Social Question

filmfann's avatar

Can Trump go 4 years without being impeached again?

Asked by filmfann (52480points) 2 hours ago

Referring to the next term.

Only time will tell the tale.

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2 Answers

jca2's avatar

If it requires being voted on by Sebate or Congress, it’s not likely since the Republicans have the majority.

seawulf575's avatar

With Democrats not holding a majority in the House or the Senate, it isn’t likely for at least 2 years. The only reason he was impeached during the first term is because the Dems felt that “get Trump!” was far more important than actually working to make the country better. After all, he took the presidency away from their darling, Hillary. The impeachment was a basic lie, that held no substance and only got voted through in the House because they held the majority and controlled the subcommittees.

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