General Question

Jeruba's avatar

Can the bank tell if someone tried to cash a check that I stopped payment on?

Asked by Jeruba (56254points) December 8th, 2024

My online account record shows the charge for my stop-payment order, but nothing else. Will the bank’s record show an attempt to cash it?

And do I have a right to the information?

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13 Answers

jonsblond's avatar

The bank can tell when someone tries to cash a check you stopped payment on but I’m not sure if that would show on your online record. You do have the right to know, so if you call them they will tell you if there has been an attempt.

Jeruba's avatar

Today the bank person said no, they can’t tell if someone tried to cash it, never mind recording who it was.


jonsblond's avatar

Hmm, that doesn’t sound right to me but I’m not a bank teller. I would think any and all attempted transactions would have a record.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Call back, ask for a manager…
A LOT of people these days, are trained to say no, or they themselves simply are a terrible employee…

Dutchess_III's avatar

I can’t think of a way for a teller to provide that info…

Jeruba's avatar

Update: Today I looked at my online account and saw that someone had attempted to cash that check. It showed as pending, and the amount was debited against my account. I called my bank’s customer service right away. I did not feel very reassured that they were going to stop it, even though they acknowledged that the stop order went in six days ago and the fee was paid.

It’s a large check, and I’m very anxious about it. I was taken in by a scam, and as soon as I caught on, I stopped it. I don’t understand the uncertainty about applying the order.

I was never expecting a teller to give me this information. The attempt could have been made with any teller at any branch of my bank or the payee’s, or even at an ATM deposit. The bank person I talked to at first was the “banker” at my bank.

Jeruba's avatar

Whew. Well, the check was rejected and the funds recredited to my account. Now I just have to worry that the scammers might try to come after me.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^May I ask, have you spoken to law enforcement about this?

How did you first come by these scammers? If you don’t want to be personally involved, you could call and report it anonymously, and they will investigate it. Telling them what bait, you fell for, could help them catch these people in the act…

Buy a can of hornet/wasp spray, if you don’t have a firearm.

If you ever have to use it, you’ll instantly understand why I recommended it. WAY more range and power, than most mace. You don’t have to be close, to use it. You’d have a range of over 20 ft…

Adopting a full grown dog, whom is already potty trained, would provide both of you with protection….

Dutchess_III's avatar

Don’t forget bear repellent!
I agree. Report it.
What was it and can you share with us?

MrGrimm888's avatar

There could be a good reason, that the OP hasn’t been more detailed about this. No judgment here, if that’s the case.

Dutchess_III's avatar

What if we get hit with the same scam? If they could fool @Jeruba it could fool any of us.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^I welcome them, please, come see me. Personally.

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