General Question

Dutchess_III's avatar

How do I make 1 of the 3 gmail accounts I have as my primary account?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) 2 months ago

Over the years I’ve probably created a dozen gmail accounts for various reasons.
I have one specifically for Fluther, for example. I never use it or see it, I just know it’s there.
I only have 2 that I use. One is my main email, the other is a throwaway account I use when making online purchases.
Well I made one today to recieve invoices from a lumber yard my son and I will be using for the house remodeling.
However after I created it, it defaulted to my primary account. I don’t want it as my primary account but I can’t figure out how to change it.
Please note this is in General for now.

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3 Answers

MakeItSo1701's avatar

Seems like you either have to sign out of all but one, or sign out of them all, and make sure the one you want as your primary is the one you sign into first.

It seems it is not as simple as just set to default

Here is a better step by step

this one has mobile too, I do not remember if the other links had IOS and android as well

Dutchess_III's avatar

I’ll take a look tomorrow when I’m not beat from trying to figure this out!
Thank you so much @Queenie.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Go into the two that are not primary.

Go to GMAIL: / Mail settings (the gear). then SEE ALL SETTINGS.

Look for the tab called FORWARDING AND POP/IMAP

Open that tab

Top of the screen is the option to Forward Mail. You can do NONE or ALL – and choose the destination for forwarding.

Choose your Primary as the forwarding address

Press SAVE CHANGES at bottom


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