Meta Question

LifeQuestioner's avatar

What is the process for flagging a response?

Asked by LifeQuestioner (4335points) November 9th, 2024

I’m assuming that it can only be done by the OP? Are there certain circumstances in which you can flag somebody’s comment, for instance, if it’s off topic or if you’ve indicated no politics in the question, or can it be for anything? How do you actually go about doing it because I don’t see the mechanism available.

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10 Answers

Brian1946's avatar

You can flag any post, even if you’re not the OP.

At the bottom of a post, at the rightmost position, you should see a “Flag as…” option.

If you click on it, you should go to a page listing the reasons for the flag.

LifeQuestioner's avatar

^^thanks! But I’m guessing this is a PC only option and not a mobile option?

Brian1946's avatar

Apparently it’s not a mobile option.

Try going to the page bottom and selecting Desktop.

LifeQuestioner's avatar

^^I did do that but I didn’t see that option then either. I’ll have to get on my computer later and try it but I appreciate your help!

MrGrimm888's avatar

Yeah I’m always on mobile, and I’ve never been able to flag anything. On VERY rare occasions, I will contact the Mods, about things I have an issue with.

Flagging, let’s people off the hook though. I rather enjoy the fact that people’s words will live far longer than them. Let whomever reads it, see the other’s true colors.

snowberry's avatar

I’m on iPad, and I can flag anything I want to.

longgone's avatar

[mod says] You can flag absolutely anything. Ideally, you’ve familiarized yourself with the guidelines. It’s also okay to just flag posts you’re not sure about. We don’t remove a post based on flags alone, so when in doubt, flag.

On mobile, first switch to desktop mode. Then zoom in on any comment’s “Great Answer” button and look right.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^In retrospect, I should have asked first, but I flagged you…

It was in the name of science.

longgone's avatar

^ Congrats on your successful experiment!

MrGrimm888's avatar

^I just had to believe in myself.
You were the wind, beneath my wings…

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