^My friends and family, have never made it an issue.
It’s not “dirty laundry,” to want to ensure someone is being considered when planning things.
Certainly, we give different types of food, to different types/ages of people. You wouldn’t give a child fish, with bones in it, I hope.
My roommate used to occasionally cook, for the local Legion when they had events.
When you’re preparing food for older people, it’s nice to consider things like health.
A perfect example would be salt.
My grandmother had to avoid sodium (like many people,) so for Thanksgiving everyone cooked with no salt. That way people could season their food as they desire, but Granny can still eat everything on the menu…
With my father, he’s a busy bee, and we kinda have to monitor him. The other day, he had a dentist appointment.
My mother was yelling at him, for eating certain foods, so I asked “does he have false teeth?” Because I couldn’t remember. He had a temporary cap on one of his teeth, but still has his actual teeth.
I don’t routinely talk about it, but it has come up, and it was relevant in each case.
Unless I am speaking in a derogatory manner, I don’t see an issue.
George Washington had slaves teeth. But. If we are speaking in generalities, those are “false teeth” too, to me.
They used to use the teeth of dead soldiers in the Civil War as well, from what I understand…
“Dentures,” are not the only artificial/replacement teeth product. They have the implants now, that I see advertised mostly.
How about “faux teeth?”