General Question

Caravanfan's avatar

What other ways will the Trump administration try to kill children?

Asked by Caravanfan (14265points) 3 months ago

Right now, they want to remove FDA approval for the polio vaccine.

They want to force pregnant women to bear children even if they have medical contraindications and then let the children die off of polio, while taking away everybody’s access to health care.

What other ways will they murder?

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21 Answers

Kardamom's avatar

Family separation. Children won’t get what they need, and if they are separated for a long time or permanently, they may develop psychological problems that lead to suicide, accidental overdosing, or getting killed by someone else due to their anguish, depression, loss, or rage.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

This a cult your country voted in, I guess the possibilities are endless.

Pandora's avatar

That’s horrible. Mandatory vaccination makes it that poor children can get vaccines for free. This will make it that poor families won’t be able to vaccinate their children unless they can pay for it because it will be seen as optional. Even if they have insurance, they can deny paying for the shots. As for autism, it has existed even when I was a child. The only difference was those children were often thought of as just being bad kids who needed to be spanked if they were on the milder spectrum or if they were at the higher spectrum thought to have schizophrenia and put in an institution. So many things cause autism but genes is one of them and or environment, or just being born premature before the brain fully develops or the mom has a infection of the placenta or some high fever or illness that can affect the child brain development.
Hell we have all kinds of things in our water and their go to is vaccines. Hmm.

flutherother's avatar

By providing high explosives it knows will be detonated in their vicinity.

hat's avatar

By continuing the Biden administration’s policy of shooting, bombing, starving, displacing, and terrorizing children.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

They will bring lead back in paint.

LuckyGuy's avatar

They will weaken the FDA so food inspections and our food quality will be reduced. Thus killing a few more. Can that be considered a Retoractive abortion?

MrGrimm888's avatar

As opposed as I am, to all of this, I still refuse to think that they are “trying” to kill ALL children.
I absolutely believe that conservative policy, illustrates they ARE trying to kill minorities.

Minorities, of course, always seem to be hit hardest by things like this. They aren’t stupid, and I firmly believe that many know full well that they are supporting policy, that WILL kill brown people.

I am 100% positive, that Christian Caucasian Males, are the ONLY one’s whose interests are being considered by the incoming administration…

But Republicans historically, do worse, the more people that vote. So. One could entertain the idea that they are culling the voters…

Caravanfan's avatar

@MrGrimm888 Oh, I totally agree with that. Rich smart white people will have no problem getting polio vaccine somewhere while poor people of color won’t and they’ll die, while their mothers are forced under threat of imprisonment to bear more fetuses to term against their will. All for the sake of their deity and pocketbooks, not in that order.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^Through observation, it seems that the uber-wealthy don’t understand that without a middle class, and especially the poor, their money would be worthless.

The Rich NEED, the poor.
The poor, DO NOT need the rich.

But it’s the average US citizens, that build the infrastructure the rich drive expensive cars on, build their cars, fix their cars.
The US’s voluntary military, US mostly people of lower social/economic status.
The poor are their nurses, caretakers, security, property management, and without the poor, the wealthy cannot survive, let alone prosper…

To me, it’s exactly that dynamic, that was responsible for the pandemic.
When the poor, are already in poor health from lack of medical care, or hard lifestyles, they get sick easier. They spread diseases, and are THE breeding grounds, for the next pandemic…

If the wealthy keep widening the wealth disparity, then the country will eventually collapse.
Once technology will give the wealthy the ability to buy robots for work and protection, they will likely try to get rid of most people…...

Pandora's avatar

@MrGrimm888 I thought the same thing only they can’t make money just depending on the wealthy to buy. By creating more robots and so their for their dependence on the poor, they slice their own throats. The working class is their consumers. Without them they can’t make money. Robots aren’t going to buy their stuff. There is no need. And if robots ever get smart enough to fully comprehend humans, they will probably just get rid of humans once they almost equal humanity. Which won’t be hard as more epidemics spread and kill a chunk of the human race. We will eventually catch something that will spread like wildfire and kill in a short amount of days of catching it. Even the rich won’t be immune to it.
And they will potentially destroy the chance of some future genius who could’ve solved the epidemic but their parents were too broke to pay for the vaccine that could’ve saved them and prevented their death.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^Yes. Another problem for the wealthy, is this IS a capitalist nation. Those who don’t have hard assets (Musk,) would go broke, if their tremendously valuable stocks bottomed out because the wealthy can only buy so many Cyber Trumps.

For me, I learned in 2008, that the wealthy cannot fail. America, wouldn’t let them.
The sheer thoughts of all those people having to possibly become millionaires, instead of billionaires forced the hand of the US governor to bail them out.
Yes. That money was paid back.
But. A lot of those people made record profits during the fallout.
Because, ALL the wealthiest corporations, profit the most from constant strife, it is systematically set up where the worse things get, the richer they get.

