Social Question

canidmajor's avatar

How will you guys be ringing in the New Year?

Asked by canidmajor (21786points) 2 months ago

I’m old enough and tired enough to greet the new year well rested, so I’m dull. A glass of something fuzzy, then bed at the regular time. Someone in my neighborhood will set off fireworks at midnight, I’ll wake up, say Happy New Year to my frightened dog, and go back to sleep.
I have a lot of years behind me of parties, having to work (in bars) and stuff like that. Glad to be quiet, now.

Whatever you do, have a lovely time and Happy New Year!

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26 Answers

Forever_Free's avatar

My norm for many years has been dinner and a movie. Then time with friends and family.
Movie this year will be A Complete Unknown.

janbb's avatar

@Forever_Free I loved that movie!

I was somewhat reluctantly going to go into the city – not to Times Square but to dinner with a friend and then a NY’s Day brunch cruise around Manhattan. She’s gotten sick so I’m off the hook for a shlep into the city. Instead, I’m going out with a couple of friends to an early pizza dinner which is only a mile from my home. I won’t stay up til midnight – NYE doesn’t mean that much to me. Tomorrow, I’m taking a walk on the boardwalk with my guy friend and then having a girlfriend over for potato latkes at night – our Chanukah tradition.

mazingerz88's avatar

Dinner and watching again the new movie Nosferatu. Sadly, it’s not worth seeing again. So maybe Sonic 3!

janbb's avatar

@mazingerz88 It looked too scary for my taste.

Forever_Free's avatar

@janbb Sounds like a lovely thoughtful way to end the year and begin the new.

janbb's avatar

^^ Yes, I’m happy with my alternate plans.

Have a happy New Year yourself!

jca2's avatar

I have no plans today or tonight. I am going to finish streaming Carry On on Netflix, and then maybe watch something else, and do a little tidying up in the house. Tonight, I will watch the TV shows where the ball drops (maybe Ryan Seacrest). I don’t have any plans for special dinner – I have cheese and crackers. I do have a bottle of cranberry Moscato which I may or may not open. I’m not much of a drinker and am just as happy, or happier, with Diet Coke.

Sometimes our friends with kids invite us, but they haven’t this year, and that’s ok. If they do, it might be last minute, which is ok but I’m really just as happy to stay home. They’re about a half hour away, but it’s supposed to be pouring rain tonight so not a good night to go driving, and NYE never is, anyway.

Tomorrow, going out with my daughter’s twin friends and their mom who is my friend. We’re going out for Chinese food and then the girls will probably want to go shopping or something else in one of the Hudson River towns. The great thing about where I live is technically it’s the Hudson Valley, but I am also very close to CT (like three minutes from the border) so I can access both very easily. Both the Hudson Valley and CT have lots as far as things to do, good shopping, etc. Anyway, I digress.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

We’ll have a quiet evening and go to bed as usual. There will be deafening fireworks in all corners of the island at midnight, so I’ll wake up and kiss my love. Tomorrow morning, I’ll likely accompany him to the beach and sit while he swims. The water is too cold for me at this time of year. Then we’ll go to the mall to buy a few fukubukuro, a Japanese tradition of surprise bags from various stores. A bakery we like is selling them this time.

jonsblond's avatar

Staying in my pajamas and maybe watch a movie or some stand up comedy.

cookieman's avatar

In front of the TV, with the doggies, and a bunch of yummy food.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Mango champagne at home watching Squid Game 2.
I partied enough the first 40 years of my life that I enjoy being low key now in my early 50s.

Caravanfan's avatar

I am working in a winery at a New Years event.

longgone's avatar

I have the flu and will be mostly in bed. I think maybe I’ll watch “Dinner For One” and then clink glasses of Blackcurrant Ice Cream Floats at midnight.

janbb's avatar

@longgone Feel better Sweetie!

@Caravanfan Hopefully as a musician – not a doctor!

Mimishu1995's avatar

Get some rest and spend time with my family. We have plans to go out for New Year. It’s a great time to have fun with people I care about.

Caravanfan's avatar

@janbb Neither. I am pouring wine.

jonsblond's avatar

@longgone hope you feel better soon.

Zaku's avatar

Working, and shopping for things that may be harder to shop for tomorrow.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Mrs Squeeky has to work ,so myself enjoy a drink catch a movie then turn in.

kruger_d's avatar

Lit candles. Ridley on Netflix. Probably a drink at midnight and then to bed.

JLeslie's avatar

Went out with my husband to a town square here at 6pm to see a concert. Met up with some friends during the night, but mostly listened to the music and sang along sometimes. Stood up the entire time close to the band. It was fun, felt like being very young again.

Left around 8:15, pajamas by 9:00. Watched a DVR show and then I asked my husband to turn to Anderson and Andy for a few minutes and it happen to be when they were interviewing someone talking about something meaningless (to my husband anyway) and after 60 seconds he couldn’t take it anymore. Lol. We switched back to another episode of the DVR show and I fell asleep before it finished, I think it was around 10:15.

It’s now January 1st and today I plan to clean my closet and do about 20 minutes of work. Maybe watch some of the Rose Bowl Parade.

canidmajor's avatar

We had some hella bangers and buckets of rain coming down last night around midnight (SW Connecticut) so I wonder what it was like in NYC. Soggy, I would bet!

jca2's avatar

I was watching Ryan Seacrest and it looked like the rain stopped around 11. Once the ball drops, everyone clears out and the cleaning people come in. I can imagine that cleanup job – so much plastic crap. More crap for landfills.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

I feel into a deep sleep at 9:30pm. I just woke up an hour ago. (12:30pm mountain standard time).

MakeItSo1701's avatar

I was asleep by 11pm

Had a 10am shift

Sucks being an adult

MrGrimm888's avatar

Sober. Alone. In introspective thought.
I tried to just watch the sky for awhile, but the wind was cold, and I’ve had a runny nose.
I could see Mars, Jupiter, and I’m trying to figure the other planet out now, without looking it up. I will check it’s position over the next few days, and make a guess then look it up.

I rarely feel alone, or scared, in the dark or at night. It seems, almost more natural to me, than the daytime.

It crossed my mind multiple times, that it’s now the year 2025!
I had long thoughts, of why I’m still here, instead of more deserving others…

New Years Day, the duck hunters were blasting away, and pissing me off. I thought about going down to the river and putting 5 shots in the air multiple times, to spark a game warden investigation. (You can only load 3 rounds at a time, if you’re a hunter. ).....
But, I thought wiser of it, and didn’t. But I wanted 1 dam day, without that on the early morning.

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