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JLeslie's avatar

What are your predictions for Trump’s first 90 days in office?

Asked by JLeslie (65968points) November 9th, 2024 from iPhone

I predict he:

Pardons most of the Jan 6ers who are in jail, especially if their sentence is harsher than a typical sentence for a similar crime.

I think a deal with Netanyahu and Abbas happens in the first few days. The hostages get released and there is a total cease fire. I don’t know how permanent it will be, but something dramatic initially.

Gets rid of allowing transwomen in women’s sports high school and older and works on not allowing it in the Olympics and other world games.

Assigns someone to assess what is happening with transgender care for children in the US.

I’m hoping he doesn’t get rid of the Department of Education, do you believe he will actually do that? It almost seems counterintuitive that the Republicans are obsessing about what is being taught (real or made up) and then are in favor of getting rid of a federal level department of education.

I think he might try to unseat and replace the federal reserve chair to get interest rates back down to 2%, which would be horrible!

I also predict that if grocery prices stay exactly the same as now, the Republicans will be convinced prices are cheaper. Confirmation bias they will just cherry pick in their minds and see only items that are reasonable prices (but my point is those items have been reasonable for over a year, but they focused on when we had $8 eggs) and they have became accustomed to the higher milk prices and will ignore it, even though those prices have been steady well over a year also.

If gas is 10¢ cheaper, they will think it is a dollar cheaper. They will be saying in January gas is $2.80 and under Biden it was $4.00, even if it was $2.90 quite often the last 6 months. Keep your receipts or take photos of prices, you will see, and the facts won’t matter.

Will he leave NATO? I have no guess. People suggest he will go into an alliance with Russia and China.

What about Ukraine?

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35 Answers

jca2's avatar

He’ll tell Zalensky that the bankroll is ending, so better negotiate and let Russia have a portion of Ukraine and call it a day.

They say Europe is very nervous because past alliances are no longer what they were. We had this whole post WW2 alliance thing with Europe and now it’s every man for himself, and that’s all in jeopardy. The New World Order.

jca2's avatar

I predict we’ll see the criminals that we were happy not to see, coming back into the limelight. Criminals like Rudy Giuliani.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Pogroms in several American cities with large Jewish populations.

Demosthenes's avatar

I think a deal with Netanyahu and Abbas happens in the first few days. The hostages get released and there is a total cease fire.

Wanna make a bet on that?

I guess there’s nothing wrong with being optimistic, but I don’t think both wars will end shortly after Trump takes office, no matter what he has promised. I’d love to be wrong, though.

Otherwise, yeah, grocery prices are not going to plummet, sorry. That’s a primary reason many people voted for Trump, but the guy in the Oval Office often doesn’t have much to do with that.

Now January 6th rioters being pardoned, yes, that is probably a guarantee.

JLeslie's avatar

@elbanditoroso I heard one just happened in Amsterdam. We probably can’t call it a pogrom, but there was a recent attack on Israelis and supporters of the team at a soccer game. I haven’t read up on it. Why do you think more of that will happen when Trump is president compared to what is happening anyway?

@Demosthenes I think possibly the deal has been in the works, and it disgusts me, because I think it is similar to the hostage Iran deal when Reagan became president. People left to suffer until the president is inserted.

@jca2 OMG Giuliani, I was not even thinking about him. I can’t believe Trump would even think Giuliani is stable anymore. You might be right.

Demosthenes's avatar

@JLeslie That is certainly possible. “Wait until after the election” has always included waiting while thousands of people die. But I have high standards. If peace is not negotiated by February 20, I will consider the promise unfulfilled. It’s time for Trump to be the “president of peace”.

JLeslie's avatar

@Demosthenes I’m thinking it happens in January if my guess is right. I don’t feel sure in any sort of way, it is just a thought going through my mind.

hat's avatar

I urge you (not anyone in particular – just those who are more exposed to Zionist propaganda) to please understand that what happened in Amsterdam – we watched it in realtime – was that a bunch of Israeli football fans (traveling with Mossad agents) sang anti-Arab songs and celebrated the death of Palestinians. They tore down a Palestinian flag and reportedly beat a cab driver. This is what we all followed.

The next day, when people fought back against the Israelis, Israel finally announced that something was going on in Amsterdam – not the Israeli fan shit from the night before. Just the response. And of course, they sold it as “antisemitism” and a pogrom, and the western media played along. The NYTimes, of course, ran headlines describing “Antisemitic Attack”.

This is the entire Israeli playbook. They are the oppressors, are somehow allowed to play football and act like they’re not committing genocide. And when violence breaks out, it’s just another excuse for why they need to bomb the world.

The entire Zionist project’s foundation is built on victimization and the idea that colonizers who have ethnically cleansed, caged, starved, terrorized, and tortured the indigenous population for decades, and is now committing genocide, are themselves the victims.

Let’s not spread more lies here in service to a “country” committing genocide.

hat's avatar

(Feel free to remove the above if found to be off-topic. If people push the pogrom shit further, however, I’ll duck into that conversation.)

