If Trump succeeds at his goal of taking over Canada, would it count as one additional state? Or as 13 (10 provinces and 3 territories)?
How would our frozen neighbors to the north be integrated into the US political system?
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Citation regarding takeover?
My guess is ten or eleven provinces. The territories will be put together with a nearby province.
I was thinking something similar. I think that the western provinces would be split in half from north to south. So there would be 17 new states. Also Vancouver Island would be another province like Prince Edward Island. So that it would be 18 states.
Southern Ontario would be another state, so that makes 19.
No real meat behind this maple glazing idea at all. Provide some reference please.
@RedDeerGuy1 Isn’t Vancouver Island in BC? Why would that change?
@JLeslie Yes. The same deal that let P.E.I become a province.
Well, if we look at history…..colonizer land grabs usually involve skirmishes and all out war over the territory.
People will be hurt and killed in the process, obviously.
It’ll be a huge mess, basically.
Again, proof that this man says anything he wants with zero thought behind what he says even in jest.
@Forever_Free No real bacon behind this maple glazing idea.
Tariffs would still be in place on ourselves.
In case you didn’t click on @elbanditoroso’s link, Greenland and the Panama Canal, too.
I heard Maple syrup farmers (is farmer correct?) are dwindling down in the US. Supposedly, many of the children of people who manufacture maple syrup aren’t interested in the business, and this might seriously reduce maple syrup availability. Seems like Canada might be able to pick up some of the slack, so another reason to consider conquering Canada and making it a part of the US.~
I am not planning to spend four years reacting to every idiotic thing that man says. I’ll save my actions and my ire for the things he might actually be able to do that can hurt people.
CNN is broken. There is literally no comparison between this crazy plan and the Louisiana Purchase. Stupid clickbait headline.
At least 10 states, and most of them leaning Democratic.
@smudges on who? Do you not believe Trump said it?
@caravanfan, then read the NYT article.
That means there will be no wall needed to the North!!!!!
Can’t wait to hit the Montreal Jazz fest and not have to show my passport anymore.
1. Americans have enough problems without trying to remember 13 extras states.
Cut and pasted from the NY Times: “Over the past two days, President-elect Donald J. Trump has made clear that he has designs for American territorial expansion, declaring that the United States has both security concerns and commercial interests that can best be addressed by bringing the Panama Canal and Greenland under American control or outright ownership.
Mr. Trump’s tone has had none of the trolling jocularity that surrounded his repeated suggestions in recent weeks that Canada should become America’s “51st state,” including his social media references to the country’s beleaguered prime minister as “Governor Justin Trudeau.”
Instead, while naming a new ambassador to Denmark — which controls Greenland’s foreign and defense affairs — Mr. Trump made clear on Sunday that his first-term offer to buy the landmass could, in the coming term, become a deal the Danes cannot refuse.”
The NY Times and CNN are playing into his hands. This is just a distraction. Everybody knows it won’t happen but yet people waste their outrage on this and not the real bad things that he will do, like mass deportations, banning abortion, cutting funding for the poor, eliminating vaccine protections, etc. etc. etc.
^^ Thank you, exactly what I was thinking.
He’d be better taking over Mexico! Then he really would have solved the border problems!
As far as border problems south of Mexico…not our problem. That would be Mexico’s problem. (Did I do good channeling the fat, orange idiot?)
I haven’t read previous comments yet.
More silly fear mongering from the left.
Thanks for the link @elbanditoroso.
God he’s an idiot.
As for declaring war on drug artels, he’s blathering on about a book somebody told him about (because he sure didn’t read it himself) that Tom Clancy wrote long time ago called Clear and Present Danger.(film)
@seawulf575, I would agree except the idiot himself has been prattling on and on about, thinking he knows what he’s talking about.
Wulfie I don’t agree with you on anything political, but this one time I hope your right.
@Caravanfan For 8 years this same bullshit, it is truly unbelievable. I say it over and over again, Trump must laugh his head off at how easy it is to manipulate his groupies and the Democrats. He probably says to his friends “watch this” and then tweets or says some crazy thing and just sits back and watches the hysteria.
