d be shooting themselves in the foot by doing that. They have fought long and hard to say Biden is sharper than ever and quite capable. Forcing him out of the presidential race was already looked upon negatively. If they tried to force him out of office now, they’d basically have to say he is incompetent to hold office. They no longer have any hold over Biden. They could threaten him before with pulling all the support of the party in his bid to be POTUS. That is no longer a threat. I guess they could arrange an assassination, but that would be highly suspect. Also, doing a stunt like that would harm the party immeasurably. It would be viewed as a political stunt that showed the Dems don’t care about the country or democracy but only their own identity politics. Yes, they could claim they had the first woman POTUS, but it would be a tainted claim and the American people would see right through it. People are tired of the idiotic political games and want the country run by responsible people that are not as concerned with self-serving party goals.

As for Biden not pardoning his son, I wouldn’t say he will hold to that promise. He can pardon Hunter with little to no recriminations. Yes, people might say he was a liar, but who cares? He’s not going to be running for any offices any time soon. I also can’t picture anyone hiring him for any position. He will fade into the past. So there really is no downside for him.

Caravanfan's avatar

Agree with most of @seawulf575 said, except the crazy assassination bit. But the rest is spot on. In terms of Hunter Biden being pardoned I really give zero fucks.

elbanditoroso's avatar

I’d be OK with that move. Let her be president for a couple of weeks. Then she can face Trump at inauguration day.

smudges's avatar

People are tired of the idiotic political games and want the country run by responsible people that are not as concerned with self-serving party goals.

Soooo…where does trump come in to that picture?

jca2's avatar

@smudges He doesn’t.

Zaku's avatar

Pardon Trump . . . L M A O

JLeslie's avatar

No. Except maybe to pardon Hunter in the last week.

I think Biden should pardon Hunter if there is no restriction on it.

I heard people saying Trump should pardon Hunter. I actually think he would, but wouldn’t leave it up to chance. It has to be done while Biden/Harris are in the White House.

Edit: If Harris becomes president who signs off on the vote if no VP is in place? The Speaker?

Jeruba's avatar

No. It’s not a game. Or shouldn’t be, even if it is. Let Biden’s term end with a little dignity, not a clown show.

But I wouldn’t mind if he pardoned Hunter.

jca2's avatar

I heard they’re dropping Trump’s charges, which in a way is a huge waste of all the time and effort the prosecutors put in, but regardless, if they drop Trump’s charges, they should drop Hunter’s and just clear the slate for both Trump and H Biden.

MrGrimm888's avatar

He looked as sharp as ever (for him) today, in his congratulations to Trump speech.
I thought he actually seemed a bit too cheerful, for such a solemn time for his party.
The heavy loses at the polls, are in response to Biden’s actions, and the public lumped Harris in with him. In my opinion, she did little to distance herself from Biden.
If Israel wasn’t attacked on Oct 7th, I think we’d have seen Biden’ or Harris get an easy win.
Biden was exponentially better, than Trump’s team has tried to paint him. Trump will have the economy looking great, by the time Biden’s actions kick in.
It’s BEEN great, under Biden, and inflation dropped again today.
If Trump does nothing, the economy would coast on an upward trend.
Obviously, Trump will be giving Americans money to the wealthy again, as soon as he can… That cost us big last time, so I fail to see how it would benefit us this time…

Trump also appears to be suffering from the effects of age, and likely a very unhealthy lifestyle.

JLeslie's avatar

Here’s what someone wrote in a Democrat facebook group where I live:

…pardon Hunter and others; plus, if possible, himself and others that T may target. Then step aside and put Kamala in as the first woman (and of color) to be president, even for 2 monrhs, making her number 47, and also causing all T’s #47 merch to be obsolete (not my idea, saw it somewhere). Also, if she were (historically) President she would not have to certify T’s votes.

The #47 merchandise thing is funny.

jca2's avatar

That is funny and a good idea @JLeslie!

LifeQuestioner's avatar

Although it might be a good stick it to the man technique, I don’t think it matters. But whatever else could come from it, I do not think Trump should be pardoned.

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