Social Question

filmfann's avatar

Why hasn't anyone shot down one of the New Jersey drones?

Asked by filmfann (52618points) 3 months ago

Seems like a no brainer!

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28 Answers

elbanditoroso's avatar

And the debris that would fall over NJ – in peoples’ back yards and over shopping centers and schools….

Seems idiotic to shoot down drones and kill people on the ground as a result.

filmfann's avatar

Well, I did say it was a no brainer!

elbanditoroso's avatar

On the other hand, this is a made-for-ESPN name for a basketball team: The New Jersey Drones.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

I’m on my way.

chyna's avatar

Here is my “conspiracy theory” reasoning. No one knows who is behind the drones or what is in them. What if they shot down the drones and there was some kind of plague or disease inside of them that would rain droplets down on innocent civilians, killing or sickening millions?

jca2's avatar

On the news, they said it’s illegal for a regular Joe person to shoot them down.

Chris Christie said he thinks it’s going to lead to vigilanteism, because someone is going to get pissed and take matters into their own hands.

filmfann's avatar

@jca2 I agree. I suspect they are flying targets waiting for someone to shoot at them, so the law can swoop them up.

MrGrimm888's avatar

The drones, are just a clever distraction.
The real threat, is tunneling under our feet!

Forever_Free's avatar

Not shooting it down is the correct brainer.

ragingloli's avatar

As a general rule, if it has blinkies, it is a civilian airliner:

JLeslie's avatar

I think it is very odd for drones to be flying around at night. I know a lot of people who have drones, and I can’t think of them having any video of night time flights. I’m sure you all have seen that I am hopeful it is going to be a holiday drone show.

A week ago my mom said the government should shoot one down or capture one and then we will know more about them. LOL. Makes sense. I wonder if they could capture a drone? Maybe send a helicopter to drop a net and grab one.

seawulf575's avatar

Shooting one down wouldn’t be as easy as it sounds. Depending on how high it is in the air, the bullets may or may not have enough ummph to get to the drone and you could end up with bullets falling back to Earth. Then you have the question of being able to hit one. I heard that some of those are the size of a car. But try shooting a car that is half a mile away and is moving. It isn’t all that easy. And you end up again with bullets coming back to Earth if you miss. If you manage to hit it, you could cause it to fall to Earth and be responsible for any damage done as it falls. And likely the feds would try to find you to charge you with terrorist charges or some such nonsense if you managed to hit one.

gondwanalon's avatar

It’s a Federal crime to shoot down a drone.

JLeslie's avatar

I would think the government can get a very close up view of the drones and also follow them back to their owners.

LuckyGuy's avatar

You might want to fly a drone at night if you are using a thermal camera and are looking to do an informal census of homeless/unhoused living on the street in cold weather.
You would fly at night to do an informal urban wildlife study of animal behaviors and movements: bat populations, bird roosting, coyote, fox, rat concentrations.

chyna's avatar

^All good answers. But why wouldn’t someone come forward to say that it’s them?

LuckyGuy's avatar

Maybe they didn’t get permits. Or didn’t want people to know they were doing the survey.

It could even be a roofing contractor looking for potential customers by studying heat loss from houses and buildings. “Check it out! 123 Cherry Lane is leaking heat like sieve! They need a new roof.”

JLeslie's avatar

@LuckyGuy Roof drones would be daytime. Funny, a friend of mine who is an engineer and his latest part of his career was an expert witness in court cases for structural collapses and construction problems. He has a drone and noticed during one flight a large grocery store had a problem with their building. He went to tell the store and they barely batted an eye. No thank you, nothing, It was like the manager didn’t even understand what he was saying. He tried.

elbanditoroso's avatar

A couple of gut feelings: (not supported by any evidence)

1) the US government knows exactly who is flying these drones, and why. They haven’t admitted it because the reason, whatever it is, is not something they want publicized. So that suggests something nefarious.

2) why the east coast and mid-Atlantic states? Easy. They voted democratic. Somehow these drones and their surveillance are connected to politics and voting strength. Don’t know how or why (yet) but there is a connection.

3) Why at night? As someone else said, the drones can use thermal sensing to spot human bodies. (or drug labs, or ???)

Will we find out? Eventually. One of them will crash. It won’t be China or North Korea that is flying the drones. It will be some governmental agency.

filmfann's avatar

Can we jam their signal? Is that illegal?

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@filmfann no they cannot shoot them down !

Here is what changed – - – FAA in 2023 allowed drones to fly after dark !

All the sightings are after dark ! DUH !

I still think some drones are FBI checking up on cash deliveries to Trump at Bedminster Resort. by foreighn governments !

Demosthenes's avatar

I mean, some politicians have practically been calling on people to shoot them down. I would attempt it and then say I was concerned about Chinese or Iranian spy craft.

This honestly just sounds like the balloon saga all over again.

Blackwater_Park's avatar

The ones in question are not operating on regular drone frequencies so systems designed to shut them down are not working. They’re also sending out the same jamming signals so regular drones cannot intercept them (people have tried). Whatever frequencies they are using are unlikely to be FCC approved. That being the case, they’re flying illegally regardless if they’re in restricted airspace or not. Clearly not mass hysteria, “slight over reactions” or other bullshit. We are just not being told the truth, full stop. Beyond that is pure speculation.

RocketGuy's avatar

Someone on Twitter mistakenly saw Orion’s belt as a group of drones…

MakeItSo1701's avatar

Someone on Nextdoor was wondering why they could see the moon at 3pm

Not surprised we are losing touch with outer space.

Demosthenes's avatar

@RocketGuy Which means that, yeah, some of this is hysteria.

People have been seeing drones, but then others start seeing them where they aren’t, and the story spreads and gets blown out of proportion. It’s kind of the perfect media distraction story.

Forever_Free's avatar

Trump will get to the bottom of it. He is God on those kinds of things.

jca2's avatar

I just saw on the nightly news that Ocean County Sheriff (NJ) has a new Drone Command Center, right near the beach, since, they say people are saying the drones are coming from the ocean, so they have the mobile command center right up near the ocean.

The Sheriff who was interviewed is sitting in front of screens with the drone sightings pinpointed on a map. They asked him in the interview if he has seen things that still cannot be explained and he said yes.

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