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Jeruba's avatar

Chilling thought: What if all those deportation camps they're supposedly building were really . . .

Asked by Jeruba (56254points) December 5th, 2024

intended for later use as detention camps for noncompliant U.S. citizens?

Just a paranoid fantasy, right? Can’t happen here?

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55 Answers

seawulf575's avatar

I believe it could happen here. We already saw the censorship and lawfare against those that disagreed with the Dems, why couldn’t we see them move on to internment camps? After all, all they have to do is say we pose a threat to Democracy and a threat to the country and…oh wait…they already did that. Hmmmm…..

cheebdragon's avatar

We have jails and prisons for non compliant U.S. citizens. If anything, the deportation camps would probably end up being used for temporarily housing homeless people.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Keep in mind that Obama was blamed for something similar (see link to Jade Helm) which, of course, turned out to be a false conspiracy theory.

The difference is that under the republicans, it may very well be an accurate description.

Zaku's avatar

@seawulf575 No we didn’t. We saw corporate “news” that according to a judge supposedly “no one would ever take seriously” constantly saying nonsense that apparently you believe, to try to whitewash an insurrectionist liar who tried to get a governor to “find” him more votes, who sold top secret documents to foreign agents, who was found in court to be a rapist, who was found guilty of dozens of felony counts, all without any prompting by politicians.

That’s not lawfare, that’s various independent acts of law enforcement, and far far less than should have been done.

MrGrimm888's avatar

They won’t be, reusable.
Building something permanent, would lead to a very realistic concern for such things though.

That’s why it’s so important, not to let them do this mass deportation. Eventually, they will start adding more people they don’t want, and one day they will come for us all.

seawulf575's avatar

@Zaku Isn’t it interesting? All the stuff against Trump was brought only after he announced he would run again? And let’s consider the cases a bit. The documents case was thrown out because the prosecutor was unconstitutionally appointed. The government was going to appeal that decision but now has dropped the appeal. The J6 case was, likewise, withdrawn. The fraud case is going to get thrown out on appeal because even the appellate judges saw through the scam. There was no crime, no victim, no wrongdoing, and no precedence for the statute to be used in a case like this. And the hush money trial is just as weak as the fraud trial. The sentencing still hasn’t been completed and likely will get thrown out on appeal if it doesn’t get dropped before them. The RICO case in GA is also a scam. There was no organized crime, the DA was corrupt, was scamming for money and kickbacks. Now there is a lawsuit that says she has to turn over all the communications from her, her office, or her representatives between them and Jack Smith/office and the J6 committee. That will likely show mass effort by the government to coordinate the efforts against Trump. So yeah, it is lawfare, plain and simply. It is exactly what the Dems are saying they are afraid will happen to them. If there were actual cases and actual evidence, I might feel differently. But it has been one scam after another. And no, he wasn’t found to be a rapist. There never was a charge of rape and, in fact, the jury on that case specifically said there was no evidence of rape. But hey, don’t let facts get in your way.

And all of this is entirely off topic! But you got your anti-Trump rant in.

elbanditoroso's avatar

What blather, @seawulf575 – especially about Georgia. Your boy tried to steal my vote, and fortunately our secretary of state recorded the call.

Any sane person realizes that what Trump tried to pull in 2020 in Georgia was straight out election fraud.

Maybe in North Carolina, you are used to republican lying and chicanery. We don’t like that sort of shit in Georgia.

janbb's avatar

I actually find all those deportation camps being for immigrants a chilling thought in itself.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@janbb Same here.
Did you hear about Missouri considering bounties? True and very scary story.

flutherother's avatar

“Since the affairs of men rest still uncertain, Let’s reason with the worst that may befall.” Shakespeare.

If you can imagine it, then it can happen.

Jeruba's avatar

Psst. I hope they don’t find out about Fluther. I’m sure Wulfie won’t tell.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Jeruba Nah, he’s a Navy vet not a snitch. :)

seawulf575's avatar

@Jeruba If I turned you all in and they rounded you up, where would I go for fun?

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Glad you admit you are a TROLL !^^

seawulf575's avatar

@Tropical_Willie I voice my opinion. If that means I’m a troll, then everyone on here, including yourself, is a troll. I just get bored with echo chambers. A whole web site of people like me without any real difference of opinions would be boring to me.

Dutchess_III's avatar

What deportation camps are they building?

jca2's avatar

@Dutchess_III the new administration is going to be building incarceration camps for the migrants, like holding pens after the migrants are captured, and to process them and send them back to where ever.

