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MrGrimm888's avatar

Do you have an opinion on a product called FUM? (Details.)

Asked by MrGrimm888 (19588points) 3 months ago

I quit smoking, drinking, etc, about 5 years ago.

I LOVED smoking….....

Yes. Stupid, terrible in every way.

At any rate, I think I’m doing great, with not drinking.
I haven’t smoked either…

BUT….I need a fucking cigarette.

Has anyone heard anything about this product, or maybe tried it (or something similar?)

I am considering ordering some, but the only things I could find out about it were sponsored by them…..

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9 Answers

snowberry's avatar

At first glance, their company looks legit, and I might be inclined to try it if I were in your position, but I have learned to never take things at face value, and to look deep to find the truth.

If you can find out the ingredients you’ll be a lot closer to your goal. Barring that, if you have the lab and or money, You could buy some and then do analysis on the ingredients yourself (or pay for it). It sounds like a fun weekend project!

Blackwater_Park's avatar

The five year clean but I need a cigarette out of nowhere thing. Been there. Fight through it, do not give in or you will be right back on the cancer sticks. Get through that and you’re off them for good. 25+ years off them for me.

smudges's avatar

^^ completely agree. I’ve been free of them for 15 years. Still crave one now and then. I’m so glad they don’t sell single cigs or I’d be right back on them. @MrGrimm you don’t “need” a cigarette. You “want” one. Put your big boy pants on and say “Hell no!”. You’ll thank yourself in the future. sorry I didn’t address your question

MrGrimm888's avatar

^No. You addressed it succinctly, @smudges ...

I tried to look for ingredients, but it isn’t very specific, sighting “fresh herbs,” and “natural” flavors….

I always used to chew gum, or a pen cap, or something.
I think that is what I am mostly hooked on.

Sometimes… I think I just want one, because it would make me feel “normal.”..Not a transplant patient, with an uncertain future, but just a normal person, worrying about normal things…

I’m begging building a new canoe trailer. This will be my 3rd.
I’ve drawn up the design, and everything has been measured 5 times.
I’ve never done such a project, without at least a Black n Mild.
Even with those, I really like the flavored wood tip, more than the smoke.
I’ll be outside while working on it, and well… Like @smudges said, I gonna need to put on my big boy pants.

I ordered some flavorless gum stuff, in hopes of trying that, for fidgeting.
There are countless, similar products, this one doesn’t have (according to them,) any chemicals or actual smoking or vaping…

I’m trying to find someone who may have tried one, but haven’t had any luck.

It’s difficult, I guess, in social situations too, where others are smoking.

When I was a LEO, I had to do some observation, that was boring AF, and I developed a habit of throwing a Maglite up in the air flipping it to see how many spins I could get before I caught it. Essentially. I accidentally knocked it through a window, and let’s just say that ruined what we were up to.
A VERY stupid way, to get in BIG trouble….

Thanks @all.

smudges's avatar

Whew! I was afraid you’d be mad at the big boy pants thing. Thank you for taking it well. I wasn’t being a “smarty pants”. LOL

I use a site which does reviews for many products; it’s called, and I do trust it. Here’s the link:

One thing I used to do when I was quitting smoking or drinking was I’d attack my thinking on the issue. Instead of thinking about how much I was craving or how unfair it was, I’d think: I’m not a smoker. or I’m not a drinker. When framing it that way it eliminated the possiblity that I might do either of those because it helped me stop thinking of myself as a drinker/smoker. It’s like when I’m trying to lose weight – I tell myself that I’m choosing not to have the ice cream, not that I can’t have it. Just mind games, but they helped. You’ve got this, I know you do!

Blackwater_Park's avatar

If you crave nicotine, aerobic exercise is perfect replacement.

MrGrimm888's avatar

I completely understand @smudges .
I don’t consider myself insecure, so big boy pants, is not a problem. Plus, I was a bouncer off/on for 20 years, so I’ve heard it all.

I just got my Falim gum. It honestly, doesn’t seem like something I should be chewing lol. It’s not exactly what I was hoping it was…

I’m not craving the nicotine.
(I think…)

Blackwater_Park's avatar

Cigarette cravings are nicotine cravings. They just are. If you were to chew a little nicotine gum, your cigarette cravings will go away. Don’t do it though. Nicotine has changed how your brain works. The acetylcholine receptors it affects do some complex stuff in your head. It takes many years to fully recover despite what some will say. That five year mark is an important one. Get past it and you’ll quite possibly have a lifetime free from it.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^It’s a work in progress.
I appreciate the advice.

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