General Question

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Do you think Trump has found a way to get all of his cabinet appointees approved ?

Asked by Tropical_Willie (31654points) November 21st, 2024

Apparently some of Trump’s advisors have stated to GOP Senate members that “if they find themselves on the wrong of the vote” (oppose his choice). Musk will find and fund your replacement. It must be good to be dictator!

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19 Answers

jca2's avatar

I don’t doubt that story.

It will work as long as Trump and Musk are in cahoots together. The day that Trump ends his friendship with Musk, the deal ends.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@jca2 Trump’s life is linked to Musk’s dollars and Putin’s support !

jca2's avatar

They’re like parasites on each other!

SQUEEKY2's avatar

But there is no corruption I tell you NO corruption.

LifeQuestioner's avatar

Elon Musk has no power as a government official. He has lots of money but he didn’t get Gaetz as AG and he was really pushing for that.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@LifeQuestioner Musk has enough money to put every naysayer in retirement !

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

He has lots of money but he didn’t get Gaetz as AG and he was really pushing for that.

He was? I haven’t seen anything about Musk pushing for anyone in particular.

Dutchess_III's avatar

What is with the sex???

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Apparently he wants the senate to recess as soon as they take office, so they wont have to vote on any of his picks, he can just shove them through , no corruption here none at all.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

. . . and apparently no FBI background checks . . .no corruption ! ~ ~ ~

Pure corruptions ! ! !

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Gee I wonder why ole Donny boy doesn’t want his picks to go through FBI background checks??

JLeslie's avatar

That’s exactly what the Billionaire Christian Dominionists do. They fund a replacement for Republicans who won’t comply to their wishes. I’ve posted that CNN story a zillion times. It has Republican politions attesting to it.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I never saw the CNN story @JLeslie.
And why would they appoint officials who won’t comply with their wishes? Does not compute.

JLeslie's avatar

@Dutchess_III Here’s the video

You make a valid point that people are going to fund the politicians that are in line with their views, but these Billionaires are methodical in trying to set up the government they want, which is specifically a Christian government by their standards of Christianity, which is quite extreme.

They demand 100% compliance from Republicans or they go after that Republican, black list them. It takes some power away from the people and into the hands of the wealthy, which is nothing new, but I think it’s worse than a lot of us estimate.

LostInParadise's avatar

Maybe I am being overly optimistic, but I take Gaetz’s withdrawal as a positive sign. The only reason he did so was to avoid not being accepted by the Senate. There must be at least a small number of Republican senators who oppose the more unquaified of Trump’s choices.

Dutchess_III's avatar

And think there are those who assist him in making a fool of himself by dropping idiotic bullshit in his ears then sit back and wait till he announces this new “fact” in a speech or something.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

And think there are those who assist him in making a fool of himself by dropping idiotic bullshit in his ears then sit back and wait till he announces this new “fact” in a speech or something.

Which makes me think of motivation – legit serious technocrats/scientists/doctors/diplomats/civic leaders/etc. don’t think of “join Mar-a-Lago!!” as a priority.

Whereas cranks/profiteers/ideologues/criminals know “if I join Mar-a-Lago the impressionable dotard will except my ill-intentioned agenda as legit!!”

Strauss's avatar

I think DJT & Associates will make a point, in many cases, to appointment people to certain cabinet positions who are so radically MAGA, or otherwise so blatantly unqualified that any other nominee, no matter haw unqualified or radical, will seem moderate by comparison, and will receive Senate approval.

Then there’s always the possibility of “Acting” interim cabinet secretaries who are not required to be approved by the Senate.

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