@Dutchess_III Taking over Mexico doesn’t solve the border problem. It would add everyone in Mexico into our country, snd we would border Central America. It would add millions of poor people to our poverty programs.
If it does happen, it won’t be formal for a long time. Canada would be brought to heel and made to serve American interests, but it could go on with its own politics, pretending like they mattered, and occupying the populace. It would be much easier than actually giving Canadians political power in US politics. When Canada would finally become a non-state possession of the US, it would have no say about the form.
I don’t think this will happen soon, but the sentiment is anti-state and oligarchical, which are trending.
@Dutchess_III and @SQUEEKY2 There are so many things wrong with this sort of supposition it isn’t funny. Think about it. What would be required in this country for us to take over any of the countries mentioned….any country at all? One way would require that country to agree to be a part of the USA. That would mean years of negotiations, treaties, etc. That wouldn’t happen under Trump’s term in office even if it started today. Another way would be for the USA to storm into the country and take it by force. While it would likely be possible to take the countries over by force (our military is probably large enough to do that), it would do so many negative things to us in the world it would be ridiculous. The world would be against us and we would those same nations we are trying to take over would likely get support from China to battle us in a proxy war. And before we could even get to that point, there would have to be a declaration of war by Congress. That won’t happen. The political blowback on the politicians that voted for war would be amazing. Because, believe it or not, most people, including MAGA people, don’t want us in war. That might be the thing that broke any support for Trump. That isn’t what is seen as making America Great.
Nothing about this idea makes any sense except in the fearmongering way. Not to mention I can’t find a single place where he has mentioned any military force being used against Canada or Greenland. He has said that many Canadians wish they were the 51st state and he has mentioned (again) that he might like to buy Greenland for its strategic location. That has been tried before (1946) but never went anywhere. The Panama Canal might be a different issue as it has national security issues. So if China, for instance, suddenly put a military presence there, things could get tense. But an outright invasion won’t happen now.
The problem with questions like this one is that people rush to bash Trump without thinking things through. I’ve often wondered if I could make up something about Trump and post it somewhere in the internet just to see if it would become a prime talking point for the left and how long that would take. Because it seems there is nothing too crazy for them to believe when it comes to Trump.
Wulfie, then why on Trump’s part all the idiot talk of doing just that, taking over Canada or Greenland?
Word has it that he was “joking” about Canada, but he’s serious about the Panama canal and Greenland. God. What???
Denmark are taking him seriously.
??? Denmark is in Europe…???
Greenland is a Danish Territory, has been since Erik the Red !
Trump is a real estate tycoon (buffoon). The revenue that Panama collect, pisses him off (he wants the money ). . Greenland and Canada are both rich in mineral and petroleum. reserves !
He would take over the countries and make them non-voting territories.
@SQUEEKY2 Go back and do the research. He isn’t talking about “taking over” Canada or Greenland. He said that Canadians would like to be the 51st state. That is a huge difference. And he did say he would like to pursue buying Greenland for its strategic location. But buying and “taking over” are two different things as well. And still, I can’t see either being possible at this time for our country. Not during his term in office. Too many bureaucratic hurdles to jump. I guess if Canadians all wanted to be part of the US and stop being Canada, that might be able to be done in a 4 year term…you know…with no opposition from Canada.
What an absurd conversation!
If the rest of the world could some how prevent a trump election you can bet your bippy they would!
What makes Canada so special?
Dutchess, we have a huge amount of resources, lumber, oil,fresh water and so on.
Wulfie the Canadians I am exposed to definitely do not want to be another state.
I can’t imagine a majority of Canadians want to make Canada a US state.
Almost half of Quebec wants to separate from Canada, that province definitely won’t be interested in joining the US.
By all means, let’s refight the War of 1812.
Yeah @SQUEEKY2. And the Middle East has ALL OUR OIL! So we should make them a US state too. Or a bunch of little ones. Along with the Panama canal and Greenland.
So incredibly stupid all the way around
@seawulf575 Trump did state “Great idea Canadians would like to be the 51st state.”
That’s like me telling you “You would like to move to the border to help police immigrants”
He seems to be forgetting “consent”, similar to his rape and grabbing women.
How can you even back this lunacy idea.
