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Jeruba's avatar

Help me find a magazine?

Asked by Jeruba (56231points) 3 months ago

I’d like to find a magazine that
•  I can subscribe to and read online
•  is high-end general interest (think Atlantic, not People)
•  isn’t primarily a newsmagazine; i.e., it has a longer coffee-table life (so to speak)
•  doesn’t have an overpowering political slant
•  isn’t too expensive

Do you know of such a thing?

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12 Answers

jca2's avatar

I like The New Yorker although it’s expensive. If you have a student in the family, you can subscribe under their name. It’s expensive because it comes out once a week. They often have online only deals, which are economical (for example, 12 weeks for ______ dollars). If you call them and ask them “what’s the best you can do,” they might have something for new subscribers.

I like the New Yorker because it’s got culture, crime, reviews, all kinds of stuff, plus humor and great cartoons.

gorillapaws's avatar

National Geographic?

janbb's avatar

I would go with The New Yorker too. Actually, I can borrow it online from my library for free.

flutherother's avatar

Smithsonian Magazine?

Forever_Free's avatar

Rolling Stone
Psychology Today

janbb's avatar

Let us know what you choose.

Jeruba's avatar

Those are all available to read online? I didn’t realize. I still subscribe to print magazines such as Time, National Geographic, and Harper’s. It’s sad to see the print editions go.

Psychology Today underwent a massive overhaul some years back, and I dropped my subscription.

I’m leaning toward Smithsonian, but cost will be a factor.

The New Yorker is a great magazine, but weekly is too much for me. I don’t want to pay for 3 out of 4 issues that I didn’t get to.

Thanks for all suggestions. I’m pondering.

Jeruba's avatar

Hmm, It looks like Smithsonian is print only.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Wired magazine also has a tv and internet channel.

I regret that the front cover texture is uncomfortable in my hands.

JLeslie's avatar

Maybe Discover Magazine? I haven’t read it in a long time. You already have some good suggestions, I was just trying to come up with a few more you could look into. Another I thought of was Science Times.

Also, GlobalPost News, but disclaimer, journalists and editors in my company write and edit for global post, here is a link Maybe it would be too political for what you want, but it isn’t only politics.

jca2's avatar

@Jeruba of course whether or not you choose the New Yorker is up to you, but I can tell you that when I subscribed to it, it would pile up but the articles about culture and crime and stuff like that are always relevant. I get the print version and if I’m going to the hairdresser or to get my car serviced, I grab an issue or two and I have it to read.

I like magazines because they don’t require such a deep dive as far as time and energy go.

When I was younger, I used to read GQ a lot (among other magazines, in the golden era of magazines lol). I used to explain to people that even though GQ was beautiful ads of men and articles about things like the joys of a trench coat, it also had great articles about culture, the stock market, celebrity, etc.

I always liked magazines with beautiful photos, like House Beautiful or Architectural Digest.

LuckyGuy's avatar

i like The Economist and Scientific American. The Economist offers a view of the world from British perspective.

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