This holiday season, are you feeling jolly, or jolly-ish, or Grinch-like?
Asked by
jca2 (
3 months ago
2024 holiday season, are you feeling jolly?
Are you feeling not so jolly?
Are you feeling like bah, humbug?
Are you doing all the holiday things? Are you ready to celebrate or would you rather be left alone?
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7 Answers
Yes, to all, on rotation. For the first time I have handed all the reins to my kiddo, a bit of relief there! But mostly we concentrate on having a lovely time and seeing the people we care about without making a big fuss about Tradition.
But I will be relieved on Thursday!!!
A little grinch-y but I’m trying. Lights and tree up at least.
I’ve been “meh” about the holidays since my folks passed in 2000 and 2005. My sister lives about 800 miles away and has her own family and in-laws. I don’t remember the last year I decorated.
You guys are going to groan, but would you believe I’ve never seen the traditional holiday movies? 34th street, wonderful life, christmas in CT, and others. I’ve seen parts of most of them but that’s it. I was thinking maybe this year I’ll watch them.
Christmas for me is different now with my mother gone. We’re still a bit lost at the holida season, and we’re all together but as far as a gathering spot goes, it’s not set in stone like it was when my mom was around. When she was around, it was always her house, just like when my grandmother was around when I was a kid, it was always her house.
Christmas is also different for me now because my daughter is as teenager, so she picks out most of her own gifts and I pay for them, which is different than Santa leaving surprises under the tree. I also exchange less gifts with friends, actually no gifts at all, which is a big relief as far as needing to buy certain things for certain people.
@smudges Me neither. One holiday movie I always recommend, which is a bit untraditional, is The Family Stone. It’s about a big family, relationships, death but somewhat funny while it’s dramatic. It takes place during the holiday season so I consider it a Christmas movie.
I’m never Grinch-like. I usually range between melancholy and jolly-ish. Rarely full on jolly.
I’m feeling meh-ish. Missing my kids and the wonderful Christmasses we had when they were younger. I make nice alternate plans but I just don’t feel in a jolly mood.
There is no winter wonderland here. It is unusually warm for the time of year and the sun is streaming through the windows. It is pleasant weather but it doesn’t feel like Christmas.
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