Demosthenes's avatar

@hat Agreed. That the language of “pogrom” was being used is laughable. Israel acts as if every bit of pushback against them is contextless and unprovoked. That is rarely the case when you dig deeper.

JLeslie's avatar

I found this about what happened in Amsterdam. I also would not use pogrom, but the violence is worrisome.

I still don’t have any feeling on whether the US president will have much affect or influence on this type of incident happening.

hat's avatar

Trying to find a summary for people who haven’t been following. Owen Jones does a brief summary, including clips, here:

Kropotkin's avatar

” I heard one just happened in Amsterdam. We probably can’t call it a pogrom, but there was a recent attack on Israelis and supporters of the team at a soccer game. I haven’t read up on it. Why do you think more of that will happen when Trump is president compared to what is happening anyway?”

What happened is the Maccabi Haifa “Ultras” went around assaulting muslims or anyone who looked muslim, were chanting the most obscenely vile racist chants, went around tearing Palestinian flags from people homes, and then basically fucked around and found out.

Then the narrative was the one you conveniently picked up on.

JLeslie's avatar

@Kropotkin The Israelis beat up Arabs in Amsterdam? I’m not defending them pulling down flags or horrible chants, but were they violent?

I think probably none of us have the entire story. Reporting is probably biased both ways.

I think the leaders in the Netherlands weren’t comparing the incident to Hitler or Gaza, but rather saying in their country and in Europe they don’t tolerate hate and violence. Europe is not Gaza. Arabs and Jews in America and in Europe should not be fighting with each other because of Gaza and people who aren’t Jewish or Palestinian should not be violent or threatening to either group either. In fact, I would say most Arabs and Jews in America get along just fine, I hope that is true in Europe.

If a Palestinian team came to my town I hope people wouldn’t put Israeli flags up all over the place, I would be completely against it. I hated that last year the temple handed out Israeli flags at a public Chanukah celebration. I was told that wasn’t going to happen and I spoke up about it when the flags were being handed out, I refused to take one.

SnipSnip's avatar

I’m happy to wait and see. I hope people will find a way to talk about something other than President Trump.

jca2's avatar

@SnipSnip if he’s anything now like he was last time, changing his staff constantly and saying crazy shit, and doing crazy shit, and appointing non deserving people to high positions, it will be much fodder for conversation here and in real life.

flutherother's avatar

Each day will seem like a year of bad luck.

cheebdragon's avatar

@jca2 “saying crazy shit, and doing crazy shit, and appointing non deserving people to high positions”….Sounds exactly like the last 4 years with Biden.

Kardamom's avatar

Giving classified documents and information to the Russians. Selling classified documents and information to any country or group who pays him big money for it.

ragingloli's avatar

In addition to Ukraine, you should keep an eye on the situations in Korea and Taiwan.

JLeslie's avatar

@ragingloli Agree. Very scary for them.

jca2's avatar

N Korea helping the Russians now. Ugh.

JLeslie's avatar

Senator Michael Lee introducing a bill for the executive branch to take over the federal reserve.

Something like that.


jca2's avatar

During the campaign, Trump said he thinks he should have a say-so in the interest rates and other policies of the Fed, @JLeslie. It is terrifying but it’s not surprising.

I heard today he is definitely going to dismantle the Education Department.

For those in federal government, they’re going to be on the unemployment line and the federal government won’t be able to retain capable talent.

JLeslie's avatar

I actually was annoyed the interest was so low for so many years, especially during Trump. I was always suspicious they were helping him. I think such a low rate is horrible.

ragingloli's avatar

It will take you half a century to recover from the damage he is going to do.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

If he is in charge of the Federal Reserve . . .he will drop the interest rate for disaster !

And throwing tariffs, of 10 % to 20 % except China which could be 60 % or more, on imports will be runaway inflation maybe double digits or maybe 20 percent.

Tariffs are a political statement for isolationism not an economic plan !

I agree with @ragingloli, it may take a generation or more to fix the “The Turd’s” plan to start the Fourth Reich !

JLeslie's avatar

I should buy real estate this time. Flip it fast. Hmmm.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@ragingloli You are such an optimist.

In 50 years, life will so much happen to the world that cockroaches will be a luxury snack for the ultra rich.

Not to mention a glass of clean water would be priceless.

jca2's avatar

On the news this morning (NBC News) Kristi Nome to run the Dept of Homeland Security. What a joke.

ragingloli's avatar

@jca2 oh, the puppy murderer. How fitting. after all that hullabaloo about the squirrel.

jca2's avatar

@ragingloli Nome was one I was hoping would go away forever and not be rewarded for being a total asshole. Her and RFK, please remove them from my sight immediately lol.

JLeslie's avatar

Of course Nome gets a position. Solidly right wing Trump supporter and a beautiful woman. Trump’s favorite combination.

What resume item qualifies her for Homeland Security? Unbelievable.

The older I get the more I regret not staying in a career and building the networks to get ahead. I realize now it really is who you know and if they will bring you along.

ragingloli's avatar

Here is a list of predictions of what you can expect overall:

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