^IF I were trying to logically entertain the ridiculous notion of a deity, and use my observations to guess what “gender” (another mind blowingly ridiculous concept) a monotheistic deity is, it would logically dictate that “the designer” went to great lengths to “make” not only human males, but the vast majority of creatures on Earth display what we call “sexual size dimorphism.” (SSD.)
This is when there is a distinct difference in size (and therefore in many cases capabilities,) between the sexes of a species.
The sexual size dimorphism, on this planet, almost always “favors” the male. (In species that display SSD.)
Off the top of my head, I believe a Hagfish/or type of “angler,” and definitely all but the most exotic spiders, display SSD in reverse. Which means that the female is the larger/more capable sex of their species.
With spiders, the male can be exponentially smaller than the female. To attempt mating, the male spider has to convince the female that he is not only a worthy mate, but not food.
In some cases, she may eat him, after mating anyways…
In humans, the SSD has (over time,) resulted in males essentially oppressing and/or dominating the females.
Obviously, SSD does not seem to play a part in intelligence, OR “morality.” So one sex, is forever physically inferior (speaking VERY broadly here, no disrespect intended) and worse, the much smaller sex is the one that the larger sex has primitive instincts about.
In nature, there is no such thing as “rape.” As we do not deem most animals to have the ability to even understand what consent is. BUT. “Rape” occurs with great frequency in the animal kingdom.
Now. We could try and say, that the “designer” made the larger sex have a vulnerability that could somewhat equal the playing field for the smaller sex.
An “Achilles heal,” in case the larger sex is threatening the smaller one, or something.
However. As I said, it does NOT “function” that way, for me.
I can tell you that the fact someone even tries to go for my crotch, is little different from you pulling a weapon on me. You’re crossing a line. I typically am just trying to nullify, a person that I’m physically engaged with.
Even in a non-law enforcement confrontation, I usually will just hold a man down.
If you go for my stones, I will dial it up.
I worked with a LOT of LEOs, bouncers, (a lot of them were former military,) I’m FAR from the only man, who can sustain a direct hit and just cry about it later…So. Sorry, it’s not a female deity installed “stop” button.
It’s just a “dirty” move.
Women do not have testicles.
But. They have eyes. To me, there are similarities in the pain.
For me, it the small amount of impact or palpation that will hurt my balls, is about the same as my eyes. THAT has been the closest body part pain, I can compare it to for a female.
Otherwise, they try saying ridiculous things like “we have breasts, and those can hurt.”
That’s a VERY amusingly ignorant sentiment.
I certainly wouldn’t try to call child birth, the same as me “dropping Thanksgiving diner off at the pool.” (Big poo.)..
If you’re saying that “God” is a spider, then I would have to consider it to be a female…
I know that in the case of the Angler fish (I’ve heard them called “Hagfish,”) biologists had NEVER found a male, and this perplexed them. It turns out, that the male is a tiny little guy, that actually merges with the female. Thus giving her, a lifetime supply of fish spooge.
(I wanted to look this up, so I could be exact, so THIS is what the net says.)
In some cases, the female Anglerfish, is 60 times longer, AND half a million sizes smaller…
You be be thinking, well that sounds like another potential female deity.
No no no. The “designer” made it so the males are essentially having sex ALL the time, and do no work at all…
It was only fairly recently, they discovered the male Angler.
Previously, it was thought the male was larvae…
So. If “God’s” an Anglerfish deity, I believe it’s a male. Perhaps a teenage male…