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filmfann's avatar

Can Trump go 4 years without being impeached again?

Asked by filmfann (52618points) November 17th, 2024

Referring to the next term.

Only time will tell the tale.

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16 Answers

jca2's avatar

If it requires being voted on by Sebate or Congress, it’s not likely since the Republicans have the majority.

seawulf575's avatar

With Democrats not holding a majority in the House or the Senate, it isn’t likely for at least 2 years. The only reason he was impeached during the first term is because the Dems felt that “get Trump!” was far more important than actually working to make the country better. After all, he took the presidency away from their darling, Hillary. The impeachment was a basic lie, that held no substance and only got voted through in the House because they held the majority and controlled the subcommittees.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Probably, because congress has been republicanized.

I don’t think there’s anything Trump could do – murdering someone, adultery, selling one of the states to Russia – that would ever be egregious enough for the MAGA-ites to allow Trump to be impeached.,

It’s good to be the king.

gondwanalon's avatar

If the Democrats in the House could then they’d impeach Trump before Inauguration Day.

JLeslie's avatar


I hope the Democrats don’t talk about impeaching him every day. I said that last time, but they didn’t listen to me. I don’t mean they shouldn’t ever bring it up what warranted, but every day sounds like a witch hunt and it’s ineffective and creates backlash.

It would have to be something that Republicans actually can’t ignore. Something that scares them that Trump directly does. Something that directly affects Republicans in the country, not just politicians. Chances are low.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

I like how the Trump lovers leave out the reason they impeached him in the first place, oh no it’s just a hate Trump we got to get him type thing.

seawulf575's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 Okay, let’s talk about why the Dems impeached him in the first place. They claimed he was using the power of the presidency to go after his political rival (Biden). They claimed they had a whistleblower that was in on the phone call between Trump and Zelenskyy and that Trump asked Zelenskyy 8 times to investigate Biden. They, of course, refused to name the whistleblower so he/she could actually be questioned. But Trump immediately released the transcript of the phone call which showed the whistleblower to be a complete liar. He never asked Zelenskyy to investigate Biden and actually only said “Biden” twice in the phone call and one of those had to do with Hunter Biden specifically. But this was the basis of their push. And when Trump showed the transcript they tried toting out anyone they could think of to speak out against Trump. NONE of the “witnesses” actually had any first hand knowledge of the phone call (except one that I will discuss in a moment), some never even met President Trump. Most claimed to have 2nd, 3rd, or 4th hand knowledge of things…you know…“I was talking to someone that told me they had been at a party and over heard someone that knows saying this happened.”. Yeah, solid testimony. The one person that had first hand knowledge was one of the translators/scribes that writes up the transcript from what they hear. This guy was a staunch Anti-Trumper who had an ego a mile wide. His account was way out from the other two that were listening to the same things he was doing. That’s how transcripts are done. 3 people listen and independently write what they heard. 2 of the accounts were fairly close…maybe someone put in an extra “and” or something but they were almost identical. The 3rd guy, the Dems plant apparently, had a radically different story. Sorry, nobody involved agreed with his story and he was in a snit.

But it gets even better! They claimed Trump threatened Zelenskyy with not providing aid if he didn’t do what Trump wanted. Trump was looking at delaying it because at the time Ukraine was horribly corrupt. I might mention that Bidens were involved in some of that corruption. I believe the aid was actually delayed a couple days but was actually getting approved to be released at the time of the call. And the real kicker is that Zelenskyy himself denies the Dems version of this. He said Trump never threatened him at all and that it was a very productive and friendly meeting. The only person that said Trump threatened him with a quid pro quo? You got it…the one transcriber that hated Trump and whose story was so far off from everyone else!

Want more? Okay. They impeached him on the charges of Obstruction of Congress and Abuse of Power. Those were the charges. Neither of those is a crime at all. There are no statutes that actually address that. And Obstruction of Congress is sometimes exactly what the POTUS has to do. It is called separation of powers. The Executive Branch doesn’t always give the Legislative Branch everything they want.

And the real capper of all this is that one of their biggest gripes, the thing they thought they really had Trump on, was a quid pro quo. Yet this is something that Biden did when he was VP. He threatened to withhold aid from Ukraine if they didn’t fire their AG within 6 hours. He implicated Obama in that same claim. He admitted all this publicly, using it as a story of what a great and powerful statesman he was. Yet the Dems didn’t want to look at that. Hell, I believe even you were one of the ones that tried saying “Yeah, but he’s not POTUS right now and Trump is. If Biden gets elected then we can talk about it”. And when he was elected, you all tried saying it never happened, that it was suppose to be that way, that he didn’t do anything wrong. Typical lefty hypocrisy.