Nothing is built yet because it’s still Biden’s administration now.

I heard on the news the other night that they’re not necessarily sending the migrants back to where they came from but they will send them to other places like Turks and Caicos. They won’t know the language and they won’t have anything there but it’s a shorter trip than Africa or Venezuela and the planes might not be welcome to land in places like Venezuela, where there’s a lot of fighting.

Dutchess_III's avatar

trump’s cruelty knows no bounds.

Jeruba's avatar

@jca2, I’ve also read that some illegal immigrants destroy their papers so no one knows where to send them back to.

jca2's avatar

@Jeruba I’m guessing they’ll just put them on a plane to anywhere then.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Or in cages like he did last time

flutherother's avatar

Other countries have as much right to secure their borders as the US does. You can’t just send them anywhere.

Dutchess_III's avatar

“Look it up guys.: We have a pretty good system for dealing with immigrants and getting them settled into their new country if it’s determined they had a good reason for leaving.
It’s a grinding process, though.
Nothing can stop folks from sneaking in illegally, especially if they’re desperate enough.
And then you have to go hunting for them.

seawulf575's avatar

@Dutchess_III That was Obama that started using the cages. It was Trump that stopped the practice.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Prove it Wulfie.

janbb's avatar

I think we should settle for once and for all that both parties have made a mess of mass immigration so far. The question now is what is the most efficient and humane way to deal with the mass of people who want to come into this country and are willing to take shit jobs that no one else wants.

jca2's avatar

3 issues which upset a lot of people from both political parties is 1. the migrants are often not vetted 2. they are committing a lot of crimes in places like NYC and also recruiting minors into their gangs 3. being given free housing, Medicaid, restaurant food, etc. pisses a lot of people off.

Dutchess_III's avatar

“Humane” is the key word!

MrGrimm888's avatar

^So. You prove something was built, previous to Trump’s term.
As YOU always say, regarding Trump’s plan to leave Afghanistan, Biden didn’t HAVE to do it…
By YOUR logic, Trump is FULLY responsible Wulf.

Additionally, Trump deliberately seperated families, and used the previously created facilities more like animal cages, than people cages. And IF you’re going to deport ALL of these people, cages, walls, whatever, will be required.
We don’t have to treat them, like Trump did.
Dutch is right, it’s about humane treatment of people, in a less than ideal situation.

What amuses me most of all Wulf, is the article you linked contradicts EVERY other thing you say about immigrants.
It repeatedly mentions the reasons, for these people fleeing their homelands because of brutal wars and violence.

The article also points out Trump lying, multiple times about the subject…Great article.

seawulf575's avatar

@MrGrimm888 @Dutchess_III was asking me to prove that Obama started the treatment. It should also be noted that Biden did something similar, but only made the shelters out of plastic/vinyl tarp like material. Oh, and they did have a port-a-potty to use. What you are missing in your rush to Trump bash is that the real problem is that these kids are not supposed to be entering the country illegally. All this wringing of hands about separating families is just plain bullshit. If you had a child and you were had the child in the car with you when you got picked up for DUI, that child would be separated from you. That is how it works. You would not be allowed to claim that separating you from your child was inhumane.

If you want inhumane, let’s talk about dragging young children on a reportedly violent trek to get her. Those parents are putting those children in danger. And now they are just sending little kids to the border. It’s human trafficking. Is that more humane than just separating the children from the parents that put them in danger? You guys never really want to address things like that. You want to just claim they aren’t really all that bad and there is very little crime coming across the border. YOU and those with your attitude are the inhumane ones because you are enabling all these inhumane things to occur.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^If you read the article YOU posted, you will notice that it covers their reasons for fleeing, including world leading murder rates, wars, and climate change (which is not in this specific article.)

If you’re going to have to leave your country over violent reasons, of course you are going to take your children, and anyone else you can.

There are a LOT of Americans, who refuse to admit that they ALL are the product of immigration, and that our ethnic groups all experienced various prejudices when they were coming here on mass.
And all of those groups, for the most part, are now accepted as Americans. Although we still have a LONG way to go, we were advancing civil rights.

And you say I’m inhumane, because I “enabled all these inhumane things to occur.”
What are you talking about?

YOU Wulf, voted for Obama. Not me. Before you say anything, he wouldn’t have had a second term, without your vote in 2008.
I personally, have NEVER voted for any of these “people” masquerading as whatever form they believe will keep them in office the longest.

In addition, I don’t buy any of the drugs, causing many of the problems.