The rich will profit again, by meeting the demands of a chaotic world, with a slowly rising ocean level pushing the masses closer and closer together. All while working 3 jobs, so we aren’t homeless…

Trump is going to again, transfer trillions of dollars straight from the US tax payers pockets, to the wealthiest 1%...
His economic “plan,” is estimated by most to be financially catastrophic for the nation.
There are days the country loses a few hundred billion dollars per day.
Trump used to have just two tricks; the $400 million his father left him (because Trump’s older brother died) or could get loaned, through fraudulent buisiness dealings AND bankruptcy court…

Once they destroy America, I guess the wealthy will live in luxury elsewhere in their 19th home, or 3rd yacht…

jca2's avatar

@Pandora Your theory about insurance companies using it as an excuse to deny payment for the polio vaccine was exactly the thought I had.

Smashley's avatar

Teen suicide rates will continue to climb with increased alienation, laws against life saving medical treatment, and ever increasing access to firearms.

Or I guess you could just point to how this was the last attempt to try and do something about climate change before people all over the world start to die from the direct and indirect effects of a republican made global catastrophe. Not that it’ll get that bad in the next 4 years, but 20 for sure, and his supremes will still be sitting, albeit on the ashes of democracy.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^The SCOTUS has shamelessly, destroyed the credibility of the highest court in the most powerful country on Earth.

Our incoming POTUS, struggled understanding a McDonald’s French fry grease basket…

His VP, by his own account, will NOT be ready…

The world is on the brink, of possibly another world war.
If Trump hadn’t won, their may have been a Civil War in America…

The children, oh the children…

I feel MOST sorry, for the people who will live through the next 50–100 years. They will witness the destruction of the world we knew.
A fucking LOT of people, live in crowded coastal cities.
When the sea level gets high enough, I imagine that people will have no choice, but to fight and kill, over the remaining shrinking land masses.

Although the worst, may be after that, I believe that the preemptive actions each nation will attempt at guaranteeing a future for their people will cause endless war…..

We will get a sneak peek at what this will look like, as we watch several nations fight over the water from The Nile.
Ethiopia is building a dam on The Nile River, that WILL force conflict with Egypt…

Caravanfan's avatar

@MrGrimm888 To be fair, I would struggle understanding a french fry grease basket. I’d probably really hurt myself.

jca2's avatar

12/16/2024, “Trump described himself as a “big believer” in the polio vaccine, telling reporters that Americans won’t lose it amid concerns his pick to lead the Department of Health and Human Services, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., could seek to revoke its approval.

“You’re not going to lose the polio vaccine. It’s not going to happen,” Trump told reporters.

MrGrimm888's avatar

@Caravanfan For someone who has spent 80 years eating McDonald’s, I was surprised he was struggling… I think father time, and his syphilis, are getting to him…

I’m not sure, exactly what he was hoping to accomplish. I guess, he was mocking Harris.
But….If you’re going to mock someone, you fail if you appear to be someone’s lost drunk great grandfather in the process.
When he did the dump truck, as a former LEO, I would like to have tested his blood for drugs and/or alcohol.
I mean, he’s on camera for a tiny speech and then….whoops!
Almost busted his ass, trying to grab a black door handle on a white truck.
Once he managed to make it in, he was in the passenger side, acting like he was the garage truck “driver?”..

I will be endlessly grateful to him, and wear Trump gear, if he can bring world peace (blowing up the world, doesn’t count,) and end the border crisis (humanely,) and Crimea is returned to Ukraine along with a total withdrawal of ALL Russian positions from elsewhere in their borders, and there is a two state solution for Israel and Gaza, and whatever follow through with his other pillow talk promises he makes.

As a side note. It was DISGUSTING, watching Trump handling food, with his syphilis hands…

RocketGuy's avatar

@MrGrimm888 – Your list of miracles is pretty long. Even Jesus only had to walk on water and change water into wine…

MrGrimm888's avatar

^That never happened, unless he was walking on ice.

And I didn’t write that list, Trump did. And more. He makes wild proclamations frequently…
If I were one of his sheep, I’d be expecting him to build the wall that was like biggest promise. Oh. And of course, Mexico has to pay for it. That’s another one he needs to make happen.
That’s called accountability.
It will apparently be a cold day in Hell, if Trump is ever tried for his crimes.
But at least his sheep, could be honest that he actually doesn’t do anything for them.
Another part, of the healing process, for them.

Today he was making a point to go after a pollster, in Iowa (if I’m not mistaken.)

This woman’s perceived heinous offense to Trump? She predicted Harris would win Iowa, but Trump did…(I mean, let’s get some rope right?)

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