^No. You addressed it succinctly, @smudges ...
I tried to look for ingredients, but it isn’t very specific, sighting “fresh herbs,” and “natural” flavors….
I always used to chew gum, or a pen cap, or something.
I think that is what I am mostly hooked on.
Sometimes… I think I just want one, because it would make me feel “normal.”..Not a transplant patient, with an uncertain future, but just a normal person, worrying about normal things…
I’m begging building a new canoe trailer. This will be my 3rd.
I’ve drawn up the design, and everything has been measured 5 times.
I’ve never done such a project, without at least a Black n Mild.
Even with those, I really like the flavored wood tip, more than the smoke.
I’ll be outside while working on it, and well… Like @smudges said, I gonna need to put on my big boy pants.
I ordered some flavorless gum stuff, in hopes of trying that, for fidgeting.
There are countless, similar products, this one doesn’t have (according to them,) any chemicals or actual smoking or vaping…
I’m trying to find someone who may have tried one, but haven’t had any luck.
It’s difficult, I guess, in social situations too, where others are smoking.
When I was a LEO, I had to do some observation, that was boring AF, and I developed a habit of throwing a Maglite up in the air flipping it to see how many spins I could get before I caught it. Essentially. I accidentally knocked it through a window, and let’s just say that ruined what we were up to.
A VERY stupid way, to get in BIG trouble….
Thanks @all.