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Dutchess_III's avatar

Do you think Trump's stupidity is part of the allure for his followers?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) November 15th, 2024

Like…Trump can’t really be stupid or he wouldn’t be president. Ergo I am smarter than the president of the United States!

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30 Answers

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

In politics stupidity is not a handicap – Napoleon Bonaparte.

gondwanalon's avatar

Trump says a lot of stupid and asinine things. But he is not stupid.

“Dr. Winters was a simple man so simple that only a profound man would view him as profound.” From John Steinbeck’s “The Moon is Down”.

JLeslie's avatar

I don’t think so. Plus, I don’t think he’s so stupid. He has the psychology of half of Americans figured out.

Dutchess_III's avatar

He is stupid you guys.

JLeslie's avatar

I guess it depends on how you define stupid.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well how would you define it @JLeslie?

Tropical_Willie's avatar

^^^. Stupid will show about 6 months into the 2025 !

@JLeslie he will be over his head with his asinine cabinet !

Maybe his buddy Putin will help ! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

JLeslie's avatar

@Dutchess_III He figured out how to get the ear and vote of half of the American voting population. He isn’t stupid about that. I disagree with him on a lot of things, but stupid is not the word I would use for him.

I define stupid as not being able to understand or thinking something that is completely inaccurate when it has been explained many times.

You might think he is stupid about history, trade, healthcare, democracy, what do you think he is stupid about? I wrote stupid like a fox above and then deleted it, but it does apply. I think he has his own goals and manipulates things to achieve them.

Dutchess_III's avatar

He didn’t consciously, deliberately catch his followers attention. He didn’t change his behavior to conform or capture an audience. He’s a stupid asshole and that’s all he is. He can’t pretend to be anything other than he is. Apparently his followers think that’s just great.
But that says more about them than anything.

JLeslie's avatar

@Dutchess_III I somewhat agree with you, but not completely. He does change depending on his audience. I know people who have been to Mar-a-Lago and said Trump was a great host and very welcoming and hospitable. I feel pretty sure he was behaving in a very well mannered way for the people I know to say that. I am not talking about supporters of his, these are people who interacted with him years ago, before he ran for president.

I’ve said before I saw Trump in interviews 25 years ago analyzing the Republican voters and how they can be manipulated.

He watches TV, social media, and aligns with what people are saying out there to win. Much of which is horrible, but it doesn’t make him stupid.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Right. “You send your girl to school in morning and she comes back a boy.” That’s not the least bit stupid is it. Just saying what his followers want to hear.

JLeslie's avatar

I think Trump repeats the last thing he hears. It would be funny if it wasn’t terrifying for the country.

Dutchess_III's avatar

He just repeats the last thing he heard without question because he’s stupid.
“They’re eating the cats. They’re eating the dogs.” Brilliance at work.

flutherother's avatar

Trump doesn’t try to analyse problems logically to identify solutions he just tries to manipulate people. If this is his goal then he is a master. He cajoles, he threatens, he makes friends and he succeeds. “They are eating the cats and dogs” doesn’t define a problem the United States must confront it is simply divisive.

“They” are criminals “they” eat cats and dogs. On the other hand, “we” don’t eat cats and dogs and “we” aren’t criminals. “We” are the regular white voters and “they” are immigrants. He doesn’t define a problem he creates a problem. No attempt is made to confront the real world and its complexities he simply divides Americans into us and them and they could be immigrants they could be Muslims or they could be democrats.

It is a cop out from proper governance and it is very corrosive for democracy. What intelligence Trump may have is entirely misdirected.

JLeslie's avatar

@flutherother Yeah, he just says whatever riles up his crowd, while at the same time it riles up the opposition.

Blackwater_Park's avatar

One thing you can’t call Trump is stupid. He knows what to say, and exactly how to say it to make the left lose their head and simultaneously rally the right. He is a master troll, that’s a skill reserved for people north of average.

SnipSnip's avatar

I can’t think of a better way of sounding foolish than to call President Trump stupid. Calling yourself smarter than Biden doesn’t indicate a lot of self confidence.

jca2's avatar

I don’t think of him as stupid. Maybe, on occasion, he shows that he’s not up on certain facts or details but he’s not stupid.

Forever_Free's avatar

This is why he loves the uneducated. And now he’s dismantling the Department of Education.

