What did you screw up recently?
Asked by
JLeslie (
2 months ago
from iPhone
I thought I had unloaded all of the groceries and somehow I missed putting away a $14 steak! Ugh, I’m so annoyed at myself. Had to throw it into the trash; too nervous to risk it after being warm for hours. I bought it for my husband and now I have nothing to prepare for him tomorrow except some cold cuts and frozen meals that I use for back up, but I wanted to make a nice scratch meal.
I’m not going to tell my husband what I did. We both hate wasting money and wasting food. He thinks I’m disorganized and this would just add to his judging me even though I take care of so many things (our taxes, most of the shopping and cooking, planning any and all vacations, lawn care) that a screw up now and then shouldn’t be such a big deal.
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20 Answers
I went out to my car the other day and there were chunks of frozen brown ice on the passenger side, the driver’s side, and all on the dashboard. I couldn’t figure out where it came from. I leave the car unlocked and was thinking maybe my daughter went into the car on the passenger side, or one of her friends did, and it was baffling for a minute. I looked in the back seat and found the frozen brown ice back there, too. I then saw that I had purchased three bottles of Caffeine Free Diet Coke and they were on the floor behind the passenger seat, and since it was freezing temps, the bottles exploded. Luckily it’s Diet soda and not sugary soda, because it would be a sticky mess all over if it was sugar. It’s about 2 dollars a bottle plus deposit, so that’s 6 dollars in soda lost, and also I would like to be drinking it and not wasting it, plus now the car is going to need a little cleaning in the interior.
I was cooking, and about to start by frying some onions and garlic. I’d heated the pan, and I add olive oil . . . but the bottle had less than I thought, and not enough.
So I start to open a new bottle of olive oil, but it has a fiddly little pull-tab to get it unsealed, which I struggle to get open. Meanwhile, the first bit of oil I put in the pan is getting hot, and I’m getting frustrated.
I finally get the second bottle of oil opened, and I add it to the pan, but being frustrated, I add too much oil, and I manage to spill oil on the stovetop, and a bit under the pan.
I don’t want the oil to burn or smoke, so I start cleaning up the oil, which of course is a pain, and requires moving the pan, which I also don’t want to get to hot, so I put it slightly off the stove top, and clean off the oil.
When I lift the pan to put it back on the now-clean burner, I realize that the hot pan had been resting on a plastic case, which melted, so there’s now melted plastic stuck to the bottom of the hot pan I need to cook with . . .
Fortunately, the antics stopped there.
Those two stories so far made me feel better. I’m actually grateful I didn’t have a mess to clean up.
Hoping to get some more answers when jellies start waking up. 5:38am EST right now.
I always change my own oil. Last change was done and I found the oil plug washer in the drain pan. I was able to take the plug out and use a finger to plug the hole while I put the washer back on and replace with minimum oil loss but still a mess. A third hand would have come in “handy”.
Used all my sick days and vacation, so I had nothing by December and now I’m burnt out lol.
^^ I have 40 hours left to use by the end of this year. Here, take some of mine.
Some years ago I forgot I was boiling some eggs and the water evaporated. In the middle of the night husband and I woke to what sounded like a shotgun being fired numerous times. Golf club in hand, we warily crept out of the bedroom and finally into the kitchen where we discovered hard boiled eggs on the walls and ceiling and floor.
That’s pretty funny, @smudges.
A few years ago, I rented a hotel that had a full kitchen (Staybridge Suites). I had some cans of Diet Coke (my drink of choice haha) and the full size French door refrigerator had two drawers (LG). I thought the top drawer of the two was a refrigerator drawer so I put the cans of Diet Coke in there. A few hours later, I heard popping sounds. I figured it was ice in the ice maker, falling into the bin. When I got up to look at it a little while later, I saw that some of the cans had exploded and there was frozen Diet Coke ice spray in the drawer. Luckily it wasn’t regular sugar soda and it was easy to clean by just removing the plastic insert. It was funny.
@jca2 Lol. That’s two exploding Diet Coke stories. So funny.
