General Question

somechick4321's avatar

Any one here work at the home Depot distribution center? Can you get fired for performance?

Asked by somechick4321 (80points) 2 months ago

The expectation for performance is 95 percent. I know someone that is in the hardest department in the building and rarely reaches the 95 percent performance. Can you get fired for not making performance. He is on a ramp plan.

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9 Answers

MakeItSo1701's avatar

Every company you work for, you can get fired for not performing to their standards.

Does not mean you will. Sometimes the more workers the better, quality of work be damned.(in the companies eyes, I do not believe that)

jca2's avatar

At any job, you can get fired if you don’t perform.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Of course. Do your best.

Jeruba's avatar

> The expectation for performance is 95 percent.

I’m not going to know the answer to the OP’s question. I’d just like to find out what this statement means. Percentage of what?

No idea what a ramp plan means either. I’m just curious about unfamiliar terminology.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^Yeah. 95%, is a lofty goal, for most things…

The most successful predator in the world, is the Dragonfly. They catch close to 95% of the prey they go after. Apex predators, actually have much lower percentages of taking down prey, once targeted. Even with their speed, claws, strength, and teeth.

JeSuisRickSpringfield's avatar

@somechick4321 I worked at a distribution center one summer when I was a teenager. We could absolutely get fired for failing to make our goals. Whether or not your friend will be fired really depends on how much he is underperforming his goal and how reasonable his supervisor is. If the department is known to be harder to work in, they may be a bit more lenient. But if the ramp plan is due to past underperformance, then your friend is probably on his last chance and needs to start performing to expectations.

@Jeruba A ramp plan is a description of the goals that an employee is expected to meet and a timeline for doing so. It is often used for new employees to measure how well they are acclimating to the job and for underperforming employees who are trying to get back on track. In the latter case, it is often a prelude to being terminated.

Jeruba's avatar

@JeSuisRickSpringfield, thanks. And what about “The expectation for performance is 95 percent”?

seawulf575's avatar

In short, yes you can get terminated due to performance issues. Now, if your friend gets terminated for this there are a couple things that could impact if he/she could have in their favor if they seek a wrongful termination lawsuit. Were the standards well known and communicated? Were others doing the same work being treated differently? If the standard is known but is applied to all areas regardless of difficulty that could be problematic. Did the improvement plan lay out given steps for improvement and did the supervision work to help the worker meet these or did they seem to block the improvement?

JeSuisRickSpringfield's avatar

@Jeruba Say the goal is “move 100 packages an hour.” Hitting 95% would be moving 95 packages an hour. Meeting that performance expectation (95% of goal) allows you to keep your job. Reaching or exceeding 100% puts you in line for a pay raise or a promotion (and a new goal, of course).

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