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elbanditoroso's avatar

What will happen when the two biggest egos on the planet (Musk and Trump) have to work together and they disagree?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33646points) 2 months ago

Does Musk have respect for the presidency? For Trump as a person?

Does Trump have any respect for Musk’s creativity? (Even though Musk is a class A jerk as a human being)

What happens when they eventually disagree?

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25 Answers

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Everyone quick to the bomb shelters

Forever_Free's avatar

nobody cares when they are in a circle j* as long as they get what they want.

seawulf575's avatar

Well, I’m not sure they are the two biggest egos…there are so many. Obama is right up there, Hillary is right up there, Kamala is right up there, McConnell is up there, Soros is up there, etc.

And I’m going to ask up front…do you want honest discussion or are you just looking for echo chamber? I have to ask because even the expansion of your question makes gross statements such as Musk is a class A jerk as a human being. That seems odd too since he was a pioneer in the electric car industry because he thought that would be good for the planet. He gave free Starlink to people that needed it in NC following Hurricane Helene. These don’t really hit me as someone who is a class A jerk of a human being.

But giving the OP benefit of the doubt, I’ll give my view on it. Trump and Musk both see this country going down the toilet, being flushed away by the elitists that were/are in power. They both recognized the danger that the policies and actions of the left have presented to the country and the people. But they both believe it isn’t too late to correct the course of the country. And I believe they recognize the strengths of the other.

They both bring incredible energy with them. They both have experience leading large corporations. Trump never backed down after the Dems weaponized the government to get him. He never stopped pushing ahead even after getting shot and having 2 other assassination attempts thwarted. Those things show courage and resolve.

Musk has shown he can think outside the box and is very creative in finding solutions to problems. He has shown he is great at cutting costs in businesses he runs. He also doesn’t back down from a fight.

And the best part is that they both hate shadow government and recognize that the best way to avoid it is to shrink the size of the government and to blast transparency for all to see.

I believe the two men really respect each other and actually like each other. I really don’t see much strife ever arising between the two. If there are things on which they disagree, they will likely sit down like sane, rational humans and talk them out, discussing the pluses and minuses of the issue. And if at some point Trump has to say no to something Musk has to say, I don’t picture Musk being so petty as to go off and pout. He will acknowledge that Trump is the POTUS and will recognize it is Trump’s ass if they make the wrong decision.

flutherother's avatar

They will disagree. Musk will fail in his task and Trump will blame him in a scenario that will be repeated across government in America. The consequences will be disastrous for the country but Trump will always find other to blame for his failures.

elbanditoroso's avatar

@seawulf575 actually I asked this seriously. In Trump and Musk you have extremely rich guys who generally haven’t answered to anyone but themselves. Both of them feel they can do no wrong. Both of them have mixed accomplishments, financially and personally.

The way I see it they are two bulls in a pasture, vying for dominance over the herd of cows. Those altercations usually don’t end well.

ragingloli's avatar

musk needs government money, so he is the one on a leash.

seawulf575's avatar

@elbanditoroso I get it. Successful people often have huge egos. But as I said, they actually seem to get along pretty well. Trump has called on Musk a few times to get his opinions on things and Musk has shown great support for Trump. Musk knows that Trump is going to be POTUS so that isn’t even an issue.

Jeruba's avatar

Musk is not used to playing second fiddle. I don’t expect this arrangement to last very long.

LuckyGuy's avatar

They both will do what benefits them the most. The country and its citizens will never come first. Putin is laughing his ass off!
It’s fun to watch how DJT stock is being manipulated to benefit DJT. Before the election the predictions were the price would soar if he won, and crash if he lost. Hundreds of millions of dollars in options were sold to individual investors who believed in the hype. The stock barely moved after the election and all those Put and Call options expired worthless. Who benefited? The owners of the stock: DJT. Easier money than selling sneakers, watches, ....
This will be a golden opportunity for both of them to play off each other. “Hey Elon, I need this stock to go up even though it has no intrinsic value and loses money. Buy some! I’ll trade you with a law that only Teslas can satisfy.”
Oh this will be fun!