Example of Unanimously voted Blue vs Red states in 2024 election
Oklahoma – every country voted Red
44th in Education
49th in healthcare
44th in Quality of life
50th in test scores
Highest divorce rate
top ten worst poverty

Massachusetts – Every country voted Blue
1st in education
2nd in Healthcare
1st in quality of life
1st in test scores
3 lowest divorce rate
Top ten in least poverty.

JLeslie's avatar

@Forever_Free Did Trump already float someone’s name for Secretary of Education? I haven’t heard anything yet, but I haven’t paid close attention.

Forever_Free's avatar

Nothing yet from his mouth.

I hear Lauren Boebert is crossing her fingers. LOL

JLeslie's avatar

Oh Gawd.

Jeruba's avatar

@Forever_Free, where did you find those lovely stats?

MrGrimm888's avatar

“Stupid’ is, as ‘Stupid’ does.”

Luckily, he’s never done anything stupid, like get recorded committing election fraud, by abusing the office…..

And certainly no right minded person, would have defended him, if he had, or THEY are also stupid….

I don’t make the laws of stupidity. But I know it, when I see it.

Trump calls handicapped people, veterans, and women childish names. Thanks to the 1st amendment, I can do the same to him.

Trump is, and always has been, a con man and career criminal.
He wasn’t very good at it, but he was able to con hos sheep without question.

Not all con artists, are intelligent. Many just have one trick. With Trump, his only trick is fear mongering through spreading lies, and misinformation.

Most con artists, don’t have FOX “News,” to run their con 24/7.

He BARELY got out of the worst of his crimes. He got himself into a position where he needed $500 million, in a short amount of time.
Mainly, because he was destroyed in civil court TWICE, by the same woman!

If even a loved one did these things, I would rightfully, and comfortably call them STUPID.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Dems loved him and took donations for decades, then he switched parties to win the Presidency and it worked. Even if you think he’s a pos, he’s not stupid imo.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^Nah. He’s protected by his lawyers, and all the things that come with entering adult life with over $400 million.
His father protected him, from having to go to Vietnam.
His sheep were the only one’s fighting on J6. Trump was watching the results of his attempted insurrection on TV.
I am certain, that in that moment, watching the ramifications of his lies and deceit, that Trump felt smart.

He’s manipulative. And he didn’t miss a gullible soul, this time.

Without his empire, he would be lost. He seems pretty lost, WITH his people holding his little hand.

Remember. This guy is SO not stupid, not one of his legal teams, has EVER let him take the stand.

Nope. His people know, he’s stupid.

IF I was going to commit election fraud, I probably wouldn’t do it over the phone.

Trump was infamous for clogging the Oval office shitter, trying to destroy evidence.
The plumbers, must surely have also thought “what a dumbass.”

I’ve always said, Trump isn’t the problem. I have no personal qualms with him. If it weren’t for his poor sheep, he’d just be another lunatic on a subway car, or in an alley, screaming his nonsense into the sky…

He’s no more of a POS, than most people in higher levels of government.
He’s stupid.

I used to listen to Howard Stern 20+ years ago (still occasionally do,) and Trump was on multiple times.
He was a clearly insecure and pathetic individual, and he has only gotten older, and more demented since.

I don’t think he WAS stupid, on Howard, but not many smart people brag SO much, or shower themselves with praise. It’s just NOT a trait, people with intelligence conduct themselves.

Even on the “grab ‘em by the pussy” tape, I always thought that he was possibly a homosexual, and so he tried VERY hard, to create a Playboy image.
His uncomfortably close relationship with Lindsay Graham (another poorly closeted Republican,) doesn’t help that theory…

I can concede, that Trump is just barely below average intelligence. Perhaps that’s not stupid.

BUT. Stupid is, as stupid does.
By that saying’s logic, Trump is stupid.

Dutchess_III's avatar

It’s not HIS intelligence at work @KNOWITALL. Over all these years It’s never been his intelligence or cunning at at work.
His dad’s…yeah. Fred sr.
But Donald was his dad’s second choice. His older brother Fred Jr was his dad’s first choice.
But Fred Jr committed suicide in 1981.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Fred Jr drank himself to death, DIJT Sr eats several – - four or six McDonald’s sandwiches a day with a couple of shakes a day ! !

JLeslie's avatar

@KNOWITALL Trump gave money to Dems and Republicans. He has openly said it. A lot of businessmen probably do.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Trump donated to Harris.
The wealthy play both sides, and that way they never lose.

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