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jca2's avatar

Can we please bid a fond farewell to Jimmy Carter, and thank him for his service?

Asked by jca2 (17153points) 2 months ago

Former President Jimmy Carter has just passed away.

Can we bid him a fond farewell?

May he rest in peace.

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41 Answers

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Rest in Peace. He made it too 100. October 1st 1924.

gorillapaws's avatar

Of all presidents who were alive during my lifetime, he was the best. Rest in peace and thank you for being the last decent president.

canidmajor's avatar

The definition of decency, humanity, kindness, and generosity of heart.
Rest in Peace, indeed, President Carter.

LifeQuestioner's avatar

I was pretty young when he was president but my mom always thought very highly of him. I never understood all the hate directed at him by some during the hostage situation. And then I was so impressed by how he went on to a late age in building houses for people in need. What a great example of humanity! And now I look and see what is happening in the White House. You will be missed, President Carter!

chyna's avatar

Fly high Mr. Carter.

smudges's avatar

Salute! RIP, Sir.

cookieman's avatar

Certainly. One of favorite presidents in my lifetime.

janbb's avatar

A great humanitarian; possibly more effective after his Presidency. He walked the walk.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I just saw that.
I voted instantly after I turned 18. He was the first president I voted for.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

I have an autographed copy of his book from 1988 !

He was a man of his convictions and faith !


jca2's avatar

I just read in some FB groups that tomorrow, December 30th, West Point is going to do ceremonial canon blasts from sunup to sundown, every 30 minutes.

I’m about 50 miles from West Point so I won’t be hearing it.

JLeslie's avatar

I love Jimmy Carter. For many years when my husband and I would drive though Georgia I would tell me husband I wanted to one day go to Carter’s Sunday School, but I never made it there. My husband did have the opportunity to see Carter several years ago at an event.

I just wrote on my facebook that I hope people watch whatever documentaries and old interviews they play about Carter over the next couple of weeks. I hope to watch them even if I have seen them before. I remember an interview with Oprah maybe 20 years ago that I really enjoyed.

He was a shining light of goodness.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I remember his Fireside Chats. Wasn’t sure how I felt about that.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

I was not alive when he was president. Based on what I have read, however, I wish I had been.

Dutchess_III's avatar

He was ok. But noone beats Obama. And you were there when we made history that day, @SergeantQueen!

MakeItSo1701's avatar

I was there!!!! 8 years old!!! haha

jca2's avatar

He was President from 1977 to 81. I was 11 and 15 when he left office.

Dutchess_III's avatar

It was because of Obama that Rick got registered to vote for the 1st time in his 50 years of kife! And he never missed a presidential election again.

filmfann's avatar

He was the best former president ever, that is his work after leaving the White House.

jca2's avatar

Flags at half staff for the next 30 days.

MrGrimm888's avatar

A true “man.”

In a way, this reminds me of when Tina Turner passed.
It was impossible to feel sad, for someone who lived their best life.
I felt most sorry for him, as he loyally sat with his dying wife.

He led a storybook life. This “ending,” is as “happy” as such things are.

And so I will celebrate the life, of a great man.
Journey well Jimmy.
Peace and love.

JLeslie's avatar

Carter and Clinton are why I say the Democrats should pick a Southerner to run for the office of the President. Carter showed that Southern men of strong faith can believe in equality, environment, and safety.

People heavily criticize his presidency, but he helped broker peace between Eqypt and Israel and the treaty still holds today.

He put solar panels on the White House, and solar is going to be part of the energy of our future, it’s too bad the country didn’t hop on that bandwagon sooner. I’m not one of those people looking to completely rid the country of all fossil fuel energies, but rather expand our sources of energy.

He has other accomplishments in office that many Republicans disagreed with and talk about dismantling since the time of Carter, but what sometimes shocks me is many Democrats don’t acknowledge his accomplishments, they are quick to say he was a terrible President. I’m not saying he did everything right, only saying he did do some good things that you probably agree with.

chyna's avatar

Damn @MrGrimmm888 That brought tears to my eyes. A good sentiment.

seawulf575's avatar

I didn’t care much for him as a president. But he was a moral man, a kind and generous man. He was also a former submarine captain and you didn’t get that position at the time by being a wimp. You earned it. I offer you a salute, sir, and wish you fair seas and good fortune in your next adventure.

Kropotkin's avatar

I don’t think the East Timorese have much to thank him for.

flutherother's avatar

He was a decent man, humble and honest throughout his long-life. In a world of Trumps and Putins and Netanyahus he was a beacon of light.

KNOWITALL's avatar

He’s the first president I remember as a kid. RIP.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Oh! Pres. Biden issued a decree, which was approved, for flags to be flown at half mast for Pres. Carter for 30 days.
This will extend through Jan 20th. trumps inauguration day.

JLeslie's avatar

I have been watching documentary type shows and interviews about Carter the last three hours. If there is a heaven he is there.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I volunteered with Habitat for Humanity for a couple of years until my feet took me down.
Carter envisioned HH and brought it to life.

jca2's avatar

@Dutchess_III I wrote that above, about the flags.

As far as who the decree came from, it’s not from Biden, it’s the 30-day mourning period for a deceased president, which is a federal mandate outlined in the U.S. flag code. It would be whether Biden decreed it or not.

What’s kind of amusing is that when Trump is inaugurated, the flags will be at half staff. Trump may not like it but it’s not up to him.

Dutchess_III's avatar

LOL! It’s just perfect!
Thanks for the info @jca2.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I’m not finding where it’s a standard mandate @jca2. Can you help me out?
I’ve seen flags at half mast but never for 30 days…and

MrGrimm888's avatar

Not to spoil anyone’s fun, but I think that the intent, of weaponizing the life and death of a great man is petty. At best.

It was VERY tempting, to mention the stark contrast between Carter, and the incoming POTUS.

Personally. I don’t believe Carter, and a certain pathetic person’s name, should EVER be spoken in the same breath…

I’m going to make a very rare request, and ask that a mourning/flag thread be started, so as not to tarnish this would be memorial.
Please, of course:)

Dutchess_III's avatar

Intent is in the eye of the beholder Grimm.

jca2's avatar

“U.S. Code (4 U.S.C. § 7m) requires the U.S. flag to be flown at half-staff for a period of 30 days following the death of a president or former president. Accordingly, since no flag should fly higher than the U.S. flag, all other flags, including state, municipal, corporate, or otherwise, should also be lowered during this same duration of time,” according to an order from Connecticut Gov. Ned Lamont.

cut from here:

Official details here:

Caravanfan's avatar

He is the best ex-President we ever had.

tinyfaery's avatar

One of the two real Christians I have ever known of. I hope he gets the afterlife he wanted.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Me too @tinyfaery. But what a legacy he has left for us.

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