Social Question

jca2's avatar

Have you heard about the multiple numbers of large drones that have been seen flying over New Jersey, parts of NY and states south?

Asked by jca2 (17165points) 2 months ago

I’ve been hearing about large drones for about the past five or six days. At first, maybe on Monday or Tuesday, the news was saying that people were curious an annoyed by the drone sightings. The sightings started around Thanksgiving. Now, by Sunday night, there have been many sightings of multiple drones flying at the same time, at night, and witnesses say they are the size of a small car. The concern is that nobody knows where they are from, and they are flying over military bases, reservoirs and in airspace which might jeopardize planes.

On the news last night, they said nobody has seen the drones take off and land, which is odd.

The FBI and FAA have been alerted, and are now investigating. Politicians on Staten Island and other places have also alerted those agencies because of their concern.

I just heard one was over California at a military base where Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin was in attendance.

Here are some links. The last link is a news video about it. (NBC news clip)

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26 Answers

chyna's avatar

I also heard they were seen flying over trumps golf course in New Jersey. Maybe it’s just me, but it doesn’t seem like the news are treating it as if it’s that important. But maybe the military is just keeping a lid on it for now. I’m concerned about it.

janbb's avatar

Someone pointed one out in the sky as we left a concert last night.

gorillapaws's avatar

I missed this one. I suspect that the military knows where they’re taking off and landing, I assume they must have petty sophisticated radar systems covering strategic areas like military bases and would be able to deploy interceptors to pursue/shoot down unknown aircraft in restricted airspace.

If you fly your Cessna into the wrong airspace in DC, it won’t be long before you have fighter planes escorting you out of the airspace and then to a major investigation by the FAA. Maybe “small car” sized objects are able to have a small enough radar signature that they evade detection. That would surprise me though.

One thing is clear from Ukraine though, and that’s the idea that drones are going to dominate the modern battlefield in future conflicts. I wouldn’t be surprised if our defense contractors are developing classified systems and running tests to that end.

jca2's avatar

@janbb Had the person who pointed it out heard of the issue previously, or were they wondering what is going on?

janbb's avatar

@jca2 I don’t know. We didn’t discuss it after they mentioned it.

flutherother's avatar

They have also been appearing over US bases in the UK. Drone. incursions were initially reported at three US airbases – RAF Mildenhall and RAF Lakenheath in Suffolk, and RAF Feltwell in Norfolk – between 20 and 22 November,

Zaku's avatar

I heard, and also saw for example the “unexplainable large car-sized drone with a giant X on it” report, which someone else very clearly demonstrated that it was more like a basketball-sized power wire protector clearly visible during the day.

@gorillapaws Yes, also, unclassified anti-drone systems.

jca2's avatar

@Zaku large numbers of them, like 50 at once, with lights, flying around would be a power wire protector?

smudges's avatar

@flutherother I noticed in your link that they would quote a person with their name and also show their picture. Is that normal over there? It seems very odd.

MrGrimm888's avatar

I feel like these are mostly creative people, playing tricks with a new technology. I’m sure many have filmed the whole process.

I see guys like that on tictok, who have a suped up car, with no tags and a 360° camera, who entertain themselves running from the police.
A infamous blacked out Corvette’s owners were finally found, and they had drugs and guns too. Just had money, and wanted a thrill…

I believe this, because the craft I have heard of/seen, all have lights. If I were designing a spy drone, I’d probably skip nav lights…..

GP is likely correct, in that the government knows where these craft originate, and return to.
I know that in Ukraine, they go out in vans at night, and set up camp and fly dozens of FPV drones at Russia, then get back to their side. Obviously, they occasionally get caught, but it seems like they can avoid advanced Russian detection systems…

I know that it’s illegal to shoot them. Still. If you see an old duck hunting shotgun with a long barrel for cheap, you might want to grab it. For when they’re all over the place, and the end is near.

raum's avatar

We saw a string of lights last night around 6pm (SF Bay Area).

Six lights…a slight gap and then thirteen more lights.

Someone was guessing it was related to Starlink?

Zaku's avatar

@jca2 No. I’ve seen maybe 50 or more posts about such drones online, but none of them mentioned or showed 50 at once. Almost all of them were unconvincing to me, even as unidentified drones.

Note that even if there are 50 drones at a time – ok? I have three drones myself, and haven’t bought any of them.

Drones exist. When you fly them at night, you get a light in the sky that’s not easy for civilians (or local police) to identify.

And, there is software for flying them in arbitrary formations – even to intentionally make them look like there’s anything you want in the sky, even giant animated dragons, or whatever. THAT’s expensive and takes some talent/effort and software, but is conventional commercial technology now. Flying a few in a formation is not that big a deal.

