Social Question

JLeslie's avatar

Do you socialize with people from other “races”? See Details.

Asked by JLeslie (65918points) 2 months ago from iPhone

For this Q socialize means have over to your house or go out together in a small group or one on one. It does NOT include being at the same party or being friends only at work or inviting them to your house within a group only because they happen to be part of that group, like a work group or invitation discussing planning for a project.

Race we will use very broadly dividing people into:

-Latin American/Hispanic
-East Asian
-South Asian
-West Asian

Statistics in the US show a decent percentage of adults don’t socialize with other races and ethnicities, I don’t know the stats in other countries. Children are more likely to have diverse friendships than adults.

I couldn’t readily find the original articles I have seen but an article from 2013 quotes About 40 percent of white Americans and about 25 percent of non-white Americans are surrounded exclusively by friends of their own race, according to an ongoing Reuters/Ipsos poll.


I can search for more info if jellies are interested.

I know quite a few people who talk passionately about diversity, equality, and then when it comes down too it, their tight social circles are not diverse.

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32 Answers

Caravanfan's avatar

Yes, of course.

snowberry's avatar


MakeItSo1701's avatar

No, but that is because I do not socialize with anyone outside of work or family. No exaggeration, the only people outside of family that have come into our house is my ex and my brothers exes, all white. (Or the coworkers my mom let stay with us for a bit)

And the only people I have hung out in real life with in the past 5–6 years is one coworker and two ex boyfriends.

My family is not all “white” however.

If it is not obvious, 99% of my life is online. I do not do in person very well at all. So, not a racist just very antisocial.

I could not tell you the races of everyone I interact with online, and it does not seem like that would count per your question.

seawulf575's avatar

Yep. I had a guy next door that was black. I’m white. He eventually moved (and died…a loss to the world) and another black woman and her mother bought the place. We have had them over for social evenings and we have been invited to their house. They have a standing invite to use our hot tub whenever they want.

We also have some hispanic families in the neighborhood, though I haven’t gotten to know them as well. They tend to keep more to themselves. We do talk in passing (like when we are walking dogs). One of the families had their two dogs get out and I saw them wandering up by the major highway. I stopped and told them to go home. They balked a minute and then obeyed. I checked later on with the family to make sure they got them back. They had.

There is a woman that is the last remaining member of my wife’s “girl gang”...the group of women that would get together and walk around the neighborhood. She is from Malaysia. She still comes over (and has my wife over to her house) and she and my wife go out on the town occasionally.

jonsblond's avatar

Yes, of course.

ragingloli's avatar

I do not socialise with Romulans. They are without honour.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

I only use smalk talk with my neighbors. Most of my real life contacts are usually with mental health therapists and outreach worker’s or Fluther, and of couse my mom.

smudges's avatar

I stopped and told them to go home. They balked a minute and then obeyed. I checked later on with the family to make sure they got them back. They had.

omg @seawulf575! That is just too effing funny!! One, that you told them that. Two, that they DID it!

I think that’s the first time I’ve used more than one exclamation point in a post.

Since fluther won’t let me ask questions and it’s relevant to this post, does anyone know anything about the “Lady” who used to use lots of exclamation points? She hasn’t been here since September. I hope she’s ok. If you can ask questions, please put it in meta.

zenvelo's avatar

I “pass” as white, although I am half Mexican. (Scottish dad, Mexican mother). So most people do not realize they are socializing with a Latino.

My girlfriend’s son in law is Chinese, so he is part of my inner social circle.

By the time I graduated college, my fraternity had Asians, Blacks, and Latinos all as active members, and I have stayed close to many for forty years now. We are pretty inclusive as long as you aren’t part of the asshole fraternity down the street.

I absolutely refuse to socialize with any MAGA hats.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Growing up in a more urban setting I did in and out of school. Moving to a predominantly caucasian bedroom community, we have a few different black & hispanic families here but I don’t know them well yet.

flutherother's avatar

I didn’t used to very much until I met and married one.

jca2's avatar

I don’t. Not now. I live in an area which is predominantly white (horse country, lake country). The complex I live in is probably mostly Irish Catholic, although I am neither Irish nor Catholic.

When I worked, I was in the minority and I had all kinds of friends and went to lunch, retirement parties, birthday parties, out to drinks, all kinds of things with all kinds of people. Now that I’m retired, I have a handful of close friends and they all happen to be white. I have a friend who is not a close friend, who adopted black children but I see her a few times a year. One of my close friends has a DIL who is from India, and I am friendly with her and you can say she’s my friend, but we see each other at mutual family events, so according to the criteria by the OP, I don’t know if that counts.

The school district here is mostly white with a handful of Hispanics in each class and a handful of blacks in the entire school. It’s a small, close knit community, with about 60 kids in each grade. The Hispanics who live here mostly live on farms doing farm help.

I belong to two senior groups (I’m a young senior lol) and they both happen to be white. One is in this area and one is up in the hills of CT.

My father is from Mexico but am very white in appearance (his family is from Spain). When I tell Hispanics that I am Mexican, they look at me like I’m joking.

