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Dutchess_III's avatar

How is this with my granddaughter's eyes?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) 2 months ago

When she her eye color came in when she her eyes were startling blue.
Then, when she was about 5 I texted my daughter to ask “Is it my imagination or are they turning green?” They were!
Now, when she is mad they’re electric blue. When she is cool they’re sea foam green.
Two totally different colors.
How does this happen? I’ve heard of changing shades but not colors.

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29 Answers

SQUEEKY2's avatar

I would ask an optometrist and see what they have to say about this.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I want to hear from you guys!

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

I had blond hair untill I was 5. Now is brown. My only guesses is it is genetic, your granddaughter is wearing contacts, or she was switched with an shape-shifting alien.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

My dad played a prank on me when I was a child. He said that my eyes turn brown every time that I had to use the washroom.

He was right. Every time that I looked, in the bathroom mirror,
when I had to pee my eyes where always brown.

Took me years to realize.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Yeah. They get DARKER @SergeantQueen. A darker shade of what ever color they are.
Blue to green tho?
Blue is blue. It’s a primary color.
Yellow is a primary color.
Green is blue and yellow mixed. That’s what I can’t figure out.

cheebdragon's avatar

Could also be that when she is upset the area around her eyes turn red and it brings out the shade of blue in her eyes. My eyes appear green when i’m upset but are brown most of the time.

smudges's avatar

From the same site that SQ cited:

“If you have dramatic changes in eye color, or if one eye changes, you need to see an eye doctor. Such changes can be warning signs of certain diseases such as pigmentary glaucoma.”

smudges's avatar

There’s a good post, but I don’t understand how to link it. It’s easy to find tho. Just do a search for rose_0987; it’s the only question she’s posted.

Zaku's avatar

People’s eyes change colors. Many children have blue eyes which change a bit as they get older, IIRC.

janbb's avatar

@Zaku But Dutch is talking about changing from time to time with emotions and then changing back again. I’ve never seen that.

Zaku's avatar

Oh, whoops, yeah that’s interesting!

zenvelo's avatar

@smudges the article is here

@Dutchess_III eye color has nothing to do with the color wheel, retinal pigmentation is not the same as mixing paint.

smudges's avatar

^^ Thanks. Yes, I read that and even quoted some of it here in my first post. But my second post was referring to a Q&A here on fluther along with the posters name. HA! I forgot to say that it’s a fluther post so I hope the OP wasn’t searching the internet!

Dutchess_III's avatar

I was not.
Just starting a discussion.

gondwanalon's avatar

Could possibly be reflected colors from the surrounding surfaces and various intensities of light.

My eyes were blue as a child but slowly turned into a washed-out grey color. But sometimes when I wear a bright blue coat or shirt, people have commented that the blue shirt really makes my eyes blue.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Yeah, I have mostly green/hazel eyes, but when I’m really mad they are almost dark brown or black…

Dutchess_III's avatar

The first time I looked in Rick’s eyes I was very angry. I impaled him with my eyes…then froze. I had the sensation I was looking at the universe with stars rushing past…I felt my mouth start to fall open….then I composed myself and stormed out of the mower shop and peeled out of the gravel lot, throwing rocks all over the building.
But I kept thinking about his eyes. I finally came to the conclusion that his pupils dialated really rapidly and pulled what colors were in his (hazel) eyes rapidly backward.
And I didn’t speak to him again for 2 years cause I was really mad!_
Then we got married.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Thanks @snip. But that dealt with the normal color getting lighter or darker. It doesn’t talk about changing colors completely.
She has a doctor’s appt for the twins in February. I asked her to ask the doc.

Zaku's avatar

@Dutchess_III What were you mad about?

Dutchess_III's avatar

Oh! About Rick!
We met at the mower shop when I took my mower in, and it was BAM! for both of us. We went on a date to Connie’s Mexican restaurant.
Then we talked on the phone for about 3 weeks.
Made a 2nd date for lunch in the town I worked in…

The SOB stood me UP!!! No phone call, no email, nothing.
I got an extra hour of time off and burned rubber to his shop about 30 minutes away.
He was chillin’, sitting at the customer counter, shooting the bull with some one.
I came in, slammed down a note I had written, and hissed “I don’t know what kind of game you’re playing, but I’m not playing it!”
.....and stormed out.
He quietly and calmly, in a friendly manner, kept after me and after me though, for the next 2 years.
Then I got a 4 page letter (front and back) and thought “Thats a lot of writing.”
So I relented and I invited him over, to my turf.
He didn’t stand me up again.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^That’s how Ray Liotta’s character in“Goodfellas,” got married…
You’re Lorraine Bracco?..

Dutchess_III's avatar

Um. No. Just Rick @Mr. Grimm. And me. Cuz I was crazy.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^You need to watch “Goodfellas.”
Liotta’s character stood Bracco’s character up. She was crying and embarrassed, but showed up at Lotta’s character’s place and practically assaulted him.
This was a key point, in the story. Liotta’s character, was not interested in her, until she showed him some fire. Then they got married…

Zaku's avatar

@Dutchess_III Nice! What was his eventual story about why he’d stood you up?

Dutchess_III's avatar

He was stupid!
Knowing him now, he actually forgot. Which led me to think he didn’t feel the same way I did so bai.
I know now he’s a forgetful Jones. Probably from head trauma due to innumerable motorcyle racing wrecks.
But he paid for it.

smudges's avatar

<——is picturing angry people looking into the mirror to see if their eyes changed color. hehe

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