^Nah. He’s protected by his lawyers, and all the things that come with entering adult life with over $400 million.
His father protected him, from having to go to Vietnam.
His sheep were the only one’s fighting on J6. Trump was watching the results of his attempted insurrection on TV.
I am certain, that in that moment, watching the ramifications of his lies and deceit, that Trump felt smart.
He’s manipulative. And he didn’t miss a gullible soul, this time.
Without his empire, he would be lost. He seems pretty lost, WITH his people holding his little hand.
Remember. This guy is SO not stupid, not one of his legal teams, has EVER let him take the stand.
Nope. His people know, he’s stupid.
IF I was going to commit election fraud, I probably wouldn’t do it over the phone.
Trump was infamous for clogging the Oval office shitter, trying to destroy evidence.
The plumbers, must surely have also thought “what a dumbass.”
I’ve always said, Trump isn’t the problem. I have no personal qualms with him. If it weren’t for his poor sheep, he’d just be another lunatic on a subway car, or in an alley, screaming his nonsense into the sky…
He’s no more of a POS, than most people in higher levels of government.
He’s stupid.
I used to listen to Howard Stern 20+ years ago (still occasionally do,) and Trump was on multiple times.
He was a clearly insecure and pathetic individual, and he has only gotten older, and more demented since.
I don’t think he WAS stupid, on Howard, but not many smart people brag SO much, or shower themselves with praise. It’s just NOT a trait, people with intelligence conduct themselves.
Even on the “grab ‘em by the pussy” tape, I always thought that he was possibly a homosexual, and so he tried VERY hard, to create a Playboy image.
His uncomfortably close relationship with Lindsay Graham (another poorly closeted Republican,) doesn’t help that theory…
I can concede, that Trump is just barely below average intelligence. Perhaps that’s not stupid.
BUT. Stupid is, as stupid does.
By that saying’s logic, Trump is stupid.