Just because some lunatic makes some ramble is meaningless. There is no chance in any of it. Stop wasting our time.
@Forever_Free Go back and take the entire thing in context instead of just the snippets you hear on lefty websites or “news” outlets. Your own comments tell me that is where your get your info. Trump was never charged nor convicted of rape, yet the left keeps trying to say he is. Ditto that with the grabbing women by the pussies. He never said he did it. Yet you all go crazy.
And this conversation is just as warped as everything else you want to be offended by. I have never backed the idea of making Canada the 51st state (which was said as more of a slam on Trudeau than anything truly serious) and I have basically pointed out that all the fearmongering you are adhering to is completely ridiculous as it cannot go through, nor should it. Go back and read my comments, I have not “supported” any of the ideas you on the left have attributed to Trump. I have tried to inject realism into the conversation but obviously the TDS is strong with you.
In talking about kissing women, Trump boasted: “I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything.”
“Grab them by the p****. You can do anything,” the Republican nominee continued, using vulgar slang for the female anatomy.
https://www.npr.org/2016/10/07/497087141/donald-trump-caught-on-tape-making-vulgar-remarks-about-women and MANY other sources.
I strongly suspect that he has, but even if he hasn’t, isn’t that offensive enough for a presidential candidate to make?? or do you agree with him @seawulf575?
@smudges Is it crude? Sure. Does it equate to him grabbing some woman by the pussy? Nope. Yet what is the talking point? And, just a nit to be picked, he wasn’t a candidate at the time. It was years before he entered the presidential race in 2015
Wulfie you’re right your hero hasn’t been convicted of rape, so let’s go sexual assault instead,now defend him.
@SQUEEKY2 Ok, he was convicted of defamation in a civil case. And that is under appeal. What is the problem with dealing with facts? But you did finally admit the entire left wing talking point is a lie…he isn’t a rapist and was never charged with rape nor tried for rape nor convicted of rape. That is progress. But you blew it with the sexual assault talking point. He was never charged with sexual assault, was never tried for that nor convicted of that. Sexual assault is a criminal charge, not a civil one.
So – - – the lefties forced him to accost E. Jean Carrol ?
. . .and the grounds for his appeal is . . . he didn’t like being found guilty !
@seawulf….“Does it equate to him grabbing some woman by the pussy? Nope.”
WHAT??? He DID! He SAID he did!
Let’s not forget the horrible bribe that
Joe and Hunter were so guilty of, all the facts were there oh wait a total fabricated lie but Wulfie won’t acknowledge that.
@seawulf575 “he wasn’t a candidate at the time”
That makes it worse – that he was able to become a candidate at all after showing himself as misogynistic.
@Dutchess_III Nope. That is the leftist lie. @smudges posted a video that had the conversation. Go back and listen to it.
@smudges What he showed is that he believed what many men believe: that there are gold-digging women out there that will allow anything if they think they can benefit from it. And there is a large library of cases where that is the truth. Look at Anna Nicole Smith as a perfect example. She met an 86 y.o. billionaire when she was working at a strip club. She was 23. They went on to get married a couple years later. Think that was for love or do you think she saw an easy payday? Think she let him touch her pussy at the strip club? I’m guessing so.
Why is this attitude acceptable to women but it is misogynistic if a man talks about it?
@seawulf575 Please don’t accuse me of not knowing the full context. I suspect I know the full backstory far better than most people.
@Forever_Free Okay, then show me where he said “I want to take over Canada. I want to make them the 51st state.” I’ll wait. Of course I’ll be waiting forever since he never said it. But hey, you know the full context, right? So maybe I’m wrong and you can educate me. But I want to see the actual transcript of video where he said it…not some lefty interpretation of it.
@Dutchess_III Yep. I do. Do you? Where did he say “I grabbed her by the pussy”? Just like with @Forever_Free I’ll wait while you scramble to find the actual quote (even though it has already been given to you). Not some lefty interpretation, but the actual quote.
Thanks Willie! Saved me a second.
@Tropical_Willie and @Dutchess_III The challenge is still out there. Where did he say he actually grabbed a woman by the pussy? He didn’t. The Vox article is just that…an article. Go back up to the link @smudges provided that has the audio and you can get a much better sense of what he said.