Matt Gaetz the Attorney General?! Hilarious! You can’t make this stuff up!

“Idiocracy” was 480 years off!

jca2's avatar

Trump wil fire Musk when they start butting heads. I give it a year at the most.

Gaetz. Nome the pupppy kiler, it’s going to be interesting.

JLeslie's avatar

I was thinking about Musk and Trump also. I think this is a way for Musk to be president. Trump might let Musk make a lot of decisions at first, but probably eventually, Musk will leave or be asked to leave.

@LuckyGuy My husband just told me about Gaetz. It is laughable. Trump is taking a lot of Florida politicians. I need to still research it, but I think DeSantis gets to appoint new Senators if Rubio and Scott leave their positions here in Florida. If I’m right, I’m bracing myself for who he will install here.

jca2's avatar

@JLeslie Musk was born in South Africa so unless it was a US military base, he wouldn’t be eligible for US Presidency.
@JLeslie The NY Times was reporting that Trump is taking Republican politicians and Republicans are saying there won’t be anybody left, he’s running out of people.

JLeslie's avatar

@jca2 That’s what I mean. Musk can’t be president, so having the President’s ear is his only way to be president by proxy.

LifeQuestioner's avatar

I definitely think that Musk is looking to become a shadow president since he can’t actually be president. And no, he wasn’t born on a military base. In fact, there’s been some talk that he actually was in the US illegally initially, but I’m not sure about that and I’m not sure any proof has been presented.

But I think they are going to put Trump quietly out to pasture where he can avoid jail but play golf all day, while other people run things. Whether it will be the Heritage Foundation through Vance or will be Musk remains to be seen.

JLeslie's avatar

@LifeQuestioner I don’t agree about the out to pasture bit.

Unless Trump has some sort of sudden health event, I don’t see him fading away.

I know a lot of Democrats say he can’t put two sentences together, but none of the people saying that to me actually watch him in long interview they watch cherry picked clips.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Eazy Peazy Musk has way more. money . . . . Trump will ask to be sent to Moscow for with a night with Putin’s bimbos !

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

I guess then Elon Is going to have to rule Mars as their is not enough room for the both of them on Earth.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Trump’s ego, is exactly what makes him SO easy to manipulate.
Trump will never catch on.

Musk may tire of the situation eventually, but not before he gets a LOT of what he wanted.

They sort of needed each other.
Trump was super desperate for money, and Musk couldn’t resist having a US president as a pet.
His relationship with Trump, should help Musk keep regulations minimal on AI development. Once he gets that rolling, he won’t need Trump…

Pandora's avatar

Muskvat some point is going to do something or say something that will piss Trump off because it will come across that Musk is the one behind the curtain making Trump his puppet. That is when Trump will ask for his resignation. Musk is definitely the kind of guy to look at Trump and say you owe me. You would be nothing without me. Musk is obnoxious turd but he doesn’t have mental defects and will try to control Trump because he craves power.

YARNLADY's avatar

If they strongly disagreed about something, T would throw Musk under the bus at first chance.

Kropotkin's avatar

When the two biggest self-aggrandising narcissists on the planet work together, there is the possibility of some sort of clash and fallout, but I’m not sure it’s inevitable.

Musk is the absolute master of taking credit for other people’s work. Trump, for all his general stupidity and ignorance, is a genius at self-promotion and taking advantage of people for his own gain.

I think their relationship could last as long as they feel validated by each other and feel there is some mutual gain. Musk has no charisma and no social intelligence, so is the one more likely to overstep the mark and irritate Trump in some way.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^Musk’s popularity, and business acumen, could offend Trump…

Dutchess_III's avatar

^^^^ As long as he doesn’t make it too obvious he might be OK

MrGrimm888's avatar

Musk isn’t stupid, and Trump would lick his boots, for a price.

Musk DOES have a limit, but I
too think he will fly enough under Trump’s radar to make a decent run. For a Trump appointee…

As soon as Musk achieves his financial goals, he’ll likely leave. Unless things, are actually running smoothly.

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