@smudges Let’s consider the link you provided. Here is what it said the characterizations are for Fascism:
“characterized by a dictatorial leader, centralized autocracy, militarism, forcible suppression of opposition, belief in a natural social hierarchy, subordination of individual interests for the perceived good of the nation or race, and strong regimentation of society and the economy.”
Dictorial leader: None exists. That usually shows up as the capper on the cake. Can’t apply to Trump or any other politician at this time.
Centralized Autocracy: Trump has been pushing to shrink the size of the federal government and moving more and more to the states for control That is the exact opposite of Centralized Autocracy. On the flip side, the Democrats have pushed for larger federal government with all power residing in it. They have pushed to move more and more from the states to centralize it in one place. Dems are far closer to Fascism on this point.
Forcible Suppression of Opposition: Trump has not done this at all. However, under Joe Biden and Kamala Harris there was censorship of conservatives (opposing views), there were radical usage of law enforcement to raid home of and arrest people who dared to have a different opinion. See Mark Houck as the perfect example. Praying outside an abortion clinic and protecting his son from some radical that was attacking them got Mr. Houck arrested as the FBI and state police descended on his home, dragging him out of the house at gun point in front of his wife and 6 kids, even after he had offered to come in on his own (the day before they showed up). See also the efforts by the Biden DOJ to brand as domestic terrorists any parents that dared to speak up at school board meetings. These are perfect examples of forcible suppression of opposition. Dems have another step closer to Fascism.
Belief in a natural social hierarchy. Trump doesn’t see this or act on this at all. He has shown himself to be more about the people, engaging equally across all races, religions, and sexes. The Dems, on the other hand, have shown themselves to be elitists. This last election should have shown you that. Rich and famous people…the elites…out to help Kamala get elected, no actual policies to present, not really even seeing a need to present policies, not doing press conferences or unscripted interviews because it apparently doesn’t really matter what the people want. Dems win another point towards Fascism.
Subordination of Individual interests for the perceived good of the nation or race. Again, Trump is pushing for smaller government and for more state’s power over government to push the power closer to the people. He’s trying to lift restrictions on people, shrink taxes, etc. The Dems on the other hand are pushing for more taxes, more power, more control all in the name of the “good of the nation”. Even when there is total outrage over their policies, they refuse to change. Dems win another point towards Fascism.
Strong regimentation of society and the economy. Trump wants to break the back of the regulations. He wants to boost the economy by making more jobs available in the US, by making more people able to start business (entrepreneurship), and to let the market control the prices. He does want to “control the economy” in that he wants to do away with all the policies and regulations that currently are strangling it. Look at the idea of no tax on tips or no tax on social security payments for seniors as a perfect example that takes him out of the running towards Fascism. The Dems don’t want these things. Kamala was even saying she wanted to do price control on goods and services “to stop price gouging”. Price control is a perfect example of strong regimentation of society and the economy. It also clicks a box under the subordination of individual interests for the perceived good of the nation. Dems win another point.
That means we have 5 of 6 traits of Fascism fall under Democrats, none under Trump, with one undecided. The only other part that might play in is the “right wing” aspect. That has been debated a number of times. I would give that one towards Trump since he is conservative. But let’s be honest: all the rest point towards tyrannical rule. That is where the Dems live and where Trump is trying to move the country away from.