In fact, I reluctantly played a role in getting people like drug dealers off if the streets, when I was a LEO.
I admittedly, just did the narcotics thing for just a few years. And as time went on, I sent less and less people away.
I’ve certainly never “enabled” any of this.

You and I might agree on the timing of Biden’s border bill, being political. But. That doesn’t change the fact that Trump used his influence to make sure that the Republicans did NOT sign off on a bill that even Lindsay Graham called “the best we’d ever get” months ago.

If ANYONE is enabling the current crisis at the southern border, it is none other than Trump himself. As he needed the issue, to aid his election efforts.
I have NO clue, why the dems couldn’t have put something similar together years ago, but Trump had the ball last, in regards to the border as he wouldn’t let it be closed either.
THAT’S a fact.

Dutchess_III's avatar

The detention centers and the “treatment” are two different things.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^It’s not like I support ANY detainment facilities, but that’s how the government does things quickly.
It doesn’t matter if we detain millions in Disney World, if we treat them like cattle…

It should go without saying, such “camps” will potentially become the sources of future pandemics, and at minimum will likely negatively effect the health of those who endure the process.

Where they end up, and how they make it from there, is something I’d rather not think about.

The people Trump is attempting to put in charge of whatever he has planned for the immigrants, all appear to be ruthless…

seawulf575's avatar

@MrGrimm888 “If you’re going to have to leave your country over violent reasons, of course you are going to take your children, and anyone else you can.” So why are they sending little kids by themselves?

It never fails to amaze me how you conveniently ignore all the facts in the comments I make just to try making yourself right. It is inhumane. Human trafficking is inhumane. Open borders bring this sort of stuff here. How many kids have to be sold into slavery before you are willing to admit it is a problem? Hell, even before you will admit it is happening?!?

As for the much touted “Biden’s Border Bill”...did you ever read it? I did. I also read H.R. 2, the Republican’s House bill for securing the border that was sent up to the Senate. I’d highly recommend you read both these bills and then maybe we can have a sane (though doubtful) conversation about why “Biden’s Border Bill” was such a horrible bill. And as much as the Lefty talking point is that Trump told the Repubs to vote against it and that is why it failed, can I remind you that the Dems hold the majority in the Senate? They can pass it without a single Repub vote. But they didn’t? Why? Because it was so bad that even not all the Dems liked it. 4 voted against it, 3 didn’t vote, and Bernie Sanders (I) voted against it. It failed because it was a horrible bill. Or are you now going to tell me that it only failed because Trump told the Dems and Bernie how to vote? Or maybe you are going to blame the Repubs for not supporting it and making up for the 7 votes the Dems failed to get? Come on…dazzle me with your ignorance.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Again. Per Lindsay Graham, it was realistically the best deal, for their desired objectives.

Bernie is an empathetic person, something people like you usually call a “socialist.”

You dazzle me lately, name dropping radical lefties, and news sources, that prove you wrong in previous discussions, just to try to get points here.

I’m not “blaming” anyone, YOU keep trying to regurgitate the same tired fright-wing rhetoric, about Biden “inviting” all of these people.

These people are running from wars, mainly over drug funded gangs fighting for turf, and against law enforcement.

People like Hunter Biden, Trump, Vance, and a multitude of Trump’s new and former cabinet members are thr fucking ones as you say “enabling” this to happen.

You ended one of your last ramblings, saying that I was “the problem.”

You are supporting ALL of the reasons they are coming, and punishing them for our nation’s insatiable drug appetite.

If America wasn’t one of the world’s largest illicit drug markets, that would have a MASSIVE impact on these people’s lives down there.

As Trump is busy trying to hand out uber-important jobs to people who have been, or are under investigation for drug AND sex trafficking, it seems he intends to punish our victims.

From your amnesty plan you had, it seems you are not in line with Trump’s agenda.

After being in the military, you should have a good understanding of how much manpower and money it takes to do anything.
As I’ve said before, even the most aggressive target of deporting 1 million people per year, is going to require monumental time and money.

Maybe you could see the horrible mistakes in the logic with Trump’s mass deportations?

You’re saying let’s use the army and LOTS of money and resources, to maybe remove a million per year.
That’s productive.
Considering that likely several million will sneak in, each year of his 20+ year, blank check deportations, and some of the one’s here will have offspring in that time as well.
I’ll tell you right now, it doesn’t take a math degree from Texas, to see the problem with your plans.

All that this mass deportation will do, is severely complicate an already struggling America.
There WILL be accidental killings, and intentional ones, of innocent people. Of American people.