And again, almost everything I’ve seen reported has been a drone or two at best, and at worst, it’s a ball on a power line, or a camera blur, or a helicopter, or a jet.

And as for the US military . . . if there were something that they didn’t know what it was buzzing their bases, the air would start to be full of anti-aircraft fire. If there even is anything worth talking about, then they know what they are – they just aren’t saying. Most likely, any groups of flying things that the FAA doesn’t know about – are US military or something like that.

JLeslie's avatar

Hadn’t heard about it. Is it large drones or multiple drones? A drone the size of a car is a helicopter.

Maybe people are planning a holiday drone show in the night sky? That would be nice. I’ve been to a drone show at Disney and it was fantastic.

Forever_Free's avatar

It’s the new Area 51¾

chyna's avatar

@JLeslie I saw one on America’s Got Talent. It was beautiful and so creative.

jca2's avatar

Update Tuesday, 12/10/24, CBS News:

Brian1946's avatar

They’re being skyjacked by Musk, so he can build the Mara Lardo Luftwaffe. ;-o

MrGrimm888's avatar

I did some research on this last night, and it changed my opinions greatly.

Upon closer inspection, this is MUCH more alarming.
I’m still betting that at least a couple of these, are the work of a hobbyist. And it’s a hoax, for those people.

But…They are far more advanced, than I was aware of.
Reports I have been able to find about them, indicate that the military is unable to get these things on radar, and they tend to “disappear” when we do get a brief radar signature…

One analyst took the words out if my mouth saying “We should have the capability to down one, or all of them. The fact that we haven’t, is very unusual.”..

Apparently, our TOP TOP Secret stuff, is kept secret from even the POTUS, and SOD.
Soooo. We don’t even know for sure, what our military is capable of, and NOBODY can get access to say a list of stuff we could cross off of the suspect list… Some real Men in Black shit…

There are SO many duck hunters around me, I’m sure someone would take shots at these things if they were around here. But I would definitely not be cool, with UFOs flying around…

janbb's avatar

I hear more talk about it on NPR this morning. The authorities still don’t know where they are from. For some reason, my capacity for worry is already strained to the max and I don’t have any left for these.

canidmajor's avatar

We have bunches of them now, SW coastal CT. Much concern by many, but, like @janbb, my capacity for worry has reached its limit, so all of this Just One More Thing.

snowberry's avatar

It’s a psy-op. They tell you “Don’t worry about it.”

Whether you approve of the author or not, what this guy says is true.

jca2's avatar

Senator Chuck Schumer has requested a tracking system from the military and it’s on the way to the area.

They’re now over the area I live in (north of NYC). I haven’t seen them but I don’t usually stand outside during winter, at night.

I understand that not every drone in the sky is one of the drones being talked about.

I wouldn’t say I’m worried but I definitely think it’s concerning. I also don’t know how the different branches of the government can say it’s not a threat and they can also say they have no idea where it’s from. If they don’t know where it’s from, how can they say definitively that it’s not a threat?

It’s definitely being mentioned on every newscast for about the past week or two.

Maybe if one crashes into someone’s house by accident and some people get harmed, it will be deemed as more urgent.

Trump commented on it, here (cut and pasted from NY Times):

“The government knows what is happening,” the president-elect said of the drone sightings over many states, though he declined to say if he had been briefed by government officials. “Look, our military knows where they took off from. If it’s a garage. They can go right into that garage. They know where it came from and where it went. And for some reason, they don’t want to comment.”

He added: “I mean, they happen to be over Bedminster,” he said, referring to the home he owns in New Jersey. “They’re very close to Bedminster. I think maybe I won’t spend the weekend in Bedminster. I decided to cancel my trip.” (link to the article it’s from)

MrGrimm888's avatar

^There you have it folks.
Trump is on top of this.
Your worries, are over!

Tropical_Willie's avatar

The drones are tracking the money couriers coming from China, Russia and North Korea making deliveries to Bedminster (Trump’s Golf Resort) ! ! !

MrGrimm888's avatar

This is especially embarrassing as NORAD typically manages to track Santa Claus. Santa uses magic!
We can detect and track a magical man that flies through the air in a sleigh with reindeer at (what logic dictates) speed that’s beyond our technology.

But. We just “don’t know what they are.”
“They do not appear, to be harmful.” And the government, is “aware of the problem.”

As one of the many government people I’ve seen commenting on this put it, “if the government doesn’t know what’s really going on, then we’re really FFFUUUDGED.” But he didn’t say “fudged.” (Movie reference!)

Zaku's avatar

I don’t think the military waits for politicians to order a drone tracking system. There are already military bases in New Jersey and the surrounding states.

But they also don’t just directly answer the public about classified information. Especially if there is an ongoing situation.

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