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chyna's avatar

Should there be some kind of mandate that Christmas music can’t be played on radio stations until after Thanksgiving?

Asked by chyna (51769points) November 18th, 2024 from iPhone

They have been playing Christmas music around here starting November 1. Enough already!
Or do you like to hear it this early?

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20 Answers

Blackwater_Park's avatar

I hear your pain.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Ratings soar once Christmas music starts or they wouldn’t do it. Personally I can’t stand it. And the FCC will never outlaw it for the same reason.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Mandate? Like let’s ignore the first amendment right to broadcast anything we want>

canidmajor's avatar

I like it, it’s cheery. I also like that the mall decorates the hell out of everything starting now, I like the lights and the sparkles. As the days get shorter and it’s colder, I appreciate all

chyna's avatar

For a crochety old lady, you have a nice side! J/K!

Love_my_doggie's avatar

Yes, @chyna! When I become Supreme Dictator (after Trump’s done with the job, I guess), this will be among my rules.

One of the pre-set stations on my car’s radio has already switched formatting to 24/7 holiday music. Stores are already blasting the stuff overhead. It’s too much, too often.

Blackwater_Park's avatar

@Love_my_doggie can you make daylight savings time permanent while you’re at it? So we don’t have darkness at 6:00?

MrGrimm888's avatar

It’s fucking noise pollution.

Jeruba's avatar

Why not just change the station?

Blackwater_Park's avatar

Not his best work, but Christopher Lee made a heavy metal Christmas album. There needs to be more of this for the non-Christmas happy/sappy steer clear crowd like me.

chyna's avatar

Oh my gosh @Jeruba! That is such an effort! :-)

snowberry's avatar

November 1 is fine. I used to work in a store that broke out the Christmas music and decorations in September! Halloween happened alongside the Christmas stuff! That was horrible!

I retaliated by wearing a Christmas sweater February through August (I was support staff).

MrGrimm888's avatar

^I’ve worked retail part-time a few times in my life. They always had Christmas music.

It’s such “joyful,” music. It becomes quickly ironic, and the fact that I always worked holidays, made me hate the x-mas stuff. Seeing how people treat people, who are working over the busyness of the season, taught me to hate the holidays.
It must be nice, to be off and with loved ones on special days.
In America, it is the worst time of year.
People are just trash.
I have always struggled mightily, trying to be polite and not be condescending with rude, selfish, entitled people on a job.

Those part-time jobs, I usually had to fuss to get hours, and it wasn’t unusual for them to cut a shift once in awhile. But during this season, you’re expected to work whenever, or your fired.
I’m not certain that Americans know the dynamic in place, that they reward by shopping on Thanksgiving, or Christmas eve.

It’s become a purely materialistic thing, in America.
It’s really more about “deals” and shopping, than family or whatever else.

IF there is a Hell, I have NO doubt, that is what would be constantly playing FOREVER.

canidmajor's avatar

Oooh, the way this Q is going I can’t wait to see the vitriol that is spewed when the “tacky Christmas decorations” Q is asked (as it is almost every year). <eyeroll>

snowberry's avatar

I have always hated cheap plastic ornaments, but now that we have a two year old in the house, Cheap Plastic is where it’s at!

SnipSnip's avatar

No. Not in a free country.

Forever_Free's avatar

Ask Trump. He can fix everything.

Love_my_doggie's avatar

@Blackwater_Park can you make daylight savings time permanent while you’re at it?

But of course! I’ve written your suggestion on my dictatorial to-do list, which I’m keeping on the back of a used envelope.

jonsblond's avatar

Usually I would agree it’s too soon but this year I’m determined to enjoy every minute of this season.

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