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Dutchess_III's avatar

Did our (the USA) education system fail Donald Trump?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) 2 months ago

He is is so ignorant about so many simple things.

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36 Answers

SQUEEKY2's avatar

No,I just think the dark side turned him.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Yes. He just wasn’t that smart to begin with and the abuse he suffered growing up just compounded it.

Zaku's avatar

In an ultimate sense, yes.

That is, an ideal system would detect degenerate personas and take effective remedial action.

JLeslie's avatar

No. His dad was an abusive tyrant.

He went to military private school part of his education. Plenty of hazing and highly competitive.

Public schools in NYC at the time were good and had a lot of good programs. Magnet schools in NYC gave kids an amazing advantage over so many places in the rest of the US. I don’t know if Trump ever went to public or just various private schools.

He also had interactions as a young adult with people who taught him to be like he is now

I don’t think Trump is stupid. Stupid like a fox maybe.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I’m sure they did, or tried to, @Zaku, and Dad trump refused to hear it.
“My son is a genius!” And forbade them from putting him in special classes or he’d cut their funding.
Parents have the ultimate say. Especially filthy rich ones

Dutchess_III's avatar

No. He’s stupid @JLeslie. Just stupid like stupid.

Dutchess_III's avatar

“The term “Educable mentally handicapped” was a term used to describe people with mild mental retardation who could learn basic academic and social skills. The term was used to classify children for appropriate instruction before 1975.”

We call it something else now, but I can’t remember what. That is what trump is.

JLeslie's avatar

@Dutchess_III I don’t see how someone who is retarded (I think that term isn’t PC anymore) gets through the Wharton School. Listen to his interviews in the past and even his recent interview with the Editor-In-Chief of Bloomberg. Even if you disagree with what Trump says he doesn’t sound below average IQ, he can carry on a conversation. I’m not saying he’s mensa, just saying he’s not stupid.

Are you just evaluating him or you are saying experts are saying he’s low IQ?

Smashley's avatar

Are you kidding? It’s failed everyone but him. No one has benefitted more unreasonably, broadly or cynically, with less to say. That rat Regan strikes again!

Dutchess_III's avatar

That’s why they call it something else @JLeslie.
He probably has an IQ of 100.
Mildly mentally challenged people can carry on resonable conversations.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I don’t have the training to professionally “evaluate” him @JLeslie. I just know challenged (stupid) when I see it /hear it. Most people with average IQs do.

flutherother's avatar

Donald Trump is Donald Trump. The question is: did the education system fail the tens of millions of Americans who thought such an irresponsible egotist could be a good president.

JLeslie's avatar

@Dutchess_III Where are you getting your information from? You might be right, I don’t know, I’m just giving my opinión. Any report of Trump having a low IQ with a reported number has been dispelled as false that I have seen.

School can change IQ only by a small amount of points. We’re all probably born with an IQ range and then the environment helps to get it up to the top end if the person grows up in a very environment. Going below the natural range might happen with led poisoning or something similar.

IQ is separate from other mental illnesses. You can have a high IQ and be bipolar, schizophrenic, narcissistic, and so on. You can have a high IQ and have low integrity.

Again, I’m not saying he has a high IQ, I’m just questioning your assertion that he’s way below average.

Blackwater_Park's avatar

@Dutchess_III Trump is a master troll. That takes a higher than average IQ. Trump is not stupid. He’s is narcissistic in the grandiose style and may go on about things he is ignorant about. I suspect his lifetime IQ is north of 120. That seems to be about the entry level to even be in a place to hold an office like that. He is also elderly and that comes with certain mental handicaps.

Forever_Free's avatar

In this kind of special case you cannot blame the teachers.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

I don’t think he ever was in public school, growing up; always in private schools.

jca2's avatar

Rich boy was in private school, probably driven by a driver every day.

