Social Question

jca2's avatar

If it were up to you, what do you think should happen to asylum seekers (aka the recent migrants) who commit crimes in the US?

Asked by jca2 (17150points) 2 months ago

Do you think the migrants who commit crimes should serve their punishment and then be deported (thereby revoking their immigration status)? Do you think the migrants should be deported without serving their punishment? Do you think the migrants should serve their punishment and be allowed to remain in the country?

Do you have another idea or opinion not mentioned above?

This is a subject that has come up in the news, and is a hot topic now in NYC after a Guatemalan migrant set a woman on fire on the subway, killing her. There have been other crimes by migrants that were hot in the news, like last winter when a bunch ganged up on a police officer in Times Square. There have been other crimes committed by migrants, and of course crimes are committed every day by US citizens, which is always brought up by advocates for the migrants.

What do you think?

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15 Answers

Caravanfan's avatar

Depends on the crime.

janbb's avatar

The same treatment that would be given to a citizen/

Blackberry's avatar

Depends where they live I guess. In eastern Washington, where everyone’s potatoes and onions are farmed….no one else is going to live out there to work, so it’ll probably fly under the radar.

Zaku's avatar

If it were up to ME, they’d be placed in an arena combat to the death with Donald Trump, who will repeat his accusations that, “They’re eating the cats! They’re eating the dogs!” right before combat begins. If they emerge victorious, they will be pardoned.

flutherother's avatar

There is a difference between asylum seekers, migrants and undocumented immigrants. The recent New York subway case involved an undocumented immigrant who had already been deported once before. It’s hard to see what a second deportation would achieve. I would favour him being tried in the US then serving his sentence in his home country.

If you’re talking about asylum seekers, they are not a significant source of crime in the US.

seawulf575's avatar

This is very similar to a previous question of how we would handle undocumented immigrants in this country. At that time I mentioned that if they have committed a crime currently or in the past you should deport. But I will amend that slightly and say it would depend on the crime as to whether deportation is the right thing or not. Petty theft is a far crime from burning a woman in the subway for no apparent reason. In a petty theft case, deportation only might be the appropriate punishment. Maybe misdemeanor is the cut-off. But in cases where someone’s life is put at stake (DUI, Armed Robbery, attempted murder, arson, murder, etc) then at a minimum the maximum penalty by law for that crime and then deportation.

The problem really lies with the politicians. Biden and his crew set about bringing as many illegals as possible into this country and then spreading them all over. Then you have politicians that set up programs where the illegals are treated better than US citizens. The politicians create the situations that allow criminals like the one discussed to exist in this country illegally. Maybe the politicians should be charged as accessories in crimes like this?

seawulf575's avatar

@ragingloli Read your own article. She didn’t get elected. There is likely a reason why. And just so we are clear, does your statement mean that if I can find one person to be a complete buffoon I can brand the whole bunch the same way? We can do that, but remember, it goes both ways. And it can include other countries, like Germany for instance.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Jail and try them, bill to their home country.

MrGrimm888's avatar

It’s far more complex, than multiple choice.

ALL options, cost enormous amounts of money/resources, and obviously deportations don’t mean that person won’t just come back…
Some countries, do not accept deported people…
Believe it or not, some people come from such remote places, nobody can tell what language they even speak.
Part of what makes America “great” is our “justice” system.
This requires that the person who is undergoing a legal process, fully understand the process.

Ideally, we would imprison them here (if convicted,) then deport them.
The problem with that strategy, is that the US already has a great number of it’s natural citizens rotting away in private prisons.

There are MASSIVE problems, currently, with over packed prisons.
There are an estimated 20 million + illegals here.

If you listen to Trump, that’s 19.8 million rapists, murderers, drug and human traffickers.

As of August 2024, there are/were 2 million people currently incarcerated in the US.
And THAT number, is already exponentially overwhelming the prison system. And of course, the courts…

Who is supposed to arrest ALL of these “criminals?”

It’s extremely difficult to keep the warm bodies we do have in law enforcement, and obviously some of them shouldn’t be LEOs.

Trump has already said, he intends to use the military for the task of hunting all of these people down.
However. That would violate The Posse Comitatus Act, which prevents the use of federal forces to enforce civil laws.

Now. The act does allow the government the ability to give express permissions to go around this. BUT. It would be EXTREMELY unwise, to normalize use of military force inside of the country.
It would no longer, be America…

jca2's avatar

@MrGrimm888 A friend of mine is a cop, and during Obama, he told me that when they arrested someone who was here illegally, they called ICE and ICE would come take the person away. However, ICE wouldn’t want to bother for just one criminal, it had to be a bunch for them to come. That’s what ICE is for, specifically.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^That’s likely accurate.
Illegals get arrested by all branches of law enforcement.
If they are arrested, they go to jail.
What they mainly do is take guys that are wanted here/by us, into custody. If they search a van, and two guys are criminals, but 5 other guys aren’t, but still are Illegals, they let the Illegals go.

There is also border patrol, not just in border states.

If there are drugs, or guns involved, ATF is involved.

The FBI works (or used to) with their Mexican equivalents, and there are already a LOT of resources being directed at the issues with Illegals.
In Texas, there are illegal civilians patrolling the borders as well.

It’s a very big, mess.
If Trump wants to even put a dent in the numbers of Illegals here, he will have to pour resources into it.
Resources that frankly, we don’t have. It can take months, and multiple officers, to track down a single person.

I blame Texas, for transporting all if these people carelessly and without tact, all over the country.
The wall DEFINITELY, won’t matter now…
Whatever diseases these people had, are obviously going to spread exponentially faster from being distributed to blue states and sanctuary cities. And the Illegals will in turn, get diseases from the cities they are dropped in…

The conservatives were too busy trying to punish sanctuary cities, to prioritize keeping track of these folks. So. Their families are broken up, and Trump may like that, but it makes harder for us to find them again as well.

They wanted these people, to commit crimes, so they could justify their bigotry.

Natural citizens, are the ones committing the most crime.
The Illegals, just make the headlines…And sure, such crimes feel preventable because some of these criminals are here illegally.

jca2's avatar

I don’t think they’d have to track down single individuals, at least not at first. They could go into a migrant shelter and round up a few hundred right there. They’re also talking about going into workplaces and getting people that way, too. Whether or not they actually do this stuff remains to be seen, of course, but this is what they’re saying they will do.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^If their aim is illegals who have committed crimes here, they will absolutely have to target individuals. That’s usually how they find other illegal criminals…

Regardless of strategy, I do not see a logical solution… Mainly, I don’t believe Trump will be able to really pursue this mass deportation. And as I’ve said, even if he can deport 1 million people per year, it would take 20 years to get the people here, and of course millions WILL sneak in during the process, AND some will have children.

I personally, DO NOT give them permission, to essentially install Marshall Law…That will be step number uno, for Trump becoming a dictator…

You really want a bunch of soldiers, patrolling the streets, and harassing people
like in 1930’s Nazi Germany?..

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