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Caravanfan's avatar

Any recommendations on a good submarine simulator on Steam (see details)

Asked by Caravanfan (14267points) December 5th, 2024

I am a sucker for submarine movies. My favorite WW2 movie is called The Enemy Below and I’m in the middle of a WW2 submarine book series called Crash Dive.

I have Steam on my PC and I’m wondering if there is a good submarine simulator for WW2 Pacific theater combat? IT doesn’t need to be cheap. I’m looking for fun and good.

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10 Answers

MrGrimm888's avatar

Not “War Thunder.”..
I have dabbled in that, and everyone hates the navy part.
(I hate the flying.)

Caravanfan's avatar

@MrGrimm888 No War Thunder, roger, thanks!

seawulf575's avatar

Sorry, I’m not on Steam and I really don’t go in for video games like that. I’d be of no use. I will say U-571 was a good movie about a submarine. It more accurately depicted the living spaces and the working spaces. They captured the do-it-or-die attitude that sometimes pops up, though to be honest, I never had depth charges going off around the boat or even a torpedo shot at me. Real submarine life would be, I’m sorry to say, a really boring video game.

Caravanfan's avatar

@seawulf575 U-571 is a good film, I agree.

Caravanfan's avatar

@ragingloli I did the same search. I’m just looking to see if someone had a recommendation.

Blackwater_Park's avatar

I have not played it but I have a coworker who is obsessed with the submarines in World of warships.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

Would something like Subnautica interest you?

I know it is an unhelpful answer, it does not fully meet your requirements but figured I would at least put it out there as it still involves exploring the ocean in a submarine. Just a suggestion if you want to branch out a bit, that’s all.

Caravanfan's avatar

@SergeantQueen Thanks! I’m interested in more realistic WW2 sub warfare stuff but I’ll check it out.

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