Social Question

Jeruba's avatar

Has anyone promoted this suggestion for standard vs. daylight savings time?

Asked by Jeruba (56095points) 2 hours ago

If we go to one year-round clock, we needn’t be stuck in predawn or early-dark time periods. Why not shift business hours instead of clocks? Let schools start an hour later or earlier, and let businesses change their hours twice a year.

It makes as much sense as having everyone reset all their timepieces and shift their routines arbitrarily in fall and spring.

That is, let us change our routines instead of the clocks.

Doesn’t it kind of amount to the same thing?

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3 Answers

Blackwater_Park's avatar

Or, we could just stay in daylight savings time. It makes no sense to me to waste daylight in the morning in the winter months. It’s fully dark here at 6 pm. In the summer during daylight savings time it’s dark at 9:00. Almost makes sense to do DST in reverse.

JLeslie's avatar

I LOVE your idea. We have states that don’t change time, I guess we could look at how they do it. I would want to stay on daylight savings time. I’d also be ok with keeping it the same all year and not adjusting what time school starts, but know that I feel strongly that school should start later in general, especially for older kids.

From what I understand China has one time zone and does not adjust time with the change of the season. It would be interesting to know how they handle time. I think China used to have five time zones.

MrGrimm888's avatar

It’s one of the things Trump is supposed to be trying to do away with.
In a “broken clock is right, twice a day sort of way,” I agree with him on this issue.

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