Plus, I’m sure you’re aware that Trump is taking about doing away with birth rights to those born here (which is very complicated, but I agree needed to be addressed,) and when asked about breaking up families, AGAIN Trump’s remarks were “we’ll have to deport the whole families.”

I’m afraid I probably didn’t “dazzle” you, but I’m patient. You WILL be dazzled, by what is about to hit the fan.

The whole world needs Trump’s attention, but he seems focused on this mass deportation, and trying to arrest Liz Cheney.

I have a strong feeling, nobody has thought about what it would mean, to try to do what Trump wants.

Trump’s punishing of the victims of our drug lust, continues with his threats to start trade wars with Canada and Mexico.
Once his tariffs hit, where are Americans supposed to buy things from?

As far as your interpretation, of why the bill wasn’t passed, I respectfully disagree.

Congress WILL have to approve all of Musk’s massive government spending cuts.
Experts now doubt that will happen, and believe it’s more likely that there will be a large list of things to cut, but very few items will actually be approved.

In other words, as always, your boy doesn’t know what he’s taking about, when he makes claims like he will build walls, mend diplomatic relationships, and end wars, all while our country becomes a brown person hunting ground.

As I said, I have NO clue, why a similar border bill, only came months before the election.
The immigration issue needs to be addressed, but I vehemently disagree with how Trump, and many of his supporters, want it done. I KNOW they have little understanding of what it would take to actually fulfill his promises.

seawulf575's avatar

@MrGrimm888 So you didn’t read the bills? I thought not. You have left-wing talking points and hatred that are your sole source of “information”.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Throwing terrified kids in cages without their parents is hatred. That was trumps plan.
Coming up with a reasonable, humane way to field incoming migrants is not.

seawulf575's avatar

Throwing terrified kids on a trek of several thousand miles where they can be raped or kidnapped is what I see as inhumane. Opening our borders gives people the idea that might be a good idea. Even if they are with their parents, it is a truly stupid thing to do. And we’ve lost some 325,000 unaccompanied minors. Given the choice of separating these kids from their parents for a while or losing them where they are likely now slaves, I see the fenced in enclosures as the much more humane way to deal with it.

You are looking for a more reasonable and humane way to field incoming migrants? Have them come here legally. When they do a completely unreasonable, inhumane act to enter the country illegally, there are no reasonable, humane answers.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Do you not hear yourself? Nobody is “throwing” those kids anywhere. They are escaping unbelievable horrific situations that you nor I can comprehend. Parents take their little ones with them. Or find a way to help the older ones run.
They have to get OUT.

Maybe we should just annex Mexico.

seawulf575's avatar

@Dutchess_III Do you hear yourself? I already links to stories of 2 year old and 4 year old children that have come unaccompanied to the border. They were sent on that journey by themselves by their parents. We have 325,000 unaccompanied minors that have shown up at our borders that we have lost. How many kids have to get sold into slavery before you are willing to admit it is inhumane? Or do you have someone that is profiting or using the human trafficking?

Tropical_Willie's avatar

It could get expensive if they use Trump 30 million to 34 million illegal aliens number ! ! Bad guess on his part but budget for it !

At $15,000 each for housing, processing and transportation. that is almost $450. – - what is that Four hundred fifty billion ? ?

MrGrimm888's avatar

Wulf, sir. With all due respect, I’m going to trust that Lindsay Graham knows more about this subject, and AGAIN, he admitted it was the best thing they could realistically ever get.
So that’s LG, and myself, who disagree with your interpretation of the border bill.
LG (a top republican and Trump ally,) in this case, is my source. Not your imaginary deep state news….

Are you going to argue that you are more qualified to opine on a bill, than a man who has served four terms for the United States House of Representatives?..

I’m proud of you, for reading a bill. I’ll mail you a cookie.

seawulf575's avatar

@MrGrimm888 Considering the House bill never reached the Senate as it was buried by Chuck Schumer even though it was submitted long before the Senate bill was created, Yeah, I might have a more informed opinion. You, too, could have a more informed opinion if you cared to actually do the research instead of clinging to left wing talking points to think for you.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^How is something Lindsay Graham said, a “left-wing” anything?

Now you want to cling to Schumer? Why don’t you pull out some of the things, he’s said about Trump…

I don’t have to research, that neither you nor I, likely have more knowledge of the inner workings of the US government, than LG.

As with Bernie, Schumer has empathy for his fellow man, and likely opposed how it would effect Americans, and illegals, as we’re ALL human.