So let’s sum up: the Dems took the story of an anonymous whistleblower that was proven to be a lie, backed it up with people that mostly had no first-hand knowledge of the phone call, some that never even met Trump, one witness whose testimony was completely discredited by others that were there, all to bring charges that are neither high crimes nor misdemeanors (not even crimes), and that was why they impeached him. In other words, they did it for political purposes. You know…using the power of their offices to go after their political opponents?

Blackwater_Park's avatar

Won’t happen considering the House and Senate are Republican can controlled.

MrGrimm888's avatar

He might go 8,9,10 years…

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Remember when he told his base is was very important to vote in this election,after that it wont matter because they will have it fixed , WHAT THE HELL DID THE ORANGE TURD MEAN BY THAT??

seawulf575's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 Do you really want to know or are you just in the “Hate Trump” echo chamber?

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Oh please enlighten me oh wise and conservative one.

seawulf575's avatar

Gladly. Here is the speech he made at the Turning Point Action “Believer’s Summit” which is where the comment was made. There are two points that need to be looked at:

37:32 before and by the way Christians have to vote you know I don’t want to scold you

37:39 but you know that Christians do not vote proportionately they don’t vote like they should they’re not big voters you

37:46 know who else aren’t voters the NRA endorsed me very powerfully strongest endorsement they can give National Rifle

37:53 Association people that own guns and rifles on not big voters they have to

37:59 vote if you don’t vote we’re not going to win the election if you do vote we’re going to win in a landslide too big to

38:05 rig we’re going to win in a landslide but Christians you know you’ll go to church every

38:11 Sunday and Pastor Paula White and all of the people I understand they’re doing lock boxes in churches where people

38:19 don’t even have to go to vote they can now vote in church and if you do that we’re going to win by numbers that

38:24 nobody’s ever seen before you know you have tremendous power but you just don’t know that but you have to use that power

38:31 Christians are a group that’s known not to vote very much you have to go out at

38:37 least this election just give us in get us into that beautiful white house vote

38:42 for your congressmen and women vote for your Senators we will change this country for the better this country will

38:49 be great again like never before you got to

38:55 vote and I’ve said said it before and I’ll say it again November 5th which is a period really because you’re allowed

39:02 to vote early they have early voting late voting everything is so ridiculous we should have one day voting paper

39:09 ballots voter ID and certification of citizenship and that’s what we’re

39:15 striving [Applause]

He then rambles some more, going into his campaign promises etc. You can skip it if you like. But then we get to a point where he is talking about implementing voter ID in the country and how the Democrats fight to oppose it because they want to cheat. He then says (tying it all back to the earlier comments):

1:00:21 this election most important election ever we want a landslide that’s too big to R if you want to save America get

1:00:29 your friends get your family get everyone you know and vote vote early vote absentee vote on Election Day I

1:00:36 don’t care how but you have to get out and vote and again Christians get out

1:00:41 and vote just this time you won’t have to do it anymore

1:00:49 four more years you know what it’ll be fixed it’ll be fine you won’t have to

1:00:54 vote anymore my beautiful Christian I love you Christians I’m a Christian I love you get out you got to get out and

1:01:01 vote in four years you don’t have to vote again we have it fixed so good you’re not going to have to vote

So after scolding the Christians (it was a Christian get-together) for traditionally not voting, he is saying “You have to at least vote in this election. If you decide you don’t want to vote after that, you won’t have to worry because we will have solved the election cheating issues.” Of course the lefty media wanted to take a snippet (as usual), assign some dark and demented meaning to it (as usual) and their blind followers ate it up (as usual).

MrGrimm888's avatar

Thanks Wulf. I’ll take it from here.

“four more years you know what it’ll be fixed it’ll be fine you won’t have to” vote again.

Wulf. I appreciate you pointing out Trump’s desires of destroying democracy. You’re making progress.

This time, you took the reigns and made sure that there was no room for debate, by posting his Trump’s words for everyone.

I agree Wulf. What an incredible example of Trump’s weaponization of Christianity.
You were even humble enough, not to fully illustrate how gullible Christians are. Bravo sir.

seawulf575's avatar

@MrGrimm888 Taking things out of context is exactly what your left wing media has taught you to do. It’s what they do. The meaning was obvious to people that aren’t frantically trying to “get Trump!”. Your willful attempts to dodge reality are really quite boring.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^Not too boring for you to get bent out of shape over…

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