I don’t think he’s stupid. He has other problems like a huge ego and not up on all current events, plus some age related slowing down, although he’s in better mental and physical shape than Biden.

elbanditoroso's avatar

I think he gamed the system. Yes he went to college, yes he went to grad school, but he skated through with a C-average and probably hired others to write his papers.

Remember he had a rich father and a guaranteed job when he got out of college. So he didn’t really have to worry about academics.

Where education truly failed him was in ethics and morality. His dad was a crook, so he wouldn’t have learned ethics at home. He should have learned it somewhere.

JLeslie's avatar

Pretty sure he didn’t go to grad school.

jca2's avatar

Just googled him. Highest degree is Bachelors in Economics

Dutchess_III's avatar

Where do I get my information @JLeslie? Have you not been paying attention?
Using infantile words like “bigly” and “hamburder.”
Describing an island, Puerto Rico, like it was the most astonishing thing he’s ever
heard of, calling the White House a “dump”, serving fast food to some athletic team and then disappearing instead of interacting with them, he’s unable to stay focused when giving speeches and instead goes off into nonsensical rambling, giving into his baser, animalistic instincts when it comes to sex with no inhibition, thinking that being president means he can do anything he wants (as he told some high school class), cluless about the three branches of government and how the government works…and that’s just off the top of my head because I can’t open a 2nd instance of Google on my phone.
Where have you been? Have you not been paying attention @JLeslie?

@jca2…and he had to cheat like crazy to even get a bachelors. He can’t even multiply 9*9.

Because he is STUPID. And spoiled. The people whispering in his ear are smart and he’s too dumb to realize he is just a pawn.

JLeslie's avatar

Bigly. Lol. His words get him elected.

Dutchess_III's avatar

“Bigly” is a word a 3 year old, who is just learning the language, would use.
Same with “hamburder.”
And you ask how I know he has a substandard IQ. Lol.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

There is no doubt Trump leaves a lot to be desired, what gets me is the great amount of people that just love the guy.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@Dutchess_III Half of the population has under 100 IQ.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

In politics stupidity is not a handicap. – Napoleon Bonaparte.

Blackwater_Park's avatar

@Dutchess_III He’s doing things like this to get people like you all riled up. It’s working. Again, he’s a master at his trollcraft.

Dutchess_III's avatar

No he’s not @Blackwater_Park. He doesn’t know any better.
But let’s say that’s what he’s doing. What does he hope to gain by acting stupid? What does he hope to gain by riling us up? Votes?
He’s gone on rants against SNL and Jimmie Kimmel for making fun of him for being stupid. He obviously doesn’t like it.
So flip side. He’s actually doing it on purpose. Why??

Blackwater_Park's avatar

He trolls the left and the people on the right reach for their popcorn.

Dutchess_III's avatar

So presidential of him. So mature. Exactly what we need in a president. Someone who plays head games instead of taking care of his responsibilities.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Ronald Regan trolled the atheists and democrats and communists.

JLeslie's avatar

@Dutchess_III Behaving presidential is a separate topic.

@RedDeerGuy1 Reagan catered to the Evangelicals with much of the country not even realizing it. Baffles me to this day.

jonsblond's avatar

Trump thought Nipple and Button were countries so there’s that.

MrGrimm888's avatar

@flutherother beat me to it.
Trump is a rather pathetic individual.

Had our educational system taught our children how to think, rather than fill their head with the America is great agenda, Trump would have no political power at all.

There are homeless people that have been talking just like Trump for decades. It’s just that nobody takes them seriously.

In addition, the biggest failure may have been that public schools didn’t seem to greatly help race relations.
Or. It couldn’t teach them, not to be bigots like their religious parents.

And that is WHY schools fail.
Organized religion, is being taught at home, and that clashes mightily with reality.

The US was founded by Puritans, and many of our laws and societal norms are based on the manufactured and now obsolete Christian religion.

Religious people breed faster too. So. This “Idiocracy,” really was inevitable…

Lightlyseared's avatar

No. It provided him with voters.

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