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tinyfaery's avatar

Can you recommend some books like this?

Asked by tinyfaery (44316points) November 8th, 2024 from iPhone

Do you know of any books that are mostly from one point of view, but have a brief instance(s) of the point of view of another character? For instance, we are reading from a child’s point of view but all of a sudden we briefly get the point of view of the parent.

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8 Answers

Caravanfan's avatar

The Martian, by Andy Weir.

LifeQuestioner's avatar

Lots of books use this method but it’s usually divided up fairly evenly. One book that comes to mind is Dragonsdoom, by Dennis L McKiernan. The whole book is actually four different points of view that alternate back and forth. And some of them are not even during the same time period. One of the points of view is about 400 years before the present, two of them are present time, and then the last one is maybe a little bit before the present time, although I think that one finally reconciles with the other two. I’d have to go back and look for more specifics because I haven’t read it for a while.

I’m also reading Ordinary People, which switches between the son’s point of view and the father’s point of view. I can probably think of others if you want to know more.

MrGrimm888's avatar

The premise reminds me immediately, of “South Park.”
Not a written work, but they always explore current events through the dynamic different views of innocent children, and a community of older people that often embrace polarizing modern ideologies.

filmfann's avatar

The Harry Potter books are almost entirely from Harry’s point of view, though several parts (including the opening chapter, which is the experience of Harry’s Uncle, and then Dumbledore, McGonagall, and Hagrid) are from others. Following that, I can only think of two chapters that aren’t from Harry’s perspective.

LifeQuestioner's avatar

@filmfann it’s been awhile since I’ve read them, but aren’t there quite a few times where it’s not from Harry’s perspective but when Snape is meeting with Voldemort or Voldemort is holding some sort of meeting? Like I said, it’s been a while so I may be remembering things incorrectly.

filmfann's avatar

@LifeQuestioner I can think of when Snape meets with Malfoys mother, when Snape joins Voldemort at Malfoys home, and when the Muggle Chancellor meets with the Wizard.
They are mostly what Harry sees.

LifeQuestioner's avatar

@filmfann I was thinking of near the beginning of book four, was it? Like I said I haven’t read the books for quite some time. But the one where the snake is meeting with Voldemort. Although I think even that one, Harry is seeing the scene in a dream or something. Boy I really need to pull out those books again!

filmfann's avatar

@LifeQuestioner Exactly! Harry is seeing that action through the snake’s eyes.

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