^You think stopping the war in Ukraine, is ”trivial?”
That war is INCREDIBLY important, to the west.
Our relationships, with other NATO countries shouldn’t be pissed away.
Getting allies, is not easy.
It’s no secret that Europe has most of America’s closest allies.
It took two world wars, and the cold war, to get the level of cooperation we currently have with NATO members.
It goes without saying, the only way to stop the war, is to give Russia at least some of Ukraine.
That, would mean ALL the money, resources, and assets that we gave Ukraine (because we pledged to protecting them, if they gave up pursuing nuclear weapons,) was wasted.
Even without the strategic importance that Ukraine has, it is a US investment now.
IF Putin agrees to halt his advances, it will only galvanize the hypothetical friendship between Trump and Russia.
If Russia and China, invade Alaska, and we aren’t part of NATO, our former allies may not help. They couldn’t, if they wanted to, as they will have to fend for themselves against Russia.
Putin recently received as much as 12,000 North Korean troops, for the war.
With over a million soldiers, the ONLY resource North Korea has to export, is people.
The only thing Putin needs (numbers.)
Analysts say Kim could send hundreds of thousands of troops, if necessary.
In other words, Putin has more leverage now, as they have a potential massive reinforcement supply.
THE reason that Ukraine began their offensive in Russia, was because they were preparing for Trump. They knew, like many have always known, that Trump is sucking up (maybe indebted?) to Putin.
The offensive, was to gain enemy territory, so that (worse case scenario, Trump is reelected,) they would have SOME leverage. Trump will give their whole country away.
He doesn’t care, about the MASSIVE threat to the world.
He only cares about keeping brown people out of America.
Trump is a LOT of things.
But. He isn’t Dick Cheney.
Trump WILL greatly profit from peace in the Ukraine. Even though, obviously, ANY peace would be short lived.
Cheney profited from blowing up stuff, and coincidentally rewarding the repair work to his corporations like Haliburton.
I certainly don’t think that something that has the VERY REAL potential, to cause a world war, is “nit-picky.”
Biden was likely listening to his advisors. You act like nuclear war, wasn’t at risk.
You of ALL people, should know that risk that Russia poses.
Biden started funding Ukraine, almost immediately.
There were things to talk about, before sending OUR weapons to a country that was not our ally (at the time.)
Last time we funded, trained, and armed a group to fight Russia, it was Osama Bin Laden. That didn’t age well.
The whole thing, is really ridiculous. The world watched Russia slowly ship their western flank around and into Ukraine. (I personally thought that when those thousands of tanks were sitting in a line, we should have attacked them.
It was obvious what was happening, and it would have been a Russian “Pearl Harbor,” as they would have lost most of their mechanized ground units and supply lines on their western border with NATO countries.)
Biden went on TV, and essentially asked us, if we were willing to help, but that it would also slightly harm us economically. Most of us agreed, and even conservatives, were OK with throwing support to the Ukraine.
Trump has always (publicly,) acknowledged that he doesn’t want the country to be a member of NATO.
Strategically, that is retarded.
Or. Trump is intentionally helping Putin…
There isn’t a third option.
The war is still raging. I saw an article a couple days ago, claiming Russia had lost around 2,000 troops in a single day.
Trump could de-fund the effort, but the Ukrainians may be ok with just having the other NATO countries.
They have more than held their own, and have been very successful in their offensive.
Personally, I get videos of drones dropping thermite on Russian positions. It looks TERRIFYING.
The world HAS been preparing, for a possible Trump presidency.
Trump is just talking out if his ass, and you ate it…
You ate the fact he didn’t build the wall, and never mention it as his failure to you. It was.
The question (to me,) is snarky, as it inferred that Trump often makes ambitious and fanciful proclamations, but rarely follows his word.
In some cases, I don’t think Trump is intentionally lying.
He just has NO idea, what he’s talking about. He is mostly bark, and has some advisors/staff who are warmongers.
The war in Ukraine, has been a stalemate. Putin should be looking for ANY way to halt the war, before he feeds his whole country to the meat grinder.
It would have benefited Putin to stop, a LONG time ago.
I believe THIS was his hope.
That Trump would win, and he would likely gain ground in any negotiation, and wouldn’t have to fight for it…
Trump stopping that war, has been written on the wall for a while. It again, galvanizes the bond/or debt, Trump has with Putin. It wasn’t proven, but we all knew it.
My understanding is that Trump had to have Musk hold his little hand, whilst he spoke with Zelensky over the phone.
VERY impressive…...