I don’t trust LG, to do what’s best for America. But I believe it, when he saw that bill as lost opportunity for the GOP.
He’s not the only non-lefty, who felt that way.

As I said, I don’t understand why a similar bill wasn’t presented years ago… Offering the deal, when they did, put the GOP in a bad light. I get that.
But that doesn’t change the fact, Trump leaned on his minions in congress to stop what would have been a “success” for Biden/Harris…

The opportunity was there, for your parties goals to be met, and Trump slapped it away.
Making EVERY SINGLE illegal since then, TRUMP’S FAULT.

You foolishly keep repeating that I am some how “the problem.”
I’m pointing out, that your God King weaponized the issue for political gain.
The dogs and cats in Ohio, would have been safe, if not for Trump.
I really don’t care if you admit it, you aren’t dumb enough to believe you’re bullshit. And you KNOW, I’m right about Trump having the ball in HIS court.

If it was SUCH a threat, your God King should have stopped it then. But then, he couldn’t use your fear, brought on by his lies...

seawulf575's avatar

^How can Lindsay Graham give an informed opinion if he is only given one of the choices? That is the start. The rest of your comment is attempted justification to avoid actually having to do any research.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^LG has served avidly, for 4 terms. He’s often involved with such things, AND of course he’s Trump’s bromance.
He’s a typical conservative asshole, and he’s definitely in the loop. (Unless he dares differ in opinion with Trump.)

WHY do I HAVE to do research on a bill, that is dead and gone Wulf?

Since you’re playing stupid, I’ll talk to you like you are.
When a top GOP member gives his opinion on a bill, they have not been thinking about the people, they’re thinking about the party and what’s best for it.
Lindsay Graham (loser though he may be,) researched it, and deemed it a lost opportunity for the conservative agenda.

YOU (like MTG,) just go out of your way to display your ignorance through blind loyalty to Trump. I’ll NEVER know, what one gets from being that way, as it should be embarrassing.
You love being a victim Wulf.
I hope Trump can help you overcome all the damage the past 30 years has done to oppress the much maligned Christian Caucasian Male…

seawulf575's avatar

Why do you have to do research on a bill that is dead and gone? Obviously you don’t have to. You never have to. But the alternative is that you talk from the point of view of ignorance. You are only partially informed. You didn’t read either bill so you only know what others have told you. I’m trying to help you break the chain…to think for yourself. That starts with finding facts, not just things you like.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^So. To clarify. You believe YOU, are “fully” informed, because you say you read a bill you Googled?..

You think that you scrolling a document, gives you the years of education and constitutional expertise to understand it better than 4 term US senator?..

I’m thinking you didn’t even “read” that bill, until one of your fright-wing idiots told you it was a bad bill.
There’s nothing wrong with that. But your constant proclamations of superiority, and thinking your interpretations of things make them fact, gets a bit old and dusty.

I based MY opinion on that bill, on the opinion of an expert who did read, and likely research the intricacies of the bill.
Again. I don’t care for LG, but even someone with your powers of denial, cannot deny his role in the GOP, and the accuracy of my assertion that his opinion of the bill, was that it would have been of great benefit for the Republican party.

You keep falling back on “I read the bill.” Golf clap…...

seawulf575's avatar

@MrGrimm888 We are commenting on the same bills. I’ve read them, you haven’t. Which of us is more fully informed? I don’t need Constitutional expertise to understand what I am reading. I am fully capable of reading things and interpreting them for myself. I don’t rely on others to tell me what is there.

You are forming OPINIONS on things you’ve never read. So why do you feel you even have an intelligent thing to say on this matter?

Zaku's avatar

I mean, I’ve lost count of the number of times you read something, and yet the understandings of those things that you’ve brought to inexhaustible time-wasting arguments here has been – so very far off what those things actually said.

MrGrimm888's avatar

As far as the bill, I have no further comments, and stand firm with my previous response.

I very much wish EVERYONE, Happy Holidays, and of course
Peace and Love.

seawulf575's avatar

@Zaku Yeah, it is an amazing thing. Because when you all start commenting on what you know is in a bill, I go to the actual bill and read it. And then I bring it to these pages and give it to all of you to read. Which you immediately avoid doing while you all start attacking me for daring to bring facts to a discussion. We do have inexhaustible time-wasting arguments because you are arguing from a position of ignorance.

seawulf575's avatar

@jca2 I’ve posted them many times before in various threads. The problem seems to be one of willful denial rather than getting educated.

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