I have, on several occasions, burned rice in a pot. It’s pretty scary because the smoke detector would go off, and I would run to the pot and put it under water, which creates a lot of smoke and steam and it’s just scary in general because it smells really bad. Now, whenever I make rice, I put the timer on, on my phone, for no more than 10 minutes, and I pay close attention. It was really kind of traumatizing, when I burned the rice.
About 20 years ago, I burned lamb chops in the oven. I know they were on fire because I saw smoke curling out of the oven and I saw the fire in the oven window. I called 911 and told them, and they said get everyone out of the house. They asked who lived here, and it was just me and the cats. I threw the cats out onto the deck and then I decided since they were on the way but not there yet, I would shut the oven off (no brainer but at the time, I was in a panic). I shut the oven off and then I decided to put some things into the empty room to neaten the place up a bit. I also called 911 back and said the fire is out and the guy said they have to come to the scene anyway. The state trooper arrived first and the fire truck arrived shortly after. The guys got off the truck in full gear with their axes. The trooper told them the fire was out. One of the firemen had to come in to log in the brand of oven and I told him it wasn’t the oven’s fault, it was my fault, and he said they still had to log in the name of the oven. He could see the smoke at the ceiling. He did the logging of the name and then they all left. It was kind of scary and a story to tell.
I lived in a building that burned in a fire, ten days before Christmas over 20 years ago, so I am kind of paranoid about fire and when the smoke was curling out of the oven, I had visions of the ceiling going on fire and the house burning to the ground.
I accidentally mounted a bracket upside down today AND drilled the wall anchor holes to big. Had to do it all over again.
When I was in second grade I found my most desired toy under the tree on Christmas morning. I proceeded to use it and there was a spring that seemed like it shouldn’t be there. I had to work hard to remove it. Turned out the spring made the whole thing work. Tears. Thank God for Pawpaw.
Not recent, but first thing that came to me mind.
I was cooking some Zenb fusilli. (If you’re not familiar, Zenb is pasta made from yellow peas, with more nutrients than regular pasta. The stuff is very expensive but worth it.)
I somehow managed to oversalt the boiling water. I think I must have been distracted after adding salt, then repeated myself 1–2X times. Yuck…the results tasted disgustingly salty!
On the bright side, I had made a large batch of vegan bolognese. The “meatiness” is from finely-minced walnuts and vegetables, which I cooked with tomatoes for a couple of hours. If I say so myself, the sauce turned out amazing.
That ^^^ is tragic and I am not laughing! X.
Well when I was in high schooI I came home hungry, and found one of those little steak filets my mom used to buy.
I poured some oil in a pan and got it HOT and put the steak in.
Suddenly everything was on fire!
I got it under control and fed the steak to the dogs and when they got home I told my folks what happened and I didnt know why!!
Dad asked to see the oil I had used.
Karo syrup.
Some months later I got my driver’s license and kinda inherited my mom’s old car. A 74 green Vega. With a black racing stripe.
After several months Dad asked me to give him a ride some place. (He just wanted to see how my driving skills were.)
So we got in, I turned the car on, and the check oil light came on.
Dad said “How long has that light been coming on?”
I shrugged carelessly and said “Oh. It’s always done that!”
Forthwith I got a lesson about changing the oil in your car!
Next thing I was headed just a little out of town to a particular filling station. Dad was following in his Buick.
It turned into a 4 lane, speed limit 55, with not far to go.
I was in the left lane and there wss a semi in my way! So I pulled around and began passing him on the right. Suddenly, to my horror, he began pulling to the right, into my lane!
Dad must have been sick watching this play out in front of him
I laid on the horn and floored it to get around him ASAP!!
Then he saw me and pulled back left again.
Then we got to the gas station but before we got inside I forewith got a lecture on passing on the right!! YOU DON’T DO IT!! But if I found myself in that position again you don’t just blown the horn! You flash your lights, move the car, anything to bring attention to yourself!!!
So then we went in. Turns out a classmate of mine was working there. His name was Bruce V. Still is, actually, cuz we’re friends on Facebook now.
!!!!! And man was Bruce CUTE!!!!
I used “leant” instead of “lent”.
@raum Did you mean that comment for an different question? because you haven’t answered this one, thus, no “leant”. :^)
Isn’t this a question about recent screw-ups? :P
^^ Well it certainly was recent, huh?!
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