Please help me find small soft foods that I can eat with dental pain?
I had some pyrogies and I had to slice them small to get into my mouth. It didn’t hurt much as I was percribed antibiotics and pain killers.
I’m thinking of canned sliced carrots, with canned mushrooms.
What else can you suggest?
My dentist wants me to eat more protein, and not to starve myself.
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20 Answers
canned tuna or salmon
corned beef hash
canned beef ravioli
Try baked beans, canned beef stew, soft cheeses like cottage cheese and ricotta, macaroni and cheese, yogurt, chicken noodle soup . . .
Soups, custards, puddings, applesauce, cottage cheese, soft noodles, ice cream, yougurt, skyr, bananas . . .
Cake. Ice cream.
Blended juices.
Soup to help you get some veggies and protein and not a ton of dairy. Split pea soup, vegetable soup,
Careful nothing too hot or too cold.
scrambled eggs for protein
I feel for you @RedDeerGuy1.
I’m going through the same thing now. I’m on antibiotics waiting for a root canal.
I couldn’t eat for two days. I did start easy with canned soups and mashed potatoes.
Good luck!
Greek Yogurt – has more protein than regular yogurt.
Cottage cheese
apple sauce
peanut butter and jelly sandwiches
You can also try Ensure, not a food but still ways to get your protein and such
Emergen-C I think it is called also. Just in case you are having a really bad moment of pain or something and cannot eat
@SergeantQueen Emergen-C is a vitamin C, over the counter, megadose for when you think you’re getting sick.
SQ beat me to it.
I was going to recommend Ensure Max Protein.
Just don’t over do it. One of the little drinks is like a big piece of steak. I suspect one could get quite ill, if they drank too many.
I get them in the 30 packs from Walmart. But the 4 packs, are usually about $13, which seems expensive, until you consider that each contain can count as a meal.
They are great for breakfast, or after the gym.
In the meantime, you could try adding something like V8, or something with fruit/vegetable nutrients. Some of the V8 splash drinks contain a days vegetable/fruit intake in each serving. It’s NOT the same as fresh veggies, but you don’t have to chew it. If your teeth or gums hurt, freeze the V8 and eat as a cold slushy.
Hope you feel better, big guy.
I almost passed out from not eating after getting my wisdom teeth out. They were fully sideways and it hurt so bad.
My boss made me sit down, drink apple juice and eat a magic cup. I bought a protein drink for lunch. It helped.
I’ve used an alternative to Ensure called Premiere Protein, which I find at Fred Meyers/Kroger. A bit cheaper but still loaded with the “good stuff” we need and so far I’ve found the taste okay. I tend to have some of both on hand, usually their chocolate flavor to sate my chocoholic taste buds, but have liked the other flavors I’ve tried, too.
@AlaskaTundrea I’ve seen Premier Protein at Costco, and I just googled to see if it’s a meal replacement. It’s not a meal replacement, whereas Ensure is a meal replacement. They said it doesn’t have enough nutrients to be a meal replacement. For the short term I am guessing it’s ok but it’s not a good long term solution, whereas Ensure would be.
@all Thanks. I had canned carrots and mushrooms, with spam sandwiches. Was ok. Hard to open my mouth with the spam and sausage buns.
Will put spam with mushrooms and carrots tonight.
Creamed spinach (chopped spinach mixed with cream cheese) is nutritious and requires no chewing at all.
I’m thinking of egg sandwiches.
I ordered a quesidia from Boston Pizza. Will try a bite when it arrves.
Quesidia was perfect. Easy on my teeth.
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