I have dated Hispanic men, although not recently.

Dutchess_III's avatar

What? Of course.

Blackberry's avatar

I’ve socialized with every living creature in the universe. If you pay 19.99 for my seminar, I will show you how as well.

MrGrimm888's avatar

If you were a fly on the wall, at a poker game I attend with friends, it’s extremely diverse.
I used to live in a big house in a ghetto with a bunch of guys when I was in my early 20’s.
There were times, I was the only white guy there. It was a mostly black neighborhood…
I had a gay male roommate, for awhile in that house. He was the first openly gay person I had ever really hung out with at the time. I have multiple friends that are part of the LGBTQ + community.
I have Mexican friends, and my nephew had my 1st grand nephew with a Mexican girl.
Since they’ve been together, we go hang out with the Mexican people who live further on the outskirts of the city. They grow their own veggies, and have chickens, eggs, etc.
They have huge Fiestas, with great food, and I’ve grown fond of chewing 100% sugar cane.

We’re older now, but we all stay in touch, and usually have a few poker games a year, where I see everyone. Everyone’s kids, have kids. Many of the children, are multiracial.

I guess, I don’t see a lot of actual African people, or Asians.

I have lived around Charleston SC, for many years, and it is a port city, but one of the oldest cities in the US.
There are a LOT of slave descendents here, and many mixed with local natives.
We have a large, but shrinking Gullah Gheechee population, and you can hear it just barely in the language on the peninsula.
There used to be a lot of slave/Indian people living along one of our rivers, but developers bought the land, and essentially it’s an Island just for white people called Daniel’s Island.
I’m not sure what happened to the poor Gullah people, that used to live there and fish and make sweet grass baskets…

I myself, was gentrified to my current location…

I guess I could do better, but I don’t discriminate and enjoy meeting people from different places. My life would be so…dull, and boring without all the different people.

One thing I always found interesting about non-western people, is their use of bright and vivid colors, in their fashion and culture.

I don’t know where I’d be without, my fellow Americans.

cookieman's avatar

Well, my wife is Argentine and my daughter is Chinese, so…

Interestingly, friends I have from high school are all white. From undergraduate school, somewhat diverse (Asian, Nigerian, and white). But from graduate school, more diverse (Asian, Hispanic, African, Haitian, and white).

Forever_Free's avatar

I socialize with people. It doesn’t even register to me what “race” they are. They are human. It matters not.

gondwanalon's avatar

My wife is 100% Chinese. Been socializing with her and her family since 1990. I’m 1/8 South American Indian. Powwow with my canoe paddling Indian, Hawaiian and pail-face buds all year round. Hang out with and black skin old Army buddies and neighbors also.

Dutchess_III's avatar

My ex, the kid’s dad,.is 1/16th Indonesian. I was a minority at my own dinner table!
But along came grandkids. 10 of them. What an eclectic, beautiful mess! Some of them wound up even darker than their mom or dad, but 3 of them came out glowing in the dark, like Gramma…. Oh. I mean pail face like @gondwanalon said!

jca2's avatar

I think you mean “pale” unless their faces are shaped like pails, @Dutchess_III. haha

Dutchess_III's avatar

Yes @jca2. I was poking fun at @gondwanalon. :)

jca2's avatar

Hahaha @Dutchess_III! I get it now.

KNOWITALL's avatar

I will say that in our area, youd basically have to seek out ‘other races’ as they do tend to stay in urban areas.
I invited some coworkers over and my black female friend said no way is she driving out ‘to the sticks’ alone after dark. I laughed as I thought she was joking and she was not.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I would hesitate to drive out to the sticks by myself after dark too, @KNOWITALL.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Dutchess_III Hell I would too if it wasnt my ‘sticks’. Ha!

Tropical_Willie's avatar

I socialize with Native Americans and Native Hawaiians.

My wife is one quarter Native American and I’m one sixteenth.

When I visit Hawaii I try to see a musician that is Native Hawaiian . . . his cousin was Israel ‘Iz’ Kamakawiwo’ole ! The musician also gave a concert and lessons in playing Ukulele in my state, that I went to see him.

We have been friends on FB for ten years.

smudges's avatar

There are a couple of Native Americans in my beading group; one is the president. We’re a non-profit group and do some charities so we have a board. Several are regular customers who come into the bead store to shop, including men. They create gorgeous artwork and clothing.

A number of years ago my best friend was Black. Her father was a minister and I went with her to church one Sunday. I was the only white bread in the congregation. I enjoyed it, especially the singing.

Dutchess_III's avatar

My DIL is of Native American heritage. Between her and my son, who is 1 / 32 Indo, they have some breathtaking beautiful children.
But one of them is white. Looks like me, acts like me.
My mini-me.

raum's avatar

Bay Area is pretty diverse. It’d be pretty fucking weird to live here and not have a diverse social group.

I can see this maybe being more the case in a less diverse area?

snowberry's avatar

My family is international. I have Japanese, Hispanic and African in-laws. My next door neighbors are hispanic and we adore them. It’s quite the cultural mix.

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