See? This is the problem with the left. They hear something, build it up by altering it slightly again and again, until it is a complete lie. They then say it over and over and over again until those that don’t think for themselves believe it to be the truth. Go back to all the horrid things you have ever said about Trump and then dig back into them to the root of the story and you will frequently find that what was actually said or done is different from the story you are spreading.
@seawulf575 We don’t play that game. We also don’t have to honor you with you continuous requests when you divert on most everything. It really doesn’t make for healthy open dialogue by being attacked so vehemently.
Bullshit again, as usual, starfox.
The conversation was clearly about making aggressive sexual moves upon women without their consent. Scumbag spoke of a time he tricked a married women into going shopping with him, and moved on her like a bitch, but was rebuffed, and then seemingly clarified the meaning on “moving on her” by detailing his sexual practices of not waiting, and just kissing and perusing beautiful women. The line about grabbing women by their pussies was in this context. He may or may not have been saying that he has perpetrated this particular felony, and if he was he’s a known liar, but he clearly thought the notion would play well to the audience he had (minus the hot mic). That he justified his actual or fantasy sexual assaults with the idea that women allow this sort of behavior (which is almost consent) because he is a “star” is a twisted and entitled world view, which gives credibility to the since established understanding that he has been a full on rapist for decades.
And the Anna Nicole Smith thing? What a notion. Selling sex is never the same thing as taking it by force.
As far as the Canada thing, it’s always just bullshit with ol Scummy unti it isn’t, as you well know. He says stuff, soaks up the chaos, sees how it plays, and reorients himself. If he gets the notion that Canada is a gettable prize, he’ll keep it up. If he fails, he’ll say it was a joke all along. If he succeeds, he’s the greatest president ever who plays 9 dimensional chess with us smoothbrained plebes. Fuck him. At this point we’re all better off ignoring him as much as possible.
^^^ This is exactly what I mean. Ignoring however doesn’t make him go away. I prefer to stand tall and call his bluff like everyone should.
I don’t get the die hards that defend the Don Father to no end, he is hell bent on tanking the US economy and probably Canada’s, and Mexico’s with it.
And his loyal sheep just think he is great, he has already lied about bringing the cost of food and fuel down and that’s just the beginning.
@Smashley Yes, it was crude talk. That’s it. At no time did he say he actually did that to any woman, just that you could if you wanted. But you folks on the left cannot bring yourselves to admit that. Why is that?
As for Anna Nicole, she didn’t sell sex. She enticed the old rich guy to marry her. I guess that is sort of selling sex after all. But the point was that women will do that. Trump was a well known celebrity and I’m willing to bet there were all sorts of women throwing themselves at him…because he was a star. Whether they wanted his money or his influence to help their careers or whatever it might have been, they were all acting very much like what he described…just like Anna Nicole did.
And with Canada, what did he really say? He actually made the X post about it. You might have an argument for 2 posts. He posted this picture that said “Oh Canada” and the left started going crazy, speculating like crazy as to what it meant. Then he made this tweet where he is making fun of Trudeau’s policies and says there are many Canadians that want to be the 51st state so they could save money on taxes and military. And the left went crazy again. At no time did he say he wanted to make Canada a part of the US.
Have any of you thought he might just be throwing things out to watch you all jump and spin? Yeah, that would be a bit childish, but then so is the reaction from the left. But @Forever_Free Makes a really good point about ignoring though. If you all just ignored his tweets and things and stopped trying to make mountains out of nothing, he would likely stop doing them…eventually. But you are all so saturated with obsession about Trump you are incapable of ignoring him. Have you even considered that your obsessions (and those of the like-minded in the country) are the reason Trump won the election? The obsession allows the media to lie endlessly, it spreads the lies, and it divides the country. And those that actually take the time to do the research find out it is all lies, designed to be spread by the brainwashed to divide the country.
I call “BS” on your part Wulfie, your hero is a scumbag sexual abuser, I wouldn’t leave my grand daughter alone with him – - He’d a his greasy finger, from his 28th Mickey D cheeseburger of the day, between her thighs !
Bet ya !
OMG I think I’ve fallen in